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Physical Activity Program for Grade One

Physical Activity Program for Grade One

Small*** 22-08-09 Overall plan

content of courses:

1. Run in a straight line

2. Come on, catch the ball

Teaching objectives:

1. Cognitive goal: make students understand that running in a straight line can save effort and time.

2. Skill goal: Through teaching, 80% of students will master the basic skills of running and catching the ball.

3. Quality goal: improve the students' running ability and catching ability.

4. Emotional goal: cultivate sports feelings, brave and tenacious, and strive for good quality.

Teaching focus:

Learn the movement essentials of running and receiving;

Teaching difficulties:

Cultivate sports feelings in running along a straight line;

Teaching process:

1: Warm up and introduce the plot

(1) Classroom routine

1. The sports committee members shall form a whole team, report the number of people and check the clothes.

2. Greetings from teachers and students

3. Announce the introduction of the content of this lesson: "Children, what will happen if you don't listen to the command in line at ordinary times?" "So we must listen to the command, so things can be orderly and better."

4. Step into the classroom

Organization: gather in four columns

Requirements: fast, quiet, neat, energetic.

Student learning method: the sports committee members form a team to understand the task and purpose of this lesson and enter the classroom.

(2) Unarmed exercise

1. Jumping movement (required to be in place, light, correct and graceful)

2. Organize sports (try to relax and be happy)

Teaching methods:

(1) Review the abdominal and back exercises, kicking exercises and whole body exercises in the last lesson.

(2) The teacher first gives a complete demonstration and explanation;

(3) The teacher decomposes the movement to carry on the teaching to the student;

(4) The teacher observes the students' exercises and corrects them.

Student learning method:

(1) Review the abdominal and back exercises, kicking exercises and whole body exercises in the last lesson.

(2) Understand and observe specific demonstration actions.

(3) Practice in groups to correct actions that are not in place.

2: Enjoying the body and mind, increasing interest

(1) Run in a straight line

Method: When running, the upper body should be straight and slightly forward, the head should be straight, the eyes should look ahead, the front feet should land on the ground, the toes should be forward, and the feet should naturally step forward and run quickly; Bend your elbows and naturally swing back and forth.

Requirements: correct running posture, straight running, relaxed and natural. The speed should not be too fast at first. Accelerate gradually as you master the correct actions.

Learning Skills: Running Skills

(1) Introduction: Children, do you like running? Do you know how to run fast? In order to run fast, children must study and practice carefully

(2) The teacher explains and demonstrates, guides students to observe, and organizes students to practice.

(3) Select the winning team.

(4) Listen to the teacher's summary after the game.

Student learning methods:

(1) Students try to practice according to the teacher's explanation.

(2) Let the students demonstrate the competition and judge the advantages and disadvantages.

(3) The students ran in a straight line.

Organization (as shown in the figure):

3: The end restores the body and mind

(1) Come on, catch the ball

Methods: Divide the students into several groups. Count by serial number and remember your own number. The teacher (or student) shouts at will. The person who gets the number goes forward to receive the ball, and the person who receives the ball scores. In the end, it is the winner who scores the most points.

Rule: Students who listen to the wrong number to catch the ball or who report for the number but do not hold the ball will be deducted points.

Requirement: throw the ball at a certain height.

Teaching methods:

(1) Lead in: children, you just performed well in the straight run, and we are also very happy. To celebrate, let's do the "Joy Ball Catching" competition, and see who catches the ball accurately and correctly, which shows that we are more happy.

(2) The teacher explains the method of catching the ball and demonstrates it.

(3) Organize students to practice games.

(4) Judge the winning team.

Organization: Students are around the organizer to listen to the number and catch the ball.

(2) Summary after class

(3) Arrange recycling equipment (students assist teachers in recycling equipment)

(4) Farewell to teachers and students

Organization: Assemble in four columns.

Venue: a volleyball court

Equipment: one volleyball

Expected practice density: 30%

Expected maximum heart rate: 130 minutes

Preparation: Draw four horizontal lines on the site.

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