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Emergency plan for prevention and control of major animal epidemics

Emergency plan for prevention and control of major animal epidemics

Ginger*** 22-04-20 Emergency plan

In order to ensure timely, rapid, efficient and orderly emergency treatment in the event of a major animal epidemic, ensure the healthy development of the breeding industry, promote the export trade of livestock products and socio-economic development, protect human health, and maintain social stability, according to the Animal Epidemic Prevention Law of the People's Republic of China and the Animal Epidemic Prevention Regulations of Shandong Province The Plan is formulated according to relevant laws, regulations and provisions such as the National Emergency Plan for the Prevention and Control of Major Animal Diseases of the Ministry of Agriculture.

1、 Scope of application

This plan is applicable when major animal epidemics occur in the administrative area of this town.

2、 Confirmation and classification of epidemic situation

In case of suspected clinical cases, samples shall be taken immediately and sent to the municipal animal health monitoring center for detection, and the municipal major animal epidemic prevention and control work headquarters shall organize experts to confirm.

3、 Responsibilities of leading organizations and departments

(1) Leading organization

Under the leadership of the town party committee and the government, the headquarters for the prevention and control of major animal epidemics in Yifengdian Town was established, with the town head as the general commander, the leader in charge as the deputy commander, and the party and government offices, agricultural service centers, safety supervision offices, financial offices, movement monitoring stations, police stations, hospitals, industrial and commercial offices, power supply stations, China Unicom and other departments as members, The main responsibility of the headquarters is to lead the prevention and control of major animal epidemics in the town and make decisions on major issues.

The headquarters has a reserve team for the prevention and treatment of major animal epidemics. The reserve team is composed of township government functionaries and relevant personnel from the movement supervision station, local police station, health center, etc. The main responsibility of the reserve team is to be responsible for the unified coordination of the control and eradication of major animal epidemics according to the decisions of the headquarters; Collect and analyze the epidemic situation, and put forward suggestions on starting and stopping the plan in time; Organize and coordinate relevant departments and regions to implement this plan and supervise its implementation.

(2) Department responsibilities

1. Responsibilities of the Agricultural Service Center:

(1) The epidemic situation control shall be carried out in accordance with the Animal Epidemic Prevention Law of the People's Republic of China.

(2) Report the epidemic situation and prevent epidemic diseases.

(3) Diagnose epidemic diseases, delimit epidemic spots, epidemic areas and threatened areas, put forward blockade suggestions, and participate in the organization and implementation.

(4) Participate in organizing the killing of animals in epidemic areas and the harmless treatment of animal products.

(5) Organize emergency immunization of animals in epidemic and threatened areas.

(6) To supervise and guide the disinfection and harmless treatment of epidemic spots, pollutants and places in epidemic areas.

(7) Establish emergency epidemic prevention material reserve warehouse to reserve vaccines, drugs and diagnostic reagents, instruments, protective articles, transportation and communication tools, etc.

2. Finance office: responsible for arranging emergency epidemic prevention reserve and emergency epidemic prevention material reserve.

3. Health center: It is responsible for strengthening the monitoring and protection of key groups of people who raise, slaughter, transport, sell animals and animal products, and is responsible for the health protection education of the masses, and is responsible for doing a good job in clinical treatment. Timely communicate with animal husbandry departments about the epidemic situation of major animal epidemics, and strengthen technical exchange and cooperation in the prevention and control of major animal epidemics.

4. Local police station: it is responsible for giving priority to the transportation of personnel, materials, drugs and equipment for controlling and exterminating the epidemic situation, and cooperating with the prevention and inspection station in the supervision and inspection of animal epidemic prevention. Do a good job in the blockade of the epidemic area, the killing of animals in the epidemic area, the transportation, quarantine and supervision of animals and their products, and strengthen the social security management and security work in the epidemic area.

5. Industry and commerce office and safety supervision office: according to the blockade of the epidemic area, close the trade of animals and their products in the epidemic area, crack down on the illegal operation of livestock and poultry and their products, and jointly take charge of the management of animal slaughtering in the market with the movement supervision station.

6. Power supply station and China Unicom: be responsible for concentrating efforts to strengthen the maintenance and repair of power and communication facilities, and arrange special forces to give priority to ensuring the power supply and smooth communication of the town headquarters.

4、 Emergency response to epidemic situation

(1) Detection of epidemic situation and temporary emergency response

The Agricultural Service Center of Yifengdian Town must strengthen the supervision, inspection and management of households engaged in animal husbandry in the area under its jurisdiction. When finding a suspected major animal epidemic situation or receiving a report of a suspected major animal epidemic situation, it must immediately send people to the scene and report the epidemic situation to the Mexican major animal epidemic prevention headquarters within one hour. At the same time, temporary isolation measures shall be taken for the infected animals and the relevant personnel and vehicles contacting the infected animals to restrict the flow, and disinfection measures shall be supervised.

(2) Emergency control of epidemic situation

After being confirmed as a major animal epidemic, the epidemic spot, epidemic area and threatened area shall be determined according to the municipal major animal epidemic headquarters; Make decisions on blocking, culling, destruction, disinfection, immunization, limiting the flow of animal products, etc. to control and cull the epidemic situation, and start the reserve team for animal epidemic treatment.

The local police station, industrial and commercial office and other relevant departments should make arrangements for production and living in the epidemic area to ensure the smooth progress of epidemic control.

When the epidemic situation involves the administrative region adjacent to our town, the emergency plan of the people's government at a higher level common to the relevant administrative region must be launched.

(3) Extinction of epidemic situation and cancellation of plan

After the epidemic situation is controlled and exterminated, the town government will report to the municipal government for approval, announce to stop the plan, and report to the Qingdao municipal and provincial animal epidemic prevention supervision agencies for record.

5、 Support system

(1) Material support. Establish an emergency material reserve warehouse for the prevention and control of major animal epidemics to store disinfectants, diagnostic reagents, protective clothing, shoes, gloves, masks and other related epidemic prevention materials. The reserve warehouse is located in an area with convenient transportation, storage and transportation conditions and safety insurance.

(2) Device support. Implement epidemic control equipment, including excavators, closed transport vehicles, disinfection equipment, sealed bags, etc.

(3) Financial guarantee. The town finance arranges funds for emergency epidemic prevention materials, subsidies for killing sick animals, epidemic situation treatment, epidemic situation monitoring, etc. every year.

(4) Technical support. Carry out professional training for relevant personnel to improve the level of diagnosis and comprehensive prevention.

(5) Personnel security. The town government has set up an epidemic prevention reserve team for exterminating major animal epidemics.

6、 Other matters

(1) The government of Yifengdian Town, based on the actual situation, formulates and implements the specific measures of the emergency plan for the control of the epidemic situation of major animal diseases in the town.

(2) The government of Yifengdian Town shall implement the provisions of this case to the units and individuals engaged in animal breeding, business and animal product production and business within the administrative area, and comply with the specific provisions of the municipal government and relevant departments to implement this plan.

(3) This plan shall be implemented from the date of release.

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