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Teaching plan on children's sleep

Teaching plan on children's sleep

Han*** 21-11-08 Teaching plan

Activity preparation:

1. Parents and children collect pictures about various postures of animals' sleep together. The teacher arranges the activity site: the animal's home - the activity scene is arranged as the scene of the big forest, and a background picture of the forest is on the camera screen. In the forest, the houses of animals (cranes, horses, owls, bats, cats, turtles) are arranged, built with building blocks and pasted with pictures of related animals; Children play soft music when entering the arena.

2. CAI courseware "Thousands of Sleeps of Posture", computer, tape, recorder, electric steel;

3. Get to know the names of various animals with children before the activity.

Activity process:

1. Children dance in groups. After dancing, ask children to talk about their feelings after exercise (want to rest), and ask them to have a free rest. The teacher asked the child, "What do you need when you sleep?" The child had a rest while discussing. At this time, the courseware will be played, and the background screen will be replaced with a picture of the first animal.

2. Look at the courseware and feel the different sleeping positions of animals.

Please enjoy the courseware one by one. Various animals appear in different ways, some with animal calls, some with funny dubbing. After showing the main picture, please think about how the animal sleeps and perform. After the performance, ask the children to watch the correct answers and imitate the correct sleeping posture. (Children can choose animals at will) At the same time, they learn vocabulary in the form of games: shrinking, hanging upside down, lying down, etc.

3. Connected game How Does It Sleep

The teacher divided the children into boys and girls for a fun knowledge contest. Ask the children to point out that all kinds of animals are like sleeping? At the same time, consolidate vocabulary: shrink, hang upside down, lie down, etc. When the child is connected correctly, the computer will reward the child with a smiling face doll; If the connection is wrong, the computer will encourage children to connect again until they are right. After the game, the two teams will compete to see which team has more smiling faces and win.

4. Play games: find friends.

(1) The teacher explained the rules of the game: when hearing cheerful music, the animals came out to play; Hearing lyric and quiet music, the animals went home to sleep. You must be very quiet when sleeping, and do not make any noise. Every small animal must find its own home.

(2) Children play.

(3) Increase the difficulty of the game and expand the scope of the game. Young children can not only imitate the animals they have learned, but also other animals. How do other animals sleep? Teachers can let children fully imagine, give full affirmation to children's performance, do not rush to give children answers, ask children to find ways to verify and find answers after class.

Extension activities:

After returning home, children should learn about other animals' sleep postures with the help of their parents, and then share the results with other children.

Additional information: cranes sleep on one leg, horses sleep on one leg, owls sleep with one eye open, bats sleep upside down, cats sleep on their stomach, and turtles sleep in their shells.

Design background:

Animals have always been children's friends, and children in the middle class also want to know more about animals. But the common topic is only about "the shape, habits and lifestyle of animals", and rarely involves the various sleep postures of animals. So I designed such an activity according to the children's interests, hoping that this activity can stimulate the children's interest in scientific exploration and awareness of protecting animals and maintaining the ecological environment.

Activity objectives:

1. Feel the relationship between animals and humans, so as to know how to love animals;

2. Observe and understand the various and strange sleeping postures of animals, so that children can understand the differences between people and animals from this side; Enrich vocabulary: shrink, hang upside down, lie down, etc.

3. Be able to distinguish different sleeping positions of animals.

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