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Excellent teaching plan of Zhu Ziqing's Spring

Excellent teaching plan of Zhu Ziqing's Spring

H*** 22-07-18 Teaching plan

Learning objectives

1. Understand the author's praise of spring, positive and enterprising thoughts and feelings.

2. Learn the method of the author's careful observation and grasping the characteristics to describe the scenery from multiple angles.

3. Learn to use clear and accurate language and figure of speech, personification and other rhetorical methods to describe scenery emotionally.

Key and difficult points

1. Learn to grasp the characteristics and describe the scenery with accurate language.

2. Analyze the structure of the article and understand the description of scenery from multiple angles and sides.

3. Describe the scenery with emotion through various feelings.

4. The Expressive Function of Rhetoric in Articles

1、 Preparation phase

Let students recite ancient poems and songs about spring

2、 Situation import

(where is spring played)

1. A song "Where is Spring" is about to kick off today's learning. The students have experienced more than ten springs! Can you talk about your feelings about spring?

2. What a profound feeling! How does the famous modern writer Zhu Ziqing feel about spring? Next, let's walk into Zhu Ziqing's prose "Spring" to enjoy the colorful, picturesque spring! (Teacher blackboard writing topic: Spring, Qi reading topic)

3. Who knows how much about Zhu Ziqing? (Each person's answer is limited to 7 seconds)

4. To learn this text, we need to complete the following learning objectives (show subtitles: learning objectives)

Reading the text, tasting the sentences and feeling

3、 Self study guidance

1. Students, can you accomplish these goals?

2. Follow the learning guide below to start self-study! (Show subtitles: study guide, 3 minutes)

① Read the text freely and say that it is spring.

② What does this article mainly write in order? (Panchun, Pichun, Zachun)

③ Which pictures of spring are described in the part of Painting Spring?

4、 Display and exchange: scenery in spring

1. How do you feel after reading the text for the first time? (Ji Sheng said) Tell me it's a spring.

2. What do you think is the main content of this article? (On the blackboard, the teacher who teaches students: Pan Chun, Yi Chun, Zan Chun)

3. The author writes in an orderly way. Who will read the part of looking forward to spring? (Life time reading, together reading, evaluation after reading)

4. Which pictures of spring are described in the part of Painting Spring? (The teacher's blackboard writing: spring grass, spring flowers, spring wind, spring rain, spring greeting)

5. What pictures do you like best, and why do you like them? (Hint: appreciate from words, words, sentences, rhetorical devices, senses, etc.)

★ Spring Grass Painting

1. Let's take a look at the Spring Grass Map. Which words or sentences are well written, and let's talk about your opinions. Student: "secretly": the vitality of the grass is written, and the grass comes out unconsciously, which shows the tenacity of the grass's vitality. "Drill" shows the tenacity of grass's vitality.

2. "Stealth" is a derogatory term, which is clearly an disgraceful act. How can it be used on grass? (The derogatory words are used as commendatory words to highlight the author's love for grass.)

3. Teacher: Not only like it, but also show the author's surprise.

4. Teacher: Put this love into your reading, and you can read the taste. Would you like to try? (Life time reading)

5. Teacher: Sure enough, let's read the tenacious vitality of Xiao Cao. Come on, students, let's read the author's feelings of love and surprise on our faces. (Read together:)

6. The word "secretly" has been used as a derogatory word. Can you give another derogatory word to use as a sentence of commendatory word? (For example, maple leaves turn red)

7. After writing the grass, the author wrote "Sit, lie down, roll twice", and used several verbs in succession. What is it for? (Written by)

8. In fact, this sentence uses the writing method of dynamic and static, creating a moving artistic conception of spring grass growing and children playing. 9. What mood does the author highlight? (happy, excited, happy)

10. Yes, happy people and beautiful scenery are integrated, which reflects a kind of harmonious beauty between human and nature. Come on, read this feeling. (Read this section together.)

11. (Teacher opens the courseware) What words can you associate with this spring sketch? What lines do you think of? (Jisheng:) (Wildfire?. Only shallow grass can have no horseshoes, and the grass color can be seen from afar?)

★ Spring flower picture (type the spring flower picture)

1. I like the saying "Peach trees, apricots? Go on a trip". From "You won't let me, I won't let you, you can see that there are a lot of flowers"

Teacher: Can you read the feeling of "more"? (read by students)

2. I like "rush like?" because he describes that flowers bloom in spring.

Teacher: Read this sentence and read it. (Life time reading)

3. Come on, let's continue our communication.

4. Realistic description: peach blossom, apricot blossom and pear blossom with gorgeous colors, falsely describe peach blossom, apricot blossom and pear blossom, and think of autumn fruits from spring flowers, and use the technique of metaphor, parallelism and personification.

5. Nao: The word "Nao", which means "hundreds and thousands of bees are buzzing", is well used. It means both lively and noisy. The word "Nao" is wonderful, and it shows such a scene vividly.

6. The word "Nao" describes both visual and auditory feelings. It has both sound and image, and also shows that bees are as lively as children. (Teacher: If you use one word well, you can achieve all your goals.)

7. The word "Nao" reminds people of the poem "Spring on the branches of red apricots".

8. Teacher: In this section, why did the author write about thousands of bees and butterflies? (Flowers attract bees and butterflies)

9. The words "scattered in the grass" and "scattered" are well used. It feels very casual, natural, like natural embellishment, not artificial decoration. (Teacher: Maybe it's just the scattered flowers. How nice!)

10. Teacher: Spring has a voice. As long as you listen carefully, you will hear the whispers of nature. (Teacher opens the pictures of spring flowers: look at these pictures, and imagine what peach flowers, apricot flowers, and pear flowers will whisper?

11. What a symmetrical and harmonious spring scenery! Come, students, let's walk into this harmonious picture! (unripe: peach trees, apricot trees, pear trees?)

12. Good reading, I seem to be deeply intoxicated once.

13. What words can you associate with this picture of spring flowers? What lines do you think of? (Ji Sheng:)

★ Spring breeze picture (print the spring breeze picture)

1. This section describes the characteristics of warm spring breeze, singing birds and fragrant flowers from the aspects of touch, taste and hearing.

2. The word "touch" in "face is not cold, it's good, like mother's hand touching you" is well used. When I read this sentence, I felt soft spring wind blowing into my mind, full of warmth and love. (It means the spring breeze is very gentle)

3. The author compares the spring breeze to the mother's hand, and vividly describes the warm and soft characteristics of the spring breeze with the rhetorical method of metaphor.

4. Have you ever been touched by your mother's hand? (touched)

Teacher: How do you feel? (Health said: warm, kind and loving)

Teacher: The word "touch" conveys softness, fragrance and joy.

Teacher: What a wonderful answer! Touch is a kind of warmth, a kind of happiness, and a kind of love. The spring wind is invisible, but the spring wind described by the author is affectionate and intentional. Would you please read this sentence to convey your feeling when being touched?

4. Let's feel the happiness together. (Read together:)

5. Teacher: Let's think about it, what can we say about the spring breeze besides touching you like a mother's hand? (The spring wind is blowing you. For example, it is like a teacher's hand, like my grandma's cry after I was injured, like my grandpa's beard sticking my face)

6. Teacher: How imaginative! Let's applaud them!

7. What other word is used well? The word "show off" is well used

Student: It's good to use "show off" because the bird seems to let everyone listen to its voice.

Student: "Show off" expresses the author's love for "birds". Although "show off" is a derogatory word, it is used as a commendatory word here

Student: "Show off" is a good way for birds to set their nests among the flowers and leaves. Birds have their own beautiful homes. Show off their throats to show their happiness. By showing, you won't attract friends, because showing is to give play to your own expertise, and others will listen actively. And "show off" means to show off, so it is natural to attract friends.

8. How well said! What do you want to say to the bird? (The teacher opens the bird picture)

9. What words can you associate with this picture of spring breeze? What lines do you think of? (Ji Sheng:)

10. What a delightful sight! Come on, let's feel the warm and soft spring breeze together! (Sheng Qi: It's not cold to blow the face, willow wind --)

★ Spring rain picture (print the spring rain picture)

1. (The teacher opens the picture of spring breeze) In the author's writing, spring rain is the most poetic, "like cattle hair, like flower needles, like filaments" is well used.

2. "Diagonal Weaving", which is well written, reminds people that Miss Chun is a skillful weaver.

3. Which word is good for cursive writing? (Force) Give reasons. (Because the grass is bright and dazzling.) Teacher: The vitality of the grass is really overwhelming!

4. What about the words describing spring rain? (Sheng said) What about the poems about spring rain?

5. Spring has an eternal charm! Because in the misty drizzle -- (-- there are people walking slowly with umbrellas, and there are farmers working in coir rainbows and bamboo hats?)

★ Spring greeting picture (type the picture of spring greeting)

1. Teacher: What a beautiful spring! So every family, men and women, old and young, rushed out to embrace the spring and let go of hope.

2. Teacher: So people are relaxed and energetic. Just as the famous saying goes, "One year's plan is spring".

5、 Sublimation theme

1. (Teacher opens the courseware) Seeing these colorful pictures, the author couldn't help exclaiming that -- (Sheng Qi: "Spring is like a baby just landed --")

2. What rhetorical devices does the author use in the last three paragraphs? The author compares spring to a baby, a girl and a strong young man. What are the three development stages of spring?

Like a doll - "new" (everything revives, new life begins) (early spring)

Like a little girl - "beauty" (flowers are blooming and beautiful) (mid spring)

Like youth - "strength" (full of vitality in spring) (late spring)

3. The author thinks that spring is like a doll, a little girl and a strong young man. What do you think spring is like? Student: Spring is like a magic pen Ma Liang, outlining a colorful world. Student: Spring is like a furnace. It dispels the cold and brings warmth. Student: Spring is like an equation. Its solution belongs to the striver.

Student: Spring is like a melodious song, singing the songs of birds and flowers in nature.

Student: Spring is like a compass, pointing the way for those who are tireless and striving to make progress.??

4. The students' metaphor of spring can be compared with the three figurative sentences in the text. When we see such a beautiful spring, we will also sincerely praise it like the author - (Shengqi: "Spring is like a baby just landed -")

5. When entering the colorful spring with birds singing and flowers fragrance, everyone will praise from the bottom of their hearts (Sheng Qi reads: "Spring is like a baby just landed -")

6、 Display and exchange: people in spring

1. The scenery in spring is beautiful! What about people in spring? What are they doing and thinking? First, please poetically express (click the courseware to display): poetically say: people on the grass, people in the wind, people in the rain, people outside (students think)

2. The teacher gave an example, for example, the man in the wind, the shepherd boy responded to the sound of birds, light wind and flowing water with the flute, and man and nature composed music for spring together, so the teacher gave a poetic name: "The same song". Try bravely, I believe you will speak better than the teacher.

★ I say the people under the flower: talk before the flower. In the Mood for Love. Shower in flowers and rain. The reverie in the fragrance of flowers.

★ I said people in the rain: busy in spring on rainy nights. Sow hope.

★ I said people on the grass: embellishment in green. Meet the green grass.

★ I say outdoor people: hope in the wind. Hope fluttering in the wind. let your dreams fly. Under the same blue sky.

★ I say people in the wind: breathe with spring. Dance with spring. The song of spring.

3. Boys and girls, what's the overall feeling of all the people wandering in the spring for you? Can you summarize it (click the courseware to display):

To sum up: people in spring are right.

★ People are busy in spring.

★ People are happy in spring.

★ People are energetic in spring.

★ People in spring are full.

★ People in spring are full of hope.

★ People are energetic in spring.

★ People in spring are full of confidence.

★ People in spring are full of fantasy.

★ People are happy in spring.

★ People in spring are beautiful.

★ People in spring are romantic.

★ People are tireless in spring.

★ People in spring are beaming.

★ People fly in spring.

4. How wonderful! The teacher can't bear to interrupt you! I hope we can all fly in the spring of nature, but also hope we can fly in the spring of life! In fact, when we fly in the spring, as long as you listen carefully, you will find that nature will speak softly to us and tell the teacher what you heard (click the courseware to display): the dialogue between nature and people. Spring grass tells me spring flowers tell me spring wind tells me spring rain tells me soil tells me wicker tells me tip: can be said emotionally, It can also be said philosophically.

★ Spring rain tells me that spring is the purification of human soul. The spring rain cleanses the human soul. You are as energetic as I am. (The spring grass encourages you) As long as you have a strong drive, you will succeed. (Inspiration from spring grass) Unity is strength, because spring rain is composed of many raindrops. (Constant dripping wears away the stone)

★ The soil told me that everything should be down-to-earth. (Life is a big tree. The more we associate with the earth, the more we have clouds to accompany us.) The sweat shed here is pregnant with the harvest of autumn. (What is shed is sweat, and what is bred is hope.)

★ Spring flower told me that only by being brave in competition can life be brilliant. (Achieve your ideal with love and raise your hope with heart.) Only by storing the enthusiasm of the whole winter can you create a beautiful smile in spring.

★ Spring breeze told me: Let your dreams fly! (Fly with dreams.)

★ Spring grass told me that as long as the roots are deep, we are not afraid of the cruelty of wind and rain. (It is possible to probe life into the blue sky only by sinking faith into the ground.) "Wild fire cannot burn out, and spring wind blows again." (Only indomitable people can see light again in the dark.)

★ Spring flower told me that no fruit can be produced without hard work. (If it does not blossom in spring, it cannot bear fruit in autumn.)

★ The wicker told me to be modest. Because the wicker is droopy. (Modesty is a kind of beauty.) Pouring out spring will make you more beautiful; Enjoying life will make people more perfect.

5. Students, you really read Spring on your face and in your heart. How amazing!

7、 In a word, spring

Can you say something about spring in a classic sentence? For example: (Show the caption: Spring is a girl with fragrance. Spring is a fresh and bright picture. Spring is the time to wake up from hibernation. Spring looks forward to a blooming mood. In spring, the bird's nest is the scenery of the tree. In spring, the rainbow is the hair card of the sky. Flowers stand on the branches to enjoy spring.)

8、 Conclusion

Students, as long as we love life, love life and cherish youth, we will be able to create our own spring!

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