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Primary school sixth grade Chinese lecture script

Primary school sixth grade Chinese lecture script

z*** 21-11-11 Lecture script

1、 Talking about textbooks

"Sparrow" is an intensive reading text in the eighth volume of the six-year primary school textbook of nine-year compulsory education. It was written by Turgenev, a famous Russian realist writer in the 19th century. With novel ideas and concise words, he told a moving story about an old sparrow who bravely protected the little sparrow from harm in front of a huge hunting dog. Through the specific description of the demeanor and action of different characters, the article not only depicts the image of the small sparrow being weak and pitiful, but also portrays the image of the old sparrow standing out in a critical moment, daring to spare no effort to save children, and enthusiastically praises the powerful power of "love".

Sparrow is one of the texts in the third group. To learn this group of texts, we should continue to use the reading method of "understanding ideas from the content", and on the basis of overall perception of the text, read key sentences, understand the text content, and experience the thoughts and feelings expressed by the author. At the same time, learn how the author can describe and express the true feelings of animals in a specific manner and actions, deeply feel the true feelings among animals, and inspire students to love life and understand the greatness of love.

According to the requirements of the syllabus and learning period, combined with the students' actual situation and after class exercises, I formulated the teaching objectives of this lesson:

(1) Knowledge objectives:

1. Continue to use the method of "experiencing thoughts from the content", read key sentences and paragraphs, understand the content of the text, and experience the greatness of love on the basis of overall perception of the text.

2. Learn how the author describes and expresses his true feelings.

3. Read the text aloud and practice reciting.

(2) Capability objectives:

In the process of understanding the text, students' reading and analysis ability, oral expression ability, thinking and imagination ability are cultivated.

(3) Moral education objectives:

Know that the power of love is the "powerful power" of the old sparrow who is desperate to protect the young sparrow.

(4) Teaching focus:

1. Grasp the sentences describing the looks and actions of the small sparrow, the hunting dog and the old sparrow, experience the characteristics of the three, and further feel that love is a powerful force.

2. Practice reading the text with emotion to deepen understanding.

(5) Teaching difficulties:

Experience the thoughts and feelings expressed in the sentences describing the old sparrow's demeanor and action in natural paragraphs 4 and 5, that is, "a powerful force" is the power of love.

(6) Teaching preparation:

1. Text tape.

2. Animation courseware.

2、 Teaching and learning methods:

The spirit of the new curriculum reform emphasizes that reading is students' personalized behavior, and teachers' analysis should not replace students' reading practice. Students should be allowed to deepen their understanding and experience, feel and think, be influenced by emotion, gain ideological enlightenment and enjoy aesthetic pleasure in active thinking and emotional activities. We should cherish students' unique feelings, experience and understanding. The key point of reading teaching is to cultivate students' ability to feel, understand, appreciate and evaluate. The teaching process must emphasize the spirit of cooperation, highlight autonomy, and focus on the process of exploration and research. Therefore, I mainly use the method of students' independent learning and cooperative inquiry to give students the initiative of learning, fully reflecting the subjectivity of students. When designing the teaching plan, I combined the reading method of "experiencing thoughts from the content", first let the students enjoy reading aloud, feel the content of the text as a whole and summarize the main content of the text, then put forward two questions: "What impression did the old sparrow, the young sparrow and the hunting dog leave on you respectively?" "Those sentences in the text reflect their characteristics, why?" Let the students cooperate to explore, take the method of "reading - looking, drawing - discussing - reading", find the answers from the articles, say the reasons, and read out their understanding through reading aloud. In the feedback communication, grasp the key sentences, and let the students experience and understand carefully. Mobilize students' enthusiasm through various reading forms, so that students can accumulate language sense and vocabulary in reading aloud.

3、 On the teaching process

(1) Conversation introduction (show topic)

Use the most direct way to enter the classroom to save time and improve efficiency.

(2) Overall perception

1. Listen to the tape. Requirement: Think about the picture while listening to the recording.

Through listening to the recording, think about pictures to achieve three goals: first, consolidate the reading methods learned before: "read the article, think about pictures"; The second is to perceive the content of the text as a whole, and the third is to lay the foundation for guiding students to read the text emotionally in the later teaching process through appreciation.

2. Teacher asks: What are the main roles in the text? What happened between them? (Show the animation according to the students' answers on the blackboard)

On the basis of listening to the text recording, the teacher asked two questions and demonstrated the courseware. The animation, the student's favorite form, was used to reproduce the situation, giving students a sense of immersive experience. At the same time, stimulate students from both auditory and visual aspects, so that students have a strong interest in learning. Students can quickly understand several main characters and the story by observing the pictures.

3. Summarize the main content of the text against the blackboard.

This step not only checks the students' listening and reading of the story, but also exercises the students' generalization ability, which is both organized and reduces the difficulty. Let students understand the cause, process and result of the event, and grasp the main content of the article as a whole.

(3) Inquiry Center

1. Read the text independently.

Read the text in the way you like, and do it: eye to eye, mouth to mouth, heart to heart, hand to hand.

Cultivating students' autonomy is strongly emphasized in the new curriculum standard. In order to respect the personality of students, I especially require that I read the text in the way I like, so that students can actively participate in learning. At the same time, it also puts forward the requirements of reading, so that students can understand that when reading the text, they should concentrate and use their brains. When reading, we should be eye -, mouth -, heart -, and hand - aware. We should think, remember, learn, and draw while reading, so that students can develop good reading habits.

2. Question: What impression did the little sparrow, the hunting dog and the old sparrow leave on you? (Answer by name, teacher writes on the blackboard)

This question is mainly to let students grasp the characteristics of the three main roles intuitively.

3. Cooperative inquiry: Which sentences in the text reflect these characteristics? Why? (Directions: read - find, draw - discuss - read)

First, clarify the requirements of cooperative learning, and then specifically point out the methods. This design enables students not to read blindly and discuss at will, but to carry out activities around the teaching purpose of this lesson. The purpose of modern education is not to let students simply master knowledge, but to cultivate students' learning ability, selection ability, creativity, and coordination ability. In this link, it can not only reflect students' autonomy, cooperation and inquiry, but also enable students to master certain learning methods, killing two birds with one stone.

4. Feedback communication.

The group sent representatives to answer questions, asking:

(1) Read the sentences.

(2) Analyze sentence meaning.

(3) Emotional reading.

In the classroom based on self-study and inquiry, "communication" has become an important link in the process of promoting inquiry, which is a new teaching behavior not found in the receptive classroom. In this link of teaching, teachers focus on two points: first, focus on key sentences, and taste key words; The second is to pay attention to feelings and read aloud to understand feelings.

When talking about the old sparrow, multimedia computer animation was used to show: "Suddenly, an old sparrow jumped down from a tree and fell like a stone in front of a hunting dog. It pricked its feathers and screamed in despair." By watching the live old sparrow on the screen, it rushed down angrily and pricked its feathers, And with the desperate shriek of the old sparrow, the students can feel more clearly and understand more deeply, immediately understand how the old sparrow falls and why it does so, and break through the difficulties. Then guide the students to compare the two sentences by changing the verbs, from the intuitive picture to the theoretical knowledge, so that the students can further learn the text, break through the difficulties in theory, and also enable the students to "jump to the peach".

When understanding the sentence "But it can't stand on a high branch without danger, and a powerful force makes it fly down." The teacher asked: "What power does a powerful force refer to?" Because the story is reproduced through the TV screen, which has paved the way for this problem, intuitive, real It specifically reflects the strong power that the old sparrow shows to protect the young sparrow. Let students feel the greatness of love.

5. Deepen the theme.

Teachers can further understand the great power of love by reading the fifth paragraph. Then guide the students to imagine: "What do you think of from the performance of the old sparrow?" Carry out divergent thinking exercises. This step can develop students' imagination, cultivate creative thinking, maximize their potential, develop their intelligence, and activate their independence, depth and breadth of thinking. Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge because knowledge is limited, and imagination summarizes everything in the world and is the source of knowledge progress. Rich imagination is the wings of creation. Through imagination, students can be trained to think creatively and deepen their understanding of the theme of the text.

(4) Summarize the full text

The teacher first makes a brief summary from two aspects of reading methods and writing methods, helping students sort out and summarize the knowledge learned in this lesson, which will help students master reading methods and writing methods. Then, the teacher used sensational language to forcefully emphasize that love is a powerful force that cannot be ignored. This force is reflected in any animal and is worthy of praise and praise, so as to further deepen the students' understanding of the text center.

(5) Assignment

Collect stories that can reflect the love between people or animals after class, and prepare to communicate in class.

The teacher purposely extends the knowledge in class to the outside class, which not only enables students to further feel the great power of love from specific examples or stories, but also cultivates students' ability to collect and process information, and also improves students' oral expression ability and thinking ability.

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