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Class meeting teaching plan on environmental protection (16 popular articles)

Class meeting teaching plan on environmental protection (16 popular articles)

No*** 22-12-06 Courseware teaching plan

Class meeting teaching plan on environmental protection (1)

Design background

For children, they throw peels and paper scraps and have poor awareness of environmental protection.

Teaching objectives

1. Let children understand that environmental health is closely related to our lives, develop good health habits, and protect the environment from me.

2. Cultivate children's observation ability and hands-on operation ability.

3. Explore and discover the diversity and characteristics of life.

4. Develop children's ability to solve problems with their existing life experience.

5. Be willing to try boldly and share your experience with your peers.

Teaching difficulties and key points

Develop good hygiene habits

Activity preparation

Flipchart, CD.

Activity process

1. After playing a beautiful scene, ask the children, do you want to play here? Everyone answered with one voice, thinking! Q: Why? Answer: There are birds, flowers and trees. OK, let's take a look at this wall map.

2. Then, show a wall chart with bad environment, flying garbage, animals starving to death, and withered trees. Ask: What's wrong with the little white rabbit, little friend? A: Dead. Q: Why did they die? Answer: There is nothing to eat.

3. Through the comparison of fragments and wall charts, the children were told about the benefits of good environment to our lives and the harm of polluted environment to humans and animals. (Teacher.) Tell children that a good environment depends on everyone starting from every bit of life.

4. Let children discuss freely. How can we make our classroom and our surroundings cleaner?

Reflection on teaching

1. Through this activity, children basically realized the importance of a good environment for our lives, and enhanced their awareness of environmental protection.

2. In the process of activities, children have fewer opportunities to speak, and the clips are played more abstractly, so they cannot understand these problems more deeply.

3. As an enlightening teacher for children, I think it is necessary to teach them from every aspect of life to develop good health habits.

Class meeting teaching plan on environmental protection (2)

1、 Theme:

Green -- our eternal pursuit

2、 Purpose

1. Through the activities, students will realize the importance of environmental protection and stimulate their sense of responsibility and mission for environmental protection.

2. Let the students realize the destruction degree of the current environment and establish a sense of crisis. Develop good environmental protection habits in life.

3、 Method:

Give the initiative to students, combine teaching, activities and performances, stimulate their sense of responsibility in a free and relaxed atmosphere, make proposals and protect the environment.

4、 Activity Steps

1. Activity preparation

(1) Collect and sort out environmental materials.

(2) Materials for environmental protection measures.

(3) Projectors, recorders, accessories.

(4) Host: Kang Xuchang

2. Activity implementation

(1) Introduce theme

from ancient to modern times. Mother Earth has nurtured countless generations with sweet milk. She was originally decorated by the younger generation. But. Now human beings are for their own interests. She was tortured into darkness. There is only one earth, and the earth is facing a severe environmental crisis. "Save the Earth" has become the strongest voice of people all over the world.

I feel heartache for the deterioration of my surroundings. I think: teenagers as future successors. If you do not understand the composition of the human environment and the severity of environmental problems. Ignoring laws and regulations on environmental protection. Not to enhance the awareness of environmental protection. If we conscientiously fulfill our obligation to protect the environment. Our lives will be destroyed in our own hands. God will punish us severely. For this reason, I made up my mind to protect the environment from me. Protect our home on which we live. Be a guardian of the environment.

The shocking environmental pollution can be seen everywhere: the sky is dark, the air is dirty, sewage is flowing, garbage is besieged... pesticide residues such as DDT are also found in Antarctic penguins far away in the ice and snow, and Mount Everest is everywhere in chaos? Blue sky and clear water have become many people's childhood memories and distant dreams.

(2) The host told you a group of figures, and then asked everyone to discuss "I know the environmental damage".

1. 40 hectares of cultivated land lost per minute; 2. The land desertification is 11.4 hectares per minute; 3. 4700 tons of sediment per minute enters the sea; 4. 8500 tons of waste water is discharged every minute; 5. Every year, about 15 million people in the world die from water pollution and environmental pollution, and 28 people die every minute.

(3) Discussion.

How should we protect the environment from several aspects?

(1) Protection of social environment

First of all, it is necessary to comply with the regulations on the prohibition of littering all kinds of waste, and throw the waste into the designated place or container, especially the waste battery, because the heavy metal contained in a waste battery will cause serious pollution if it flows into clean water.

Secondly, in learning, we should try to save stationery and eliminate waste. For example, pencils are made of wood, and wasting pencils is equivalent to destroying the forest.

Third, try to avoid using disposable drink cups, foam lunch boxes, plastic bags and disposable chopsticks, and replace them with ceramic cups, paper lunch boxes, cloth bags and ordinary bamboo chopsticks, which can greatly reduce the generation of garbage.

Fourth, although bubble gum is a favorite candy for children, and it is a kind of food beneficial to human health, do not throw away the chewed gum base, because it will stick everywhere. When eating, you can put away its wrapping paper to wrap the spit glue base, and then throw it into the waste box.

Fifth, do not kill wild animals at will, especially frogs, the beneficial friend of human beings, because one frog can eat about 15000 insects in one year, mainly pests.

Sixth, we should take care of flowers and trees, do not damage urban greening, and actively participate in greening and tree planting activities.

Seventh, when leaving the room, turn off the lights and unplug the electrical plugs of TV, stereo, computer, etc.

Eighth, even in the coldest places, it is unnecessary to make the room temperature exceed 18 ℃. If you feel cold, you can wear more clothes.

Ninth, try to replace ordinary bulbs with energy-saving lamps. Although its price is relatively expensive, its power consumption is only a small part of that of ordinary bulbs.

Tenth, use airtight containers instead of plastic packaging to store food.

Eleventh, buy drinks in cans that can be recycled as far as possible.

Twelfth, please take your own shopping bag to shopping to avoid using non recyclable and non decomposable plastic bags.

Thirteen, save water. Please turn off the tap when brushing your teeth.

14th, gardeners should apply organic

Fertilizers, such as compost and manure, should be avoided

Use pesticides and herbicides, because they can seep into the soil and harm the water source.

Fifthly, slow down when driving, so that the fuel consumption is small and the carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced.

Sixthly, try to walk instead of riding a bike.

Whether in the past, now, or in the future, whether in family, country, or the world, the environment is always our friend. To treat friends well is to treat ourselves well.

(4) Please tell us some examples of environmental protection from society, school, family, etc.

1. Guangzhou protects Baiyun Mountain, renovates the Pearl River water, and the beauty of waves and sunshine becomes the pride of every Guangzhou person.

2. Starting from improving citizens' awareness of environmental protection, Gansu has vigorously carried out the action of "protecting mother river - environmental protection every day" and the activities of "ecological home", "green school" and creation, which has significantly enhanced the public's awareness of environmental protection.

3. Linze County has continuously increased the "five changes" of the three north shelter forest, sand prevention and control, returning farmland to forests, biogas construction and village environment improvement, and accelerated the construction of a new countryside focusing on improving the rural environment.

4. Smoke incident in the Maas Valley: In 1930, due to sulfur dioxide and dust pollution in the industrial area of the Maas Valley in Belgium, nearly 60 people died within a week, and thousands of people suffered from respiratory diseases.

5. In 1943, residents of Los Angeles found a kind of slightly white mist in the air, sometimes with yellowish brown color, which irritated people's eyes with pain and tears. This mist became increasingly serious, but it was not until 10 years later that the real culprit - the car was found. In 1955 and 1970, there were two photochemical smog incidents in Los Angeles. In the former, more than 4000 people died of five sense organs poisoning and respiratory failure, while in the latter, 3/4 of the people in the city became ill.

(5) Q&A on environmental protection knowledge in Happy Dictionary

1. The groundwater of _____ in the country is polluted. A.10% B.25% C.40%

2. There are less than _____ northern white rhinos left in the world. A.100 B.50 C.25

3. The theme of World Environment Day in 1998 is _____ A. For life on earth - save our oceans

B. Protect water environment - cherish water resources C. Environment and human coexistence - resource development and environmental protection coordination

4. The ozone hole over Antarctica is _____ times that over Oceania A.4 B.3 C.2

5. _____ refers to the sudden proliferation and aggregation of some small phytoplankton, protozoa or bacteria in the water under certain environmental conditions, causing discoloration of the water within a certain range for a period of time. A. Red tide B. Mirage C. Tsunami

6. What environmental disasters are mankind currently facing?

A: Water pollution, air pollution, vegetation shrinkage, endangered species, river cutoff, garbage siege, land desertification, ozone hole, etc.

7. What are the three major problems facing contemporary mankind? Answer: Population expansion, resource shortage and environmental degradation.

8. What kind of washing powder can reduce water pollution? Answer: Phosphate free detergent.

9. How to save water in daily life? Answer: Turn off the tap at any time, use one water for multiple purposes, protect the water source, etc.

10. What is green consumption? Answer: Choose and use commodities with an environmental perspective

11. Which country proposed Earth Day? A: The United States

(6) Students talk about feelings

(2) Protection of school environment

1. The host made a speech to introduce the theme of the class meeting and the meaning of green campus

A green school refers to a school that, on the basis of realizing its basic educational functions, takes the idea of sustainable development as its guide, incorporates management measures beneficial to the environment into its comprehensive daily management, and makes full use of all resources and opportunities inside and outside the school to comprehensively improve students' environmental literacy, Environmental quality and behavior are the internal components of the life and moral spirit of all students in green schools.

Green schools cannot be equated with greening schools or environmental protection schools.

"Environment beauty", "language beauty" and "behavior beauty" are the contents of the "green campus" activity.

Green environment is a symbol of health. Green can bring us vigor and vitality! The "green" in the green campus is not just a color, I think!

Walking into our campus now full of the fragrance of books, you will be attracted by the charming scenery. Tall and modern teaching buildings, lush trees, as well as dazzling flowers. Walking in the green landscape of the campus will make you feel energetic and happy. The green scenery on campus is extremely beneficial to our classmates. isn't it? After a lesson, stand on the corridor to see the green in the campus, let us feast our eyes and make our spirit reach a higher and better state! In the spare time, students can walk on the school road and look around. Don't you feel like you are in the garden?! This shows the beauty of the campus! Therefore, we should make the green campus forever! At ordinary times, cultivate the habit of not trampling on the grass, not climbing trees and flowers, being diligent in cleaning, and taking the initiative to pick up garbage. Over time, the campus will become more and more beautiful!

However, a green campus needs more than green environment. If students' behavior habits and other aspects become better, then the campus is not more "green"?! In the campus, you can hear greetings and calls at any time; It can reduce chase and noise on campus. Everything has a higher goal to demand themselves, so that they can become more comprehensive and excellent students. At that time, our campus was not more "green"?

2. Guide and analyze the environmental protection problems that deserve attention in the campus and their serious impacts.

The whole class is divided into five groups. The teacher designates the group leader, and then each group leader gathers his classmates to communicate with the group leader for records. The five group leaders read out the record materials at the class meeting.

3. What do we have to do to protect the beautiful and clean environment on campus.

(1) Student representatives came to the stage to speak.

(2) Teacher's summary: Through the speeches made by the representatives of each group just now, we can see that we still have a lot to do in terms of campus environmental protection, and the students who spoke on the stage put forward many good suggestions. I think it can be summarized as follows: everyone is responsible for protecting the campus; Everyone should attach importance to environmental protection, starting from me.

4. At present, we urgently need to do and can do several things well:

(1) Waste paper should not be thrown away randomly as garbage, but should be collected in one person's waste paper box (or waste paper bag) and sold at the end of the term to turn waste into treasure

(2) The whole school should take action to remove the foul words and obscene cartoons scribbled on the walls. It is forbidden to make noise and shout in the campus and remove mental garbage;

(3) Each shift is responsible for enclosing the grassland in the sanitary area of the shift. They do not trample on the grassland at ordinary times, but also stop others from trampling on the grassland.

(4) Improve their awareness of environmental protection, do not litter, spit and other things that damage the environment.

(5) Set an example among the students, play a good role of model and lead, and seriously promote environmental protection knowledge

(6) Organize students to set up a cleaning team to clean the corridors and public facilities on campus regularly.

(7) Green teams can be set up to adopt grass and trees on campus. Pay attention to their growth, water and fertilize them.

5. Students talk about feelings

5、 Conclusion

Finally, the head teacher summarizes.

I suggest that students should do the following: Dear students, environmental protection is a long-term and arduous task. Let's cherish life, treat ourselves well, and protect our environmental home! I hope that every student can consciously develop good health habits and do something within their power for the campus environmental protection. During this activity, we learned a lot about environmental protection and the importance of environmental protection. I hope you can establish a good awareness of environmental protection, start from the little things around you, and be a civilized student. Only when we are responsible for the society and the environment, can we get a comfortable environment and a beautiful campus. When we walk around the campus surrounded by green trees and flowers, we will feel that sowing green is sowing hope. Let's join hands to create a beautiful green campus. Let every day of our life be an environment day!

Class meeting teaching plan on environmental protection (3)

1、 Activity background:

The text of the second unit of the third grade Chinese textbook is all related to environmental protection. After learning, students have a sense of environmental protection. In order to strengthen students' awareness of environmental protection and sense of responsibility for environmental protection, a class meeting with the theme of environmental protection is organized in combination with the school's "beautifying the campus" activity.

2、 Purpose:

Under the condition that the earth environment is getting worse and worse, guide students to pay attention to the common living environment of mankind - the earth. By praising, worrying about and protecting the environment, students can understand the current situation of environmental pollution, stimulate students' feelings of love for the environment, and stimulate them to participate in greening with practical action, promote environmental protection activities, and strive to be environmental protection guards.

3、 Activity method:

Give the initiative to the students, combine teaching, activities and performances, stimulate their sense of responsibility in a free and relaxed atmosphere, make proposals and protect the environment.

4、 Activity preparation:

1. Before the activity, the class environmental protection guards need to collect environmental protection pictures, videos and other information on the Internet.

2. Before the activity, the class environmental protection guards need to investigate the current situation of the surrounding environmental pollution.

3. The environmental protection guards in the class rehearsed the environmental protection programs well.

5、 Basic steps:

(1) Speech by the host:

Students, the earth is a beautiful home on which we live. It is our responsibility to create a civilized and clean environment, protect the earth and love the earth. The theme of today's class meeting is "environmental protection starts with me".

(2) Class environmental protection guard

The scene performance "Mother Earth Smiles", from which we can feel some outstanding and serious environmental pollution.

Host: Now let's listen to what our environmental protection guards know.

(3) Please tell us some examples of environmental protection from society, school, family, etc.

(4) Practical activities

In order to make the sky clear and let Mother Earth stay young, please discuss with the content of "I make contributions to environmental protection".

(5) Let students understand environmental protection knowledge.

World Water Day: March 22 is World Water Day.

World Meteorological Day March 23 is designated as "World Meteorological Day".

Earth Day: April 22.

World No Tobacco Day: May 31 is designated as "World No Tobacco Day".

World Environment Day: June 5 is designated as "World Environment Day".

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought: June 17 was designated as "World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought".

World Population Day: July 11 is designated as World Population Day.

International Day for the Protection of the Ozone Layer: September 16.

World Animal Day: October 4 is designated as "World Animal Day".

World Food Day: October 6 was designated as "World Food Day".

International Biodiversity Day: December 29 is the International Biodiversity Day.

(6) "Environmental protection guards" swear.

I swear: I will do it with practical actions

Cherish the sky and love the earth;

Resist pollution and plant green;

Cherish life and save resources;

Protect the environment and nature;

Green consumption, green life.

(7) Talking about feelings:

Moderator: Today's class meeting is coming to an end. I think the students must have gained a lot. Now let's ask each of you to say something about how you feel about this class. Design slogans for environmental protection and explain them.

Compere: There is only one earth for mankind. For the common green world, let's use our hands and wisdom to make the green home more beautiful. Let's hold hands, hold hands, start from me, start from now, and drive people around us to protect our earth together.

(8) Declare the end

Class meeting teaching plan on environmental protection (4)

1、 Activity background:

The text of the second unit of the third grade Chinese textbook is all related to environmental protection. After learning, students have a sense of environmental protection. In order to strengthen students' awareness of environmental protection and sense of responsibility for environmental protection, a class meeting with the theme of environmental protection is organized in combination with the school's "beautifying the campus" activity.

2、 Purpose:

Under the condition that the earth environment is getting worse and worse, guide students to pay attention to the common living environment of mankind - the earth. By praising, worrying about and protecting the environment, students can understand the current situation of environmental pollution, stimulate students' feelings of love for the environment, and stimulate them to participate in greening with practical action, promote environmental protection activities, and strive to be environmental protection guards.

3、 Activity method:

Give the initiative to the students, combine teaching, activities and performances, stimulate their sense of responsibility in a free and relaxed atmosphere, make proposals and protect the environment.

4、 Activity preparation:

1. Before the activity, the class environmental protection guards need to collect environmental protection pictures, videos and other information on the Internet.

2. Before the activity, the class environmental protection guards need to investigate the current situation of the surrounding environmental pollution.

3. The environmental protection guards in the class rehearsed the environmental protection programs well.

5、 Basic steps:

(1) Host speech: Students, the earth is a beautiful home on which we live. It is our responsibility to create a civilized and clean environment, protect the earth and love the earth. The theme of today's class meeting is "environmental protection starts with me".

(2) The small environmental protection guards in the class performed the scene "Mother Earth Smiles", from which they felt some outstanding and serious environmental pollution.

Host: Now let's listen to what our environmental protection guards know.

(3) Please tell us some examples of environmental protection from society, school, family, etc.

(4) Practical activities

In order to make the sky clear and let Mother Earth stay young, please discuss with the content of "I make contributions to environmental protection".

(5) Let students understand environmental protection knowledge.

World Water Day: March 22 is World Water Day.

World Meteorological Day March 23 is designated as "World Meteorological Day".

Earth Day: April 22.

World No Tobacco Day: May 31 is designated as "World No Tobacco Day".

World Environment Day: June 5 is designated as "World Environment Day".

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought: June 17 was designated as "World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought".

World Population Day: July 11 is designated as World Population Day.

International Day for the Protection of the Ozone Layer: September 16.

World Animal Day: October 4 is designated as "World Animal Day".

World Food Day: October 6 was designated as "World Food Day".

International Biodiversity Day: December 29 is the International Biodiversity Day.

(6) "Environmental protection guards" swear.

I swear: I will do it with practical actions

Cherish the sky and love the earth;

Resist pollution and plant green;

Cherish life and save resources;

Protect the environment and nature;

Green consumption, green life.

Sworn by:

Host: Students, we can do a lot for environmental protection. I hope all students will take active action to let us know more about the importance of environmental pollution and environmental protection, and use our hands to add new green to the earth. Please lead the students to swear.

(7) Talk about feelings: host: today's class meeting is coming to an end. I think the students must have gained a lot. Now let's ask each student to say something about the feelings of this class. Design slogans for environmental protection and explain them.

Compere: There is only one earth for mankind. For the common green world, let's use our hands and wisdom to make the green home more beautiful. Let's hold hands, hold hands, start from me, start from now, and drive people around us to protect our earth together.

(8) Declare the end

Class meeting teaching plan on environmental protection (5)

Objectives of teaching activities:

1. Transfer life experience to stimulate children's feelings of loving nature and protecting the environment.

2. Through competition activities, children's environmental awareness will be enriched and enhanced.

Activity preparation:

1. Several environmental protection topics in various forms: four question boards; The Crying Earth courseware

2. One cartoon shaped sign for the Sun Team, the Star Team, the Moon Team and the Blue Sky Team respectively; One musical instrument for each; Several small red stickers

Activity process:

1、 Create intelligence competition scenarios to stimulate children's interest in participating in activities.

1. Teacher: Children, welcome to the "happy turn around". Today we are going to launch a quiz on environmental protection. I hope the children can use their brains and win.

2. Introduce the members of the four teams who took part in Happy Go Around.

2、 Activities are carried out in the form of competitions to enrich children's environmental knowledge and enhance their environmental awareness.

Teacher: I declare that Happy Turn is now on.

Young: Happy turn around, turn around and turn around!

1. Children judge the phenomenon of environmental damage according to their experience.

Lecturer: The first round of the competition is a single choice. Each group invites one contestant to answer the question, and the one who answers correctly can get a small red flower.

The teacher shows four groups of question boards and asks each team to send one child to answer the question.

(1) Look at which items in the picture will destroy forest resources if they are used in large quantities?

(2) What items are made of a special plastic that will cause white pollution?

(3) Where have you seen these signs? Please find out the signs related to environmental protection?

(4) What behaviors do you think are wrong and will damage the environment?

2. Watch the courseware to understand the hazards of environmental damage and form a preliminary awareness of environmental protection.

Teacher: In the second round, the group must answer questions. The competition will be conducted in groups. Each team will discuss and answer questions together.

(1) Play the video clip of the courseware "Crying Earth" killing birds and other animals, and ask children to discuss: what consequences will people cause when they kill a large number of animals?

(2) Play the video clip of randomly dumping sewage and garbage in the courseware, and ask children to discuss: What will happen to the consequences of randomly dumping garbage and sewage?

(3) Play video clips of randomly cutting trees and factory exhaust gas in the courseware, and ask children to discuss: What other phenomena will damage the environment?

(4) Play clips of dry land and flood in the courseware, and ask children to discuss: What harm will the environment be damaged?

3. Guide children to discuss some ways to protect the environment, and stimulate children's feelings about environmental protection.

Teacher: The third round of the competition is to answer questions. After the teacher has said the questions, the players will sound their musical instruments to answer them.

4. Announce the results of the competition and award prizes.

3、 Extension activity: creating environmental protection posters

Guide children to work together in groups to create environmental protection posters, and promote them to people around them, so as to arouse everyone's sympathy and protect our environment together.

Class meeting teaching plan on environmental protection (6)

1、 Purpose:

Through this activity, guide students to care about their living environment, clarify the importance of environmental protection, and improve their awareness of protecting the environment and the earth; Cultivate students' good personal habits, encourage everyone to strive to be a small guardian of environmental protection, and make them consciously take actions to protect the environment and the earth.

2、 Activity preparation:

1. Collect pictures of environmental pollution through extensive reading of newspapers and magazines and rich network resources;

2. Write environmental nursery rhymes, draw environmental posters, use waste products to make environmental handicrafts, and learn to sing a song about environmental protection.

3、 Activity process

<1> Number of people reported by each team

Squadron Leader: All stand up.

Report to the counselors, 53 of our squadron are registered and 53 are present. The theme team meeting of "Let environmental protection enter our life" is ready. Please approve and invite you to participate in our team meeting.

Instructor: Accept your report, allow the team meeting to begin, and wish the theme team meeting a complete success.

<2> Take out the team flag and salute the team.

<3> Sing the team song together.

<4> Team meeting process.

(1) Announce the start of the theme class meeting

A: I thought you were so broad that you didn't care about taking away a piece of shade;

B: I thought you were so strong, but I didn't expect your tears to flow.

A: Earth, our home, let us love you forever!

B: Earth, our mother, let's enjoy your sunshine!

A: We all know that the earth is a very lovely and fragile planet, and that the earth is our home for human survival.

B: But with the rapid development of modern science and technology and economy, our homes are being destroyed, and the air, water and soil on the earth are being seriously polluted, which has brought a series of environmental problems. In order to jointly build our green homeland,

Together: Let environmental protection enter our life, the theme class meeting is now beginning!

(2) Environmental protection sketch performance

B: The animals in the big forest gather together. What are they doing? Please enjoy the sketch "Animal Court".

A: After reading the sketch, we understand that both humans and animals live in the same home. Together, we are mutually beneficial and coexist for a long time.

B: Therefore, protecting the earth should also protect animals, and loving nature should also love animals!

(3) How much do you know about environmental protection

B: We have learned a lot about environmental protection before. In order to investigate your understanding of environmental protection, we specially prepared several questions to answer quickly. Listen to the question:

1. Eyes are tired. It's good for eyes to have a look at (B) color.

A. Red

B. Green

C. Blue

2. To protect the blue sky, we should (C)

A. Try to choose comfortable means of transportation

B. Use private car

C. Try to take public transport

3. To reduce "white pollution", we should (A)

A. Consciously use less plastic bags that are difficult to degrade

B. Littering plastic garbage

C. Try to use plastic products

4. With the development of green consumption movement, the world has gradually formed a (B) lifestyle

A. Pursue fashion and destroy the environment

B. Protect the environment and advocate nature

C. Blind consumption for environmental protection

5. The 21st century is the (C) century

A. Technology

B. Economy

C. Environmental protection

6. Select phosphate free detergent (B)

A. Protective clothing

B. Prevent pollution

C. Protect hands

7. The 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment defined (C) as Environment Day

A. April 5

B. May 5

C. June 5

8. The biosphere generally refers to the relationship and influence between the boundary circle of the biological system formed by (B) and the natural boundary circle.

A. Human and animal

B. Humans, animals, plants

C. Animals and plants

9. One No. 1 battery can make 11 square meters of land lose its use value forever, and one button battery can pollute

A. 1 m3 water

B. 1000 m3 water

C. 60000 cubic meters of water

10. At present, human society is facing one of the six serious environmental problems: (B)

A. Deterioration of ecological environment

B. Environmental problems caused by ecological environment deterioration and new resource development

C. Problems of new resource development

(4) I support environmental protection

A: You know a lot about environmental protection. Let's look at a group of environmental protection materials.

(See the information on the big screen)

A: From the pictures just now, we can see that in recent years, our environment is getting worse and worse. Continuous drought or rainstorm, frequent sandstorms, polluted air and sea, and no longer blue sky... These are the consequences of our human beings' neglect of the environment and nature.

B: It should be said that there are many topics about environmental protection, and people have to do a lot for environmental protection. So, what can we, a primary school student, do for environmental protection? Let's speak with our actions.

A: Please tell us your good habits and methods of protecting the environment. (Free communication)

I can save every piece of paper; I can love flowers and trees; I can save water (reuse of domestic water: save the water for washing vegetables and hands to flush the toilet. The water for washing clothes can be used to mop the floor and flush the toilet after mopping); I try to use less or no plastic bags; I can collect the used batteries and send them to the collection point; I can avoid littering. I can do my duty to sweep three times a day. I can bravely stop acts that damage the environment

(5) Read environmental protection public service advertisements

B: Just now, we talked very well about some small things that we can do, but they are really beneficial to environmental protection, which shows that we have a strong awareness of environmental protection. In order to let us engrave this awareness in our minds, let's read a group of environmental protection public service advertisements together. (read aloud in chorus)

——Water is the source of life. Please save every drop of water. If human beings do not save water, the last drop of water will be people's tears.

——The sky is the home of birds, the river is the home of fish, and the earth is our home.

——Bring green to every corner of the world and let it flow into people's hearts.

——To maintain the ecological balance of the earth is to protect human beings themselves.

——Protect the environment and the earth. Let's use our hands to support a blue sky.

(6) Make small environmental protection card

(7) Activity summary

A: Yes, there are many things we can do for environmental protection. Let's start from the small things we can do. I think if everyone does this, our living environment will reduce some pollution.

B: For ourselves, for our future generations, and for our common homeland, protecting the environment should be our conscious action.

A: Look -- the water is clear, the sky is blue, and the earth is full of spring.

B: Listen - the forest is full of laughter, and the big and small animals are happy.

A: I believe that in the near future, our space will be cleaner, and our Earth Mother will be younger and healthier.

B: Our theme class meeting is coming to an end. Let's start from small things and start from ourselves to make our contribution to the cause of environmental protection! (Finally, let the class teacher speak)

4、 The head teacher made a summary speech:

Students, through the joint efforts of all students, today's class meeting on environmental protection has been a complete success. In this activity, we learned a lot about environmental protection and also recognized the importance of environmental protection. I hope you can build up the awareness of environmental protection since childhood, start from the little things around you, start from what you can do, and contribute a little to environmental protection. I believe that as long as we are responsible for ourselves and the earth, we humans can live on the earth forever.

Let's join hands again to create our green home!

I propose that the whole class sing the "Young Pioneers' Tree Planting Song" together, and let's end the theme class meeting in the song!

(The whole class sang loudly "Young Pioneers' Tree Planting Song")

The host announced that this was the end of the class meeting themed "Let environmental protection enter our lives". Thank you for your participation! bye!

Class meeting teaching plan on environmental protection (7)

1、 Theme:

Green -- our eternal pursuit

2、 Purpose

1. Through the activities, students will realize the importance of environmental protection and stimulate their sense of responsibility and mission for environmental protection.

2. Let the students realize the destruction degree of the current environment and establish a sense of crisis. Develop good environmental protection habits in life.

3、 Method:

Give the initiative to the students, combine teaching, activities and performances, stimulate their sense of responsibility in a free and relaxed atmosphere, make proposals and protect the environment.

4、 Activity Steps

1. Activity preparation

(1) Collect and sort out environmental materials.

(2) Materials for environmental protection measures.

(3) Projectors, recorders, accessories.

(4) Host: Kang Xuchang

2. Activity implementation

(1) Introduce theme

from ancient to modern times. Mother Earth has nurtured countless generations with sweet milk. She was originally decorated by the younger generation. But. Now human beings are for their own interests. She was tortured into darkness. There is only one earth, and the earth is facing a severe environmental crisis. "Save the Earth" has become the strongest voice of people all over the world.

I feel heartache for the deterioration of my surroundings. I think: teenagers as future successors. If you do not understand the composition of the human environment and the severity of environmental problems. Ignoring laws and regulations on environmental protection. Not to enhance the awareness of environmental protection. If we conscientiously fulfill our obligation to protect the environment. Our lives will be destroyed in our own hands. God will punish us severely. For this reason, I made up my mind to protect the environment from me. Protect our home on which we live. Be a guardian of the environment.

The shocking environmental pollution can be seen everywhere: the sky is dark, the air is dirty, sewage is flowing, garbage is besieged... pesticide residues such as DDT are also found in Antarctic penguins far away in the ice and snow, and Mount Everest is everywhere in chaos? Blue sky and clear water have become many people's childhood memories and distant dreams.

(2) The host told you a group of figures, and then asked everyone to discuss "I know the environmental damage".

1. 40 hectares of cultivated land lost per minute; 2. The land desertification is 11.4 hectares per minute; 3. 4700 tons of sediment per minute enters the sea; 4. 8500 tons of waste water is discharged every minute; 5. Every year, about 15 million people in the world die from water pollution and environmental pollution, and 28 people die every minute.

(3) Discussion.

How should we protect the environment from several aspects?

(1) Protection of social environment

First of all, it is necessary to comply with the regulations on the prohibition of littering all kinds of waste, and throw the waste into the designated place or container, especially the waste battery, because the heavy metal contained in a waste battery will cause serious pollution if it flows into clean water.

Secondly, in learning, we should try to save stationery and eliminate waste. For example, pencils are made of wood, and wasting pencils is equivalent to destroying the forest.

Third, try to avoid using disposable drink cups, foam lunch boxes, plastic bags and disposable chopsticks, and replace them with ceramic cups, paper lunch boxes, cloth bags and ordinary bamboo chopsticks, which can greatly reduce the generation of garbage.

Fourth, although bubble gum is a favorite candy for children, and it is a kind of food beneficial to human health, do not throw away the chewed gum base, because it will stick everywhere. When eating, you can put away its wrapping paper to wrap the spit glue base, and then throw it into the waste box.

Fifth, do not kill wild animals at will, especially frogs, the beneficial friend of human beings, because one frog can eat about 15000 insects in one year, mainly pests.

Sixth, we should take care of flowers and trees, do not damage urban greening, and actively participate in greening and tree planting activities.

Seventh, when leaving the room, turn off the lights and unplug the electrical plugs of TV, stereo, computer, etc.

Eighth, even in the coldest places, it is unnecessary to make the room temperature exceed 18 ℃. If you feel cold, you can wear more clothes.

Ninth, try to replace ordinary bulbs with energy-saving lamps. Although its price is relatively expensive, its power consumption is only a small part of that of ordinary bulbs.

Tenth, use airtight containers instead of plastic packaging to store food.

Eleventh, buy drinks in cans that can be recycled as far as possible.

Twelfth, please take your own shopping bag to shopping to avoid using non recyclable and non decomposable plastic bags.

Thirteen, save water. Please turn off the tap when brushing your teeth.

14th, gardeners should apply organic

Fertilizers, such as compost and manure, should be avoided

Use pesticides and herbicides because they can penetrate into soil and harm water sources.

Fifthly, slow down when driving, so that the fuel consumption is small and the carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced.

Sixthly, try to walk instead of riding a bike.

Whether in the past, now, or in the future, whether in family, country, or the world, the environment is always our friend. To treat friends well is to treat ourselves well.

(4) Please tell us some examples of environmental protection from society, school, family, etc.

1. Guangzhou protects Baiyun Mountain, renovates the Pearl River water, and the beauty of waves and sunshine becomes the pride of every Guangzhou person.

2. Starting from improving citizens' awareness of environmental protection, Gansu has vigorously carried out the action of "protecting mother river - environmental protection every day" and the activities of "ecological home", "green school" and creation, which has significantly enhanced the public's awareness of environmental protection.

3. Linze County has continuously increased the "five changes" of the three north shelter forest, sand prevention and control, returning farmland to forests, biogas construction and village environment improvement, and accelerated the construction of a new countryside focusing on improving the rural environment.

4. Smoke incident in the Maas Valley: In 1930, due to sulfur dioxide and dust pollution in the industrial area of the Maas Valley in Belgium, nearly 60 people died within a week, and thousands of people suffered from respiratory diseases.

5. In 1943, residents of Los Angeles found a kind of slightly white mist in the air, sometimes with yellowish brown color, which irritated people's eyes with pain and tears. This mist became increasingly serious, but it was not until 10 years later that the real culprit - the car was found. In 1955 and 1970, there were two photochemical smog incidents in Los Angeles. In the former, more than 4000 people died of five sense organs poisoning and respiratory failure, while in the latter, 3/4 of the people in the city became ill.

(5) Q&A on environmental protection knowledge in Happy Dictionary

1. The groundwater of _____ in the country is polluted. A.10% B.25% C.40%

2. There are less than _____ northern white rhinos left in the world. A.100 B.50 C.25

3. The theme of World Environment Day in 1998 is _____ A. For life on earth - save our oceans

B. Protect water environment - cherish water resources C. Environment and human coexistence - resource development and environmental protection coordination

4. The ozone hole over Antarctica is _____ times that over Oceania A.4 B.3 C.2

5. _____ refers to the sudden proliferation and aggregation of some small phytoplankton, protozoa or bacteria in the water under certain environmental conditions, causing discoloration of the water within a certain range for a period of time. A. Red tide B. Mirage C. Tsunami

6. What environmental disasters are mankind currently facing?

A: Water pollution, air pollution, vegetation shrinkage, endangered species, river cutoff, garbage siege, land desertification, ozone hole, etc.

7. What are the three major problems facing contemporary mankind? Answer: Population expansion, resource shortage and environmental degradation.

8. What kind of washing powder can reduce water pollution? Answer: Phosphate free detergent.

9. How to save water in daily life? Answer: Turn off the tap at any time, use one water for multiple purposes, protect the water source, etc.

10. What is green consumption? Answer: Choose and use products with an environmental perspective

11. Which country proposed Earth Day? A: The United States

(6) Students talk about feelings

(2) Protection of school environment

1. The host made a speech to introduce the theme of the class meeting and the meaning of green campus

A green school refers to a school that, on the basis of realizing its basic educational functions, takes the idea of sustainable development as its guide, incorporates management measures beneficial to the environment into its comprehensive daily management, and makes full use of all resources and opportunities inside and outside the school to comprehensively improve students' environmental literacy, Environmental quality and behavior are the internal components of the life and moral spirit of all students in green schools.

Green schools cannot be equated with greening schools or environmental protection schools.

"Environment beauty", "language beauty" and "behavior beauty" are the contents of the "green campus" activity.

Green environment is a symbol of health. Green can bring us vigor and vitality! The "green" in the green campus is not just a color, I think!

Walking into our campus now full of the fragrance of books, you will be attracted by the charming scenery. Tall and modern teaching buildings, lush trees, as well as dazzling flowers. Walking in the green landscape of the campus will make you feel energetic and happy. The green scenery on campus is extremely beneficial to our classmates. isn't it? After a lesson, stand on the corridor to see the green in the campus, let us feast our eyes and make our spirit reach a higher and better state! In the spare time, students can walk on the school road and look around. Don't you feel like you are in the garden?! This shows the beauty of the campus! Therefore, we should make the green campus forever! At ordinary times, cultivate the habit of not trampling on the grass, not climbing trees and flowers, being diligent in cleaning, and taking the initiative to pick up garbage. Over time, the campus will become more and more beautiful!

However, a green campus needs more than green environment. If the students' behavior habits and other aspects become better, then the campus is not more "green"?! In the campus, you can hear greetings and calls at any time; It can reduce chase and noise on campus. Everything has a higher goal to demand themselves, so that they can become more comprehensive and excellent students. At that time, our campus was not more "green"?

2. Guide and analyze the environmental protection problems that deserve attention in the campus and their serious impacts.

The whole class is divided into five groups. The teacher designates the group leader, and then each group leader gathers his classmates to communicate with the group leader for records. The five group leaders read out the record materials at the class meeting.

3. What do we have to do to protect the beautiful and clean environment on campus.

(1) Student representatives came to the stage to speak.

(2) Teacher's summary: Through the speeches made by the representatives of each group just now, we can see that we still have a lot to do in terms of campus environmental protection, and the students who spoke on the stage put forward many good suggestions. I think it can be summarized as follows: everyone is responsible for protecting the campus; Everyone should attach importance to environmental protection, starting from me.

4. At present, we urgently need to do and can do several things well:

(1) Waste paper should not be thrown away randomly as garbage, but should be collected in one person's waste paper box (or waste paper bag) and sold at the end of the term to turn waste into treasure

(2) The whole school should take action to remove the foul words and obscene cartoons scribbled on the walls. It is forbidden to make noise and shout in the campus and remove mental garbage;

(3) Each shift is responsible for enclosing the grassland in the sanitary area of the shift. They do not trample on the grassland at ordinary times, but also stop others from trampling on the grassland.

(4) Improve their awareness of environmental protection, do not litter, spit and other things that damage the environment.

(5) Set an example among the students, play a good role of model and lead, and seriously promote environmental protection knowledge

(6) Organize students to set up a cleaning team to clean the corridors and public facilities on campus regularly.

(7) Green teams can be set up to adopt grass and trees on campus. Pay attention to their growth, water and fertilize them.

5. Students talk about feelings

5、 Conclusion

Finally, the head teacher summarizes.

I suggest that students should do the following: Dear students, environmental protection is a long-term and arduous task. Let's cherish life, treat ourselves well, and protect our environmental home! I hope that every student can consciously develop good health habits and do something within their power for the campus environmental protection. During this activity, we learned a lot about environmental protection and the importance of environmental protection. I hope you can establish a good awareness of environmental protection, start from the little things around you, and be a civilized student. Only when we are responsible for the society and the environment, can we get a comfortable environment and a beautiful campus. When we walk around the campus surrounded by green trees and flowers, we will feel that sowing green is sowing hope. Let's join hands to create a beautiful green campus. Let every day of our life be an environment day!

Class meeting teaching plan on environmental protection (8)

1、 Theme:

Green -- our eternal pursuit

2、 Purpose

1. Through the activities, students will realize the importance of environmental protection and stimulate their sense of responsibility and mission for environmental protection.

2. Let the students realize the destruction degree of the current environment and establish a sense of crisis. Develop good environmental protection habits in life.

3、 Method:

Give the initiative to the students, combine teaching, activities and performances, stimulate their sense of responsibility in a free and relaxed atmosphere, make proposals and protect the environment.

4、 Activity Steps

1. Activity preparation

(1) Collect and sort out environmental materials.

(2) Materials for environmental protection measures.

(3) Projectors, recorders, accessories.

(4) Host: Kang Xuchang

2. Activity implementation

(1) Introduce theme

from ancient to modern times. Mother Earth has nurtured countless generations with sweet milk. She was originally decorated by the younger generation. But. Now human beings are for their own interests. She was tortured into darkness. There is only one earth, and the earth is facing a severe environmental crisis. "Save the Earth" has become the strongest voice of people all over the world.

I feel heartache for the deterioration of my surroundings. I think: teenagers as future successors. If you do not understand the composition of the human environment and the severity of environmental problems. Ignoring laws and regulations on environmental protection. Not to enhance the awareness of environmental protection. If we conscientiously fulfill our obligation to protect the environment. Our lives will be destroyed in our own hands. God will punish us severely. For this reason, I made up my mind to protect the environment from me. Protect our home on which we live. Be a guardian of the environment.

The shocking environmental pollution can be seen everywhere: the sky is dark, the air is dirty, sewage is flowing, garbage is besieged... pesticide residues such as DDT are also found in Antarctic penguins far away in the ice and snow, and Mount Everest is everywhere in chaos? Blue sky and clear water have become many people's childhood memories and distant dreams.

(2) The host told you a group of figures, and then asked everyone to discuss "I know the environmental damage".

1. 40 hectares of cultivated land lost per minute; 2. The land desertification is 11.4 hectares per minute; 3. 4700 tons of sediment per minute enters the sea; 4. 8500 tons of waste water is discharged every minute; 5. Every year, about 15 million people in the world die from water pollution and environmental pollution, and 28 people die every minute.

(3) Discussion.

How should we protect the environment from several aspects?

(1) Protection of social environment

First of all, it is necessary to comply with the regulations on the prohibition of littering all kinds of waste, and throw the waste into the designated place or container, especially the waste battery, because the heavy metal contained in a waste battery will cause serious pollution if it flows into clean water.

Secondly, in learning, we should try to save stationery and eliminate waste. For example, pencils are made of wood, and wasting pencils is equivalent to destroying the forest.

Third, try to avoid using disposable drink cups, foam lunch boxes, plastic bags and disposable chopsticks, and replace them with ceramic cups, paper lunch boxes, cloth bags and ordinary bamboo chopsticks, which can greatly reduce the generation of garbage.

Fourth, although bubble gum is a favorite candy for children, and it is a kind of food beneficial to human health, do not throw away the chewed gum base, because it will stick everywhere. When eating, you can put away its wrapping paper to wrap the spit glue base, and then throw it into the waste box.

Fifth, do not kill wild animals at will, especially frogs, the beneficial friend of human beings, because one frog can eat about 15000 insects in one year, mainly pests.

Sixth, we should take care of flowers and trees, do not damage urban greening, and actively participate in greening and tree planting activities.

Seventh, when leaving the room, turn off the lights and unplug the electrical plugs of TV, stereo, computer, etc.

Eighth, even in the coldest places, it is unnecessary to make the room temperature exceed 18 ℃. If you feel cold, you can wear more clothes.

Ninth, try to replace ordinary bulbs with energy-saving lamps. Although its price is relatively expensive, its power consumption is only a small part of that of ordinary bulbs.

Tenth, use airtight containers instead of plastic packaging to store food.

Eleventh, buy drinks in cans that can be recycled as far as possible.

Twelfth, please take your own shopping bag to shopping to avoid using non recyclable and non decomposable plastic bags.

Thirteen, save water. Please turn off the tap when brushing your teeth.

14th, gardeners should apply organic

Fertilizers, such as compost and manure, should be avoided

Use pesticides and herbicides because they can penetrate into soil and harm water sources.

Fifthly, slow down when driving, so that the fuel consumption is small and the carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced.

Sixthly, try to walk instead of riding a bike.

Whether in the past, now, or in the future, whether in family, country, or the world, the environment is always our friend. To treat friends well is to treat ourselves well.

(4) Please tell us some examples of environmental protection from society, school, family, etc.

1. Guangzhou protects Baiyun Mountain, renovates the Pearl River water, and the beauty of waves and sunshine becomes the pride of every Guangzhou person.

2. Starting from improving citizens' awareness of environmental protection, Gansu has vigorously carried out the action of "protecting mother river - environmental protection every day" and the activities of "ecological home", "green school" and creation, which has significantly enhanced the public's awareness of environmental protection.

3. Linze County has continuously increased the "five changes" of the three north shelter forest, sand prevention and control, returning farmland to forests, biogas construction and village environment improvement, and accelerated the construction of a new countryside focusing on improving the rural environment.

4. Smoke incident in the Maas Valley: In 1930, due to sulfur dioxide and dust pollution in the industrial area of the Maas Valley in Belgium, nearly 60 people died within a week, and thousands of people suffered from respiratory diseases.

5. In 1943, residents of Los Angeles found a kind of slightly white mist in the air, sometimes with yellowish brown color, which irritated people's eyes with pain and tears. This mist became increasingly serious, but it was not until 10 years later that the real culprit - the car was found. In 1955 and 1970, there were two photochemical smog incidents in Los Angeles. In the former, more than 4000 people died of five sense organs poisoning and respiratory failure, while in the latter, 3/4 of the people in the city became ill.

(5) Happy Dictionary Questions and Answers on Environmental Protection

1. The groundwater of _____ in the country is polluted. A.10% B.25% C.40%

2. There are less than _____ northern white rhinos left in the world. A.100 B.50 C.25

3. The theme of World Environment Day in 1998 is _____ A. For life on earth - save our oceans

B. Protect water environment - cherish water resources C. Environment and human coexistence - resource development and environmental protection coordination

4. The ozone hole over Antarctica is _____ times that over Oceania A.4 B.3 C.2

5. _____ refers to the sudden proliferation and aggregation of some small phytoplankton, protozoa or bacteria in the water under certain environmental conditions, causing discoloration of the water within a certain range for a period of time. A. Red tide B. Mirage C. Tsunami

6. What environmental disasters are mankind currently facing?

A: Water pollution, air pollution, vegetation shrinkage, endangered species, river cutoff, garbage siege, land desertification, ozone hole, etc.

7. What are the three major problems facing contemporary mankind? Answer: Population expansion, resource shortage and environmental degradation.

8. What kind of washing powder can reduce water pollution? Answer: Phosphate free detergent.

9. How to save water in daily life? Answer: Turn off the tap at any time, use one water for multiple purposes, protect the water source, etc.

10. What is green consumption? Answer: Choose and use products with an environmental perspective

11. Which country proposed Earth Day? A: The United States

(6) Students talk about feelings

(2) Protection of school environment

1. The host made a speech to introduce the theme of the class meeting and the meaning of green campus

A green school refers to a school that, on the basis of realizing its basic educational functions, takes the idea of sustainable development as its guide, incorporates management measures beneficial to the environment into its comprehensive daily management, and makes full use of all resources and opportunities inside and outside the school to comprehensively improve students' environmental literacy, Environmental quality and behavior are the internal components of the life and moral spirit of all students in green schools.

Green schools cannot be equated with greening schools or environmental protection schools.

"Environment beauty", "language beauty" and "behavior beauty" are the contents of the "green campus" activity.

Green environment is a symbol of health. Green can bring us vigor and vitality! The "green" in the green campus is not just a color, I think!

Walking into our campus now full of the fragrance of books, you will be attracted by the charming scenery. Tall and modern teaching building, lush trees, as well as dazzling flowers. Walking in the green landscape of the campus will make you feel energetic and happy. The green scenery on campus is extremely beneficial to our classmates. isn't it? After a lesson, stand on the corridor to see the green in the campus, let us feast our eyes and make our spirit reach a higher and better state! In the spare time, students can walk on the school road and look at the surrounding scenery. Don't you feel like you are in the garden?! This shows the beauty of the campus! Therefore, we should make the green campus forever! At ordinary times, cultivate the habit of not trampling on the grass, not climbing trees and flowers, being diligent in cleaning, and taking the initiative to pick up garbage. Over time, the campus will become more and more beautiful!

However, a green campus needs more than green environment. If students' behavior habits and other aspects become better, then the campus is not more "green"?! In the campus, you can hear greetings and calls at any time; It can reduce chase and noise on campus. Everything has a higher goal to demand themselves, so that they can become more comprehensive and excellent students. At that time, our campus was not more "green"?

2. Guide and analyze the environmental protection problems that deserve attention in the campus and their serious impacts.

The whole class is divided into five groups. The teacher designates the group leader, and then each group leader gathers his classmates to communicate with the group leader for records. The five group leaders read out the record materials at the class meeting.

3. What do we have to do to protect the beautiful and clean environment on campus.

(1) Student representatives came to the stage to speak.

(2) Teacher's summary: Through the speeches made by the representatives of each group just now, we can see that we still have a lot to do in terms of campus environmental protection, and the students who spoke on the stage put forward many good suggestions. I think it can be summarized as follows: everyone is responsible for protecting the campus; Everyone should attach importance to environmental protection, starting from me.

4. At present, we urgently need to do and can do several things well:

(1) Waste paper should not be thrown away randomly as garbage, but should be collected in one person's waste paper box (or waste paper bag) and sold at the end of the term to turn waste into treasure

(2) The whole school should take action to remove the foul words and obscene cartoons scribbled on the walls. It is forbidden to make noise and shout in the campus and remove mental garbage;

(3) Each shift is responsible for enclosing the grassland in the sanitary area of the shift. They do not trample on the grassland at ordinary times, but also stop others from trampling on the grassland.

(4) Improve their awareness of environmental protection, do not litter, spit and other things that damage the environment.

(5) Set an example among the students, play a good role of model and lead, and seriously promote environmental protection knowledge

(6) Organize students to set up a cleaning team to clean the corridors and public facilities on campus regularly.

(7) Green teams can be set up to adopt grass and trees on campus. Pay attention to their growth, water and fertilize them.

5. Students talk about feelings

5、 Conclusion

Finally, the head teacher summarizes.

I suggest that students should do the following: Dear students, environmental protection is a long-term and arduous task. Let's cherish life, treat ourselves well, and protect our environmental home! I hope that every student can consciously develop good health habits and do something within their power for the campus environmental protection. During this activity, we learned a lot about environmental protection and the importance of environmental protection. I hope you can establish a good awareness of environmental protection, start from the little things around you, and be a civilized student. Only when we are responsible for the society and the environment, can we get a comfortable environment and a beautiful campus. When we walk around the campus surrounded by green trees and flowers, we will feel that sowing green is sowing hope. Let's join hands to create a beautiful green campus. Let every day of our life be an environment day!

Class meeting teaching plan on environmental protection (9)

1、 Purpose:

Through this activity, guide students to care about their living environment, clarify the importance of environmental protection, and improve their awareness of caring for the environment and the earth; Cultivate students' good personal habits, encourage everyone to strive to be a little guardian of environmental protection, and make them consciously take actions to love the environment and the earth.

2、 Activity preparation:

1. Collect pictures of environmental pollution through extensive reading of newspapers and magazines and rich network resources;

2. Write environmental nursery rhymes, draw environmental posters, use waste products to make environmental handicrafts, and learn to sing a song about environmental protection.

3、 Activity process

(1) Announce the start of the theme class meeting

A: I thought you were so broad that you didn't care about taking away a piece of shade;

B: I thought you were so strong, but I didn't expect your tears to flow.

A: Earth, our only home, let us love you forever!

B: Earth, our mother, let's enjoy your sunshine!

A: We all know that the earth is a very lovely and fragile planet, and that the earth is the only home for our human existence.

B: But with the rapid development of modern science and technology and economy, our homes are being destroyed, and the air, water and soil on the earth are being seriously polluted, which has brought a series of environmental problems. In order to jointly build our green homeland,

Together: Let environmental protection enter our life, the theme class meeting is now beginning!

(2) Environmental protection sketch performance

B: The animals in the big forest gather together. What are they doing? Please enjoy the sketch "Animal Court".

A: After reading the sketch, we understand that both humans and animals live in the same home. Together, we are mutually beneficial and coexist for a long time.

B: So, to love the earth should also love animals, and to love nature should also love animals!

(3) How much do you know about environmental protection

B: We have learned a lot about environmental protection before. In order to investigate your understanding of environmental protection, we specially prepared several questions to answer quickly. Listen to the question:

1. Eyes are tired. It's good for eyes to have a look at (B) color.

A. Red B. Green C. Yellow

2. To protect the blue sky, we should (C)

A. Try to choose comfortable means of transportation

B. Use private car

C. Try to take public transport

3. To reduce "white pollution", we should (A)

A. Consciously use less plastic bags that are difficult to degrade

B. Littering plastic garbage

C. Try to use plastic products

4. With the development of green consumption movement, the world has gradually formed a (B) lifestyle

A. Pursue fashion and destroy the environment

B. Protect the environment and advocate nature C. Protect the environment and consume blindly

5. The 21st century is the (C) century

A. Science and technology B. Economy C. Environmental protection

6. Select phosphate free detergent (B)

A. Take care of clothes B. Prevent pollution C. Take care of your hands

7. The 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment defined (C) as Environment Day

A. April 5 B. May 6 C. June 5

8. The biosphere generally refers to the relationship and influence between the boundary circle of the biological system formed by (B) and the natural boundary circle.

A. Human, animal B. Human, animal, plant C. Animal, plant

9. One No. 1 battery can make 11 square meters of land lose its use value forever, and one button battery can pollute

A. 1 m3 of water B. 1000 m3 of water C.6000 m3 of water

10. At present, human society is facing one of the six serious environmental problems: (B)

A. Deterioration of ecological environment

B. Environmental problems caused by ecological environment deterioration and new resource development

C. Problems of new resource development

(4) I support environmental protection

A: You know a lot about environmental protection. Let's look at a group of environmental protection materials.

(See the information on the big screen)

A: From the pictures just now, we can see that in recent years, our environment is getting worse and worse. Continuous drought or rainstorm, frequent sandstorms, polluted air and sea, no longer blue sky This is the evil result of our human not caring for the environment and not treating nature well.

B: It should be said that there are many topics about environmental protection, and people have to do a lot for environmental protection. So, what can we, a primary school student, do for environmental protection? Let's speak with our actions.

A: Please tell us your good habits and methods of protecting the environment. (Free communication)

I can save every piece of paper; I can love flowers and trees; I can save water (reuse of domestic water: save the water for washing vegetables and hands to flush the toilet. The water for washing clothes can be used to mop the floor and flush the toilet after mopping); I try to use less or no plastic bags; I can collect the used batteries and send them to the collection point; I can avoid littering. I can do my duty to sweep three times a day. I can bravely stop the acts that damage the environment

(5) Read environmental protection public service advertisements

B: Just now, we talked very well about some small things that we can do, but they are really beneficial to environmental protection, which shows that we have a strong awareness of environmental protection. In order to let us engrave this awareness in our minds, let's read a group of environmental protection public service advertisements together. (read aloud in chorus)

——Water is the source of life. Please save every drop of water. If human beings do not save water, the last drop of water will be people's tears.

——The sky is the home of birds, the river is the home of fish, and the earth is our home.

——Bring green to every corner of the world and let it flow into people's hearts.

——To maintain the ecological balance of the earth is to love human beings themselves.

——Protect the environment and the earth. Let's use our hands to support a blue sky.

(6) Make small environmental protection card

(7) Activity summary

A: Yes, there are many things we can do for environmental protection. Let's start from the small things we can do. I think if everyone does this, our living environment will reduce some pollution.

B: For our own sake, for our future generations, and for our common homeland, it should be everyone's conscious action to love the environment.

A: Look -- the water is clear, the sky is blue, and the earth is full of spring.

B: Listen - the forest is full of laughter, and the big and small animals are happy.

A: I believe that in the near future, our space will be cleaner, and our Earth Mother will be younger and healthier.

B: Our theme class meeting is coming to an end. Let's start from small things and start from ourselves to make our contribution to the cause of environmental protection! (Finally, let the class teacher speak)

The head teacher made a summary speech:

Students, through the joint efforts of all students, today's class meeting on environmental protection has been a complete success. In this activity, we learned a lot about environmental protection and the importance of environmental protection. I hope you can build up the awareness of caring for the environment from childhood, start from the little things around you, start from what you can do, and contribute a little to environmental protection. I believe that as long as we are responsible for ourselves and the earth, we humans can live on the earth forever.

Let's join hands again to create our green home!

I propose that the whole class sing the "Young Pioneers' Tree Planting Song" together, and let's end the theme class meeting in the song!

(The whole class sang loudly "Young Pioneers' Tree Planting Song")

Class meeting teaching plan on environmental protection (10)

1、 Active objects:


2、 Activity time:

40 minutes

3、 Activity background:

Nowadays, most children are only children, and because of their parents' and family's doting, they become self-centered and do not know the most basic environmental protection knowledge. When they enter the school gate, they often show some bad behavior habits, littering, littering, resulting in a bad school environment. If these behaviors are not changed, their healthy growth and development will be affected.

4、 Activity objectives:

Through this thematic class meeting, students can understand the importance of environmental protection, and learn and understand the basic knowledge of environmental protection. Cultivate students to start from now, from self, from bit by bit, and strive to improve their awareness of environmental protection, so as to be a small guardian of environmental protection.

5、 Activity form:

Read children's songs, textbook plays, sing songs, ask and answer questions, and play games.

6、 Activity preparation and division of labor:

1. Collect the song "Let's Be Polite Since Childhood" (revised lyrics).

2. Set up the classroom

7、 Activity process:

(1) The host announces the beginning of the class meeting

Teacher: Dear students, when we carry our schoolbags into the school gate, we will become a member of the primary school attached to the wine teacher. Who do you think is the owner of the school?

Student communication.

Teacher: What should we do here?

Students speak freely.

Teacher's summary: In the beautiful family of the school, we should unite and love, respect teachers, care for students, and be a small guardian of the environment.

Host and teacher: Let's protect the environment from childhood. The class meeting on the theme of "Protecting the Environment, My Responsibility" will now begin.

(2) Schedule activities

1. Recite children's songs

Qu Yunuo: Students, let's recite the children's songs,

Nursery rhyme for environmental protection

Reach out and bend over, and do a good job of campus sanitation.

Waste paper scraps, melon and fruit peels should not be thrown about.

Garbage can, smile at you, and let it eat quickly.

Waste, do not litter, everyone is responsible for dirty.

Save water, save electricity, and don't waste a penny.

Clear water, happy flow, turn off the tap.

The campus is becoming more and more beautiful, you laugh and I jump.

Teacher: The students recite very well. Do you usually do this? The students who did it praised themselves (the students patted their forehead three times), but did not criticize themselves. (Students shave their noses three times)

Host A: Eh, who came to the stage? Let's ask him to introduce himself.

Little reporter: Hello, students. I'm a reporter from Environmental Protection Daily. You read very well just now. Now I want to test you. Are you confident?

2. Q&A on environmental protection knowledge.

Q&A on environmental protection knowledge. Tick "√" for the right and "×" for the wrong. Tell me why you are wrong.

(1) Milk is not a snack. It can be taken to school. (False)

(2) The school rules do not allow me to bring snacks into the school. I will come in after I finish eating at the school gate. (False)

(3) I saw the tap on, so I hurried to close it. (pair)

(4) I found that my classmate wanted to catch snails on the lawn. I stopped him immediately. (pair)

(5) Xiaohua can't hold back his urine. He wants to sprinkle it in the sink once. (False)

(6) It is my responsibility to keep the campus and classroom clean and tidy. (pair)

(7) Autumn is coming, and our favorite leaves fall off. I pick them up and put them in my desk. (False)

(8) There is a piece of paper in the sink. It seems that the sink is going to be blocked. I'm still young. It's none of my business. (False)

(9) Proper ventilation is also required in winter. (pair)

(10) Don't open the corridor window easily. (pair)

(11) Xiao Hong didn't want to do some sanitation today, so she hurried to find someone to do it for her. (False)

(12) I am willing to help the student on duty do the hygiene. (pair)

(13) The students are still young and can touch the wall when walking. (False)

(14) Do not throw paper scraps and peels indoors or outdoors. (pair)

(15) Xiaogang sits by the window. He often throws things out. (False)

Little reporter: The students answered well about environmental protection. Goodbye!

Host C's summary: The campus sanitation is closely related to us. Such uncivilized behaviors as littering with peels and spitting on the campus not only affect the beauty of the campus, but also affect our health. For our health and hygiene, we should always keep the school clean and sanitary. Each of us should remember that it is my responsibility to keep the campus clean and tidy.

Class recitation: It is my responsibility (with my fingers) to keep the campus clean and tidy.

3. Poetry recitation

Green for the future

Gently open the Earth Album,

Mountains, rivers and waters will ask me:

Children, cross century children,

What do you want to leave for the future earth?

Is to leave a tree,

Or leave a flower?

It is the spring that leaves a life,

Or leave an eternal green ditch?

Ah, you said, I said, he said:

Leave a more beautiful earth for the future,

And a song of Greenpeace!

Waving colorful paintbrush affectionately,

The blue sky and the sea will welcome me;

Little angel, the little angel of nature,

What do you want to draw for the future world?

It is to paint evergreen mountains,

Or paint green all over the desert?

It is an invincible flower season for painting,

Or paint the spring that will never disappear?

Ah, with you, with him, with me,

Draw a more beautiful future for the world,

And a song of loving the earth!

4. Based on the reality, this paper discusses the changes brought by environmental problems to human life.

Display pictures to express the feelings of environment, ecology, nature and other aspects. Views on harmfulness.

5. Activity summary Common declaration

Proposal: Dear students, environmental protection is a long-term and arduous task. Let's cherish life, treat ourselves well, and protect our environmental home! Let every day of our life be an environment day!

5. Sing the song "Let's protect the environment from childhood" (revise the lyrics)

Teacher: I am proud of you when I see your sense of responsibility!

Compere together: The song of environmental protection flies everywhere. Let's sing a chorus of "Let's protect the environment from childhood". (Adapted from Let's Be Polite Since Childhood).

The morning wind is blowing, the sun is shining, the red scarf is floating in front of my chest, and the children are happy to go to school. Pick up the paper scraps when you see them. The flowers and trees smile at me. Pick up the paper scraps, and the garbage is gone. We were young. In terms of hygiene, we protect the environment from childhood.

Good children, high aspirations, hygiene, environmental protection, children, we must remember. Protect the environment, pay attention to hygiene, pay attention to hygiene, and do not throw peel and paper scraps randomly. Sanitation should be achieved, and the environment should be protected. We have been talking about sanitation since childhood, and we have been protecting the environment since childhood.

The teacher commands and the students beat.

(3) Head teacher summary

Teacher: Students, it is my responsibility and everyone's responsibility to protect the environment. Each of us should always remember this responsibility,

(4) Announce the end of the class meeting

Teacher: Now I declare that the class meeting on the theme of "My responsibility to protect the environment" is over!

Class meeting teaching plan on environmental protection (11)

Activity objectives:

1. Cultivate students to form good health habits and not throw garbage randomly.

2. Cultivate students to love the campus and establish the awareness of beautifying the campus.

3. Make students understand the current situation of environmental pollution, stimulate students' feelings of love for the environment, and stimulate them to strive to be little guardians of environmental protection. Activity preparation: courseware, several campus photos

Activity process:

1、 Conversation induction (3 minutes)

Children, can you tell us the name of our school? Time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, we have been studying and living in this school for more than a year. What kind of school do you think our school is? (Clean, tidy, beautiful...)

2、 Activity process

(1) Lead the topic (6 minutes)

1. Teacher: Yes, such a beautiful school has some shortcomings. Let's go and have a look!

2. Show the photos of the school one by one, and let the students find out where the shortcomings lie?

3. Think: Where does this rubbish come from? Tell me about some phenomena you see that do not pay attention to hygiene?

4. Discussion: What should we do to make our campus and class more beautiful and tidy.

(2) Student self inspection

1. Play a small video "The Story of Banana Peels" and think: What do you see from this video? What do you usually do?

2. (Show the courseware) Check whether you have done the following: (Show the courseware)

(1) Carefully complete the work on duty.

(2) Do not bring snacks into the campus. Do not litter fruit peels, paper scraps, or spit anywhere.

(3) Do not throw garbage into the flower bed.

(4) . They can bend down to pick up garbage when they see it.

(5) Take care of every tree and grass in the school.

(6) We are willing to be a small guardian of environmental protection and protect the campus environment!

2. Students compare and talk about what they did well and what they didn't do enough.

(3) Judge right and wrong.

1. Courseware title:

(1) Bingbing loves working. Every time the school is cleaned, she always takes an active part in it.

(2) One day, when Xiao Ming saw no one around, he quickly threw the orange peel on the ground.

(3) When it was Xiaohua's turn to be on duty, Xiaohua had to be urged by the team leader to clean.

(4) Once, Xiaohua saw a little sister throw a piece of paper on the ground. She ran to pick up the piece of paper and told her that the garbage should be put in the garbage can.

(5) During the break, Xiao Yang saw a plastic bottle falling on the ground at the foot of the stairs. He raised his head, pretended not to see it, and stepped over the bottle.

2. Students should first judge right and wrong, and explain the reasons and how to do it.

(4) Learn clapping songs and remember good hygiene habits.

1. Students clap and recite, and deskmates clap and recite.

2. Teachers and students answer each other.

You take one, I take one, beautify the campus without hesitation;

You clap two, I clap two, pick up paper and plastic bags;

You take three photos, I take three photos, to avoid mountains of garbage;

You clap four, I clap four, education is second;

You pat five, I pat five, do not be afraid of hardship;

You clap six, I clap six, and everyone tries to get together;

You shoot seven, I shoot seven, seize the good opportunity now;

You shoot eight, I shoot eight, it depends on everyone to protect the environment;

You shoot nine, I shoot nine, the benefit of society is lasting;

You take ten, I take ten, recycling waste paper and batteries.

3、 Enjoy the beautiful scenery of the campus. (Courseware)

4、 "Environmental protection guards" swear.

I swear: I will do it with practical actions

Cherish the sky and love the earth;

Resist pollution and plant green;

Cherish life and save resources;

Protect the environment and nature;

Green consumption, green life.

Ask the monitor to lead the students to take an oath.

5、 Calls for:

Students, we can do a lot for environmental protection. I hope all students will take active action to let us know more about environmental pollution and the importance of environmental protection, and use our hands to add new green to the earth,

Children, let's take action! Let's create a more beautiful and tidy campus tomorrow! Strive to be a small guardian of environmental protection, start from small things and start from yourself!!!

Class meeting teaching plan on environmental protection (12)

Teaching objectives:

1. A preliminary understanding of the serious shortage of fresh water resources is a common topic facing the world today, so that students can know the value of water and form a good habit of water-saving.

2. Learn to do some small things in life that can save water.

Teaching preparation:

1. Investigate the common phenomenon of wasting water resources in life.

2. Collect and formulate some water-saving measures.

Teaching process:

1、 Use riddles to reveal the topic.

The host came on the stage and said mysteriously: "I will let you guess a riddle, will you?" The host dictated the riddle: "You can't hold it with both hands, you can't split it with a knife, you should invite it to cook and wash."

2、 Start with life experience and introduce learning.

1. What things in life need water? Why don't you use seawater for bathing, washing dishes, cooking?

2. Show the composition proportion map of water and fresh water on the earth to get a preliminary understanding of the scarcity of fresh water resources on the earth. What do you think of this picture?

3. Can all the fresh water on the earth be used? Do you know how much fresh water can be used?

4. Summarize the transition and import the "game".

3、 Apple cutting game, experience the serious shortage of fresh water resources.

1. Compere: If we regard apples as the total amount of fresh water on the earth, how many fresh water resources can human beings actually use?

2. For the first time, do you think it should be about half? Why? (Not!)

Do you think the second time you cut an apple should be about a quarter? Why? (Not!)

Do you think the third time you cut an apple should be about one eighth? Why? (Not!)

Do you think the fourth time you cut an apple should be about one sixteenth? Why? (No!) How do you feel when you look at this?)

The fifth time to cut an apple, the teacher cut off the apple peel from 1/16 of the apple slices, and then told the students with a heavy voice: Look! The thin apple peel on 1/16 apple slices is equivalent to the total freshwater resources available to more than 6 billion people in the world.

3. Students talk about their experience after playing this game.

4. Recognize the serious water shortage problem facing China.

Cut the apple peel again, which is the fresh water resource that 1.3 billion people in China can use.

Show: The world is short of water, and China is even more short of water! China's industrial sector is short of 35 billion cubic meters of water every year, agricultural production is short of 144 billion cubic meters of water every year, and domestic drinking water is short of 34.4 billion cubic meters every year.

Compere: Students, what do you think when you see this set of data?

4、 Small journalists investigate the action.

Student report: What are the phenomena of wasting water in life? Talk about your feelings.

5、 Develop water-saving measures.

Compere: There is so little fresh water available, what should we do?


1. How to save water when washing hands, bathing and brushing teeth?

2. How to save water when taking water from the water dispenser?

3. How to save water when washing many dishes?

4. How to use more than one water?

6、 Design advertising terms.

Host: It's glorious to save water, but shameful to waste water! Let's take action together. Please design some water-saving advertisements. The requirements of advertising language are concise, clear and inspiring.

7、 Summary extension.

Host: I hope everyone in our class will strive to become a small expert in water conservation, and actively promote water conservation to their families and the whole school to make a small contribution.

Class meeting teaching plan on environmental protection (13)


Green and environmental protection




1. Improve students' awareness of environmental protection and change their bad living habits;

2. Let the students realize the importance of protecting the environment and start from themselves and the little things around them.

[Cause of activity]:

We found that some students' awareness of environmental protection was indifferent, and bad health habits and destruction of campus environmental health also occurred frequently. It is hoped that this class meeting will arouse all students' awareness of the importance of environmental education, enhance their awareness of environmental protection, love and protect the environment, and create a clean and tidy social environment from the little things around them. In addition, it is hoped that this activity can show students' talents, exercise their organizational ability, enhance mutual understanding, and cultivate their sense of cooperation.

[Activity process]:

1. The host clarifies the purpose of this activity and introduces the theme

2. The host made a speech to announce the start of the activity

Moderator: We found that some students' awareness of environmental protection is indifferent, and bad health habits and destruction of campus environmental health are still common. Now we will discuss these matters.

3. Students are free to speak about these matters

S1: It's shameful for us.

Student 2: To protect the environment, start with small things and start with me.

S3: Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment.

Student 4: Take a hand to participate in environmental protection and create a green campus.

S5: When you see a piece of paper on the ground, you can't help picking it up. Although it is a small thing, it can make you happy.

4. The host summarizes the speech.

Host: It's reasonable for everyone to say that "everyone is responsible for protecting the environment", "protecting the environment starts from small things and starts from me", "picking up a piece of paper can make you happy". Boys and girls, it depends on our actions. Please think about it and talk about the cases that affect environmental health around you. Let's discuss which uncivilized behaviors need to be improved? How can we protect the environment around us?

5. Discuss in groups

6. Group representatives speak

S1: You should turn off the lights without wasting resources.

Student 2: Pick up rubbish whenever you see it.

Student 3: Do not spit everywhere and pay attention to personal hygiene.

Student 4: Everyone should take care of their own "small world".

Student 5: The sanitary corner should be kept clean and tidy.

Student 6: The student on duty should do his duty well, and do three big sweeps and several small sweeps a day.

S7: Students supervise each other and bravely prevent environmental damage.

Student 8: Strengthen the awareness of environmental protection.

Student 9: The class formulates a class health convention, punishes acts that damage the environment, and rewards students who protect the environment.

7. The host summarizes the speech

8. Quick answer to environmental protection knowledge

Compere: Do you care about environmental protection? How much do you know about environmental protection? Let me test you. Next, take the group as a unit to answer questions about environmental protection. (To improve the interest, we need to do some quick turns with our brains.)

9. The host summarizes that the class meeting is over.

Summary: It made students deeply feel that they should start from now and from the side to protect their beautiful home and the beautiful earth, which enhanced their awareness of environmental protection, and made their voices of "we should protect the environment together" from their hearts.

10. The head teacher evaluates the class meeting, affirms the ability of the students, points out the areas for improvement, and puts forward hope.

[Class teacher evaluation]:

Through this class meeting, students were aware of the small details of life that they did not notice at ordinary times, and realized that only by jointly creating a good environment, can they learn and live better. Everyone is responsible for the beautiful campus environment. Environmental protection is not far away, we can start from the little things around us. At the same time, as a middle school student, we should also promote environmental protection, so that our friends and relatives can further strengthen their awareness of environmental protection and contribute to a better environment on our campus.

Class meeting teaching plan on environmental protection (14)

Activity objectives:

1. Cultivate students to form good health habits and not throw garbage randomly.

2. Cultivate students to love the campus and establish the awareness of beautifying the campus.

3. Make students understand the current situation of environmental pollution, stimulate students' feelings of love for the environment, and stimulate them to strive to be little guardians of environmental protection. Activity preparation: courseware, several campus photos

Activity process:

1、 Conversation induction (3 minutes)

Children, can you tell us the name of our school? Time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, we have been studying and living in this school for more than a year. What kind of school do you think our school is? (Clean, tidy, beautiful...)

2、 Activity process

(1) Lead the topic (6 minutes)

1. Teacher: Yes, such a beautiful school has some shortcomings. Let's go and have a look!

2. Show the photos of the school one by one, and let the students find out where the shortcomings lie?

3. Think: Where does this rubbish come from? Tell me about some phenomena you see that do not pay attention to hygiene?

4. Discussion: What should we do to make our campus and class more beautiful and tidy.

(2) Student self inspection

1. Play a small video "The Story of Banana Peels" and think: What do you see from this video? What do you usually do?

2. (Show the courseware) Check whether you have done the following: (Show the courseware)

(1) Carefully complete the work on duty.

(2) Do not bring snacks into the campus. Do not litter fruit peels, paper scraps, or spit anywhere.

(3) Do not throw garbage into the flower bed.

(4) . They can bend down to pick up garbage when they see it.

(5) Take care of every tree and grass in the school.

(6) We are willing to be a small guardian of environmental protection and protect the campus environment!

2. Students compare and talk about what they did well and what they didn't do enough.

(3) Judge right and wrong.

1. Courseware title:

(1) Bingbing loves working. Every time the school is cleaned, she always takes an active part in it.

(2) One day, when Xiao Ming saw no one around, he quickly threw the orange peel on the ground.

(3) When it was Xiaohua's turn to be on duty, Xiaohua had to be urged by the team leader to clean.

(4) Once, Xiaohua saw a little sister throw a piece of paper on the ground. She ran to pick up the piece of paper and told her that the garbage should be put in the garbage can.

(5) During the break, Xiao Yang saw a plastic bottle falling on the ground at the foot of the stairs. He raised his head, pretended not to see it, and stepped over the bottle.

2. Students should first judge right and wrong, and explain the reasons and how to do it.

(4) Learn clapping songs and remember good hygiene habits.

1. Students clap and recite, and deskmates clap and recite.

2. Teachers and students answer each other.

You take one, I take one, beautify the campus without hesitation;

You clap two, I clap two, pick up paper and plastic bags;

You take three photos, I take three photos, to avoid mountains of garbage;

You clap four, I clap four, education is second;

You pat five, I pat five, do not be afraid of hardship;

You clap six, I clap six, and everyone tries to get together;

You shoot seven, I shoot seven, seize the good opportunity now;

You shoot eight, I shoot eight, it depends on everyone to protect the environment;

You shoot nine, I shoot nine, the benefit of society is lasting;

You take ten, I take ten, recycling waste paper and batteries.

3、 Enjoy the beautiful scenery of the campus. (Courseware)

4、 "Environmental protection guards" swear.

I swear: I will do it with practical actions

Cherish the sky and love the earth;

Resist pollution and plant green;

Cherish life and save resources;

Protect the environment and nature;

Green consumption, green life.

Ask the monitor to lead the students to take an oath.

5、 Calls for:

Students, we can do a lot for environmental protection. I hope all students will take active action to let us know more about environmental pollution and the importance of environmental protection, and use our hands to add new green to the earth,

Children, let's take action! Let's create a more beautiful and tidy campus tomorrow! Strive to be a small guardian of environmental protection, start from small things and start from yourself!!!

Class meeting teaching plan on environmental protection (15)


1. Through the activity, let students realize that climate warming is a major challenge facing the world today, and it is the common mission of all mankind to curb climate warming.

2. Inspire students to love the environment and understand the profound connotation of "everyone is responsible for protecting the environment".

3. Let students start from themselves, love the environment, form the habit of environmental protection in life, establish low-carbon awareness, energy conservation and environmental protection, become the advocates of low-carbon life, become the communicators of low-carbon ideas, and become the practitioners of "low-carbon life".

Key points of coaching:

Let children establish a healthy view of consumption and develop the habit of saving.

Difficulties in coaching:

Realize that human kindness is more valuable than money, and establish values from the process of spending pocket money. Equipment: multimedia equipment, computer courseware.

Activity mode and method: discussion method.


40 minutes.

Activity site:


Activity process:

The first link introduces the theme of the class meeting

Watch the video music Earth, How are you

Let's enjoy a piece of music first. (After playing) A very nice song, How are you, Earth? Do you think the earth is OK now? (Student's answer) If not, what's the problem with the earth? What is the connection between the existence of these problems and the theme we are learning today, Energy Conservation, Environmental Protection, Green and Low Carbon? What is low-carbon life? Why should we advocate low-carbon life? How to practice the concept of low-carbon life? This is what we learned together at today's theme class meeting.

The second link is to identify the current situation and introduce "low carbon" and "low carbon life"

1. Our current situation.

With the development of the world's industrial economy, the sharp increase of population, the infinite rise of human beings and the unrestrained production and lifestyle, the world climate is facing more and more serious problems, carbon dioxide emissions are increasing

The ozone layer is suffering from an unprecedented crisis, and the global catastrophic climate change has repeatedly occurred, which has seriously endangered the living environment and health and safety of mankind. Even the rapid growth or expansion of GDP that mankind once prided itself on is "discounted" because of environmental pollution and climate change.

The Chinese government has publicly committed to the world to quantify emission reduction targets, and has decided to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40-45% by 20xx compared with 20xx. In the process of coping with global warming and energy crisis, the era of low-carbon economy marked by low energy consumption, low pollution and low emissions has come as promised and is profoundly changing our lives.

2. What is low carbon?

(Show the slide) It refers to lower (lower) greenhouse gas emissions (mainly carbon dioxide), which is a low energy and low consumption lifestyle. For example, if you drive less private cars, take more buses, ride bicycles, or if conditions permit, walk instead of walking. (The teacher explained that we know that cars burn gasoline, which is refined from petroleum. Burning petroleum produces a lot of carbon dioxide, which is emitted into the air, causing the greenhouse effect and warming the climate.)

What are the characteristics of carbon dioxide?

(Show the slide and explain) Carbon dioxide absorbs heat. It reflects the heat absorbed from the sun to the earth. However, it has the characteristics of heat insulation. It is like a thick layer of glass or plastic film that blocks the heat from the surface from radiating into outer space. Therefore, the temperature rises and the climate warms.

Why is the carbon dioxide content in the air increasing unprecedentedly now? (Show the slide and explain) After the industrial revolution, human beings entered the era of industrialization. Human development consumed a large amount of carbon containing coal, oil, natural gas and other non renewable resources. At the same time, due to human deforestation, the area of forests that release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide decreased sharply. All of this increased the carbon dioxide content in the air.

3. Introduce "low-carbon life".

Low carbon life refers to the reduction of energy consumption in daily life, so as to reduce carbon, especially carbon dioxide emissions. To understand it simply, low-carbon life is to return to nature and carry out activities between people and nature, mainly changing the details of life from three aspects: electricity saving solar terms and recycling.

The third link is interactive communication and discovery

1. Criticism and self-criticism

Group discussion: What behaviors do you or your classmates around violate the concept of energy conservation, environmental protection and green low-carbon in real life?

2. Students give advice

3. Summarize some tips for "low-carbon life"

Many people still don't know much about "low carbon". In fact, "low carbon" is around us. In life, it is not very difficult to achieve low carbon. In many cases, you can do it by yourself. Now, let me briefly introduce some tips in my "low-carbon life".

(1) Waste recycling;

(2) Use less paper towels and pick up handkerchiefs again;

(3) Double sided use of paper, saving paper;

(4) Reduce the waste of food;

(5) No disposable chopsticks, water cups, lunch boxes and disposable plastic bags;

(6) Turn off the light and take care of the faucet;

(7) Turn on the energy saving mode of the computer, shut down relevant equipment reasonably, and save power consumption;

(8) Take more buses, bicycles or walk instead if conditions permit.

4. Send out the proposal: energy conservation, environmental protection, green and low-carbon, start from me.

The fourth link teacher summary

Students, today we learned what a low-carbon life is and how to save water, electricity, recycling and utilization. Low carbon life is an attitude, a lifestyle, and a habit of naturally saving all kinds of resources around you. As long as you are willing to take the initiative to restrain yourself and improve your lifestyle, you can join in. We hope that each of us can start from every bit of life and make our own contribution to protecting our planet.

Class meeting teaching plan on environmental protection (16)

The latest class meeting titled "Protect the Environment and Love My Home"

In the daily process of learning, have you all been exposed to the theme class meeting? The theme class meeting should be suitable for the age characteristics of students and incorporate ideological education in a lively form. What kind of theme class meetings have you attended? The following is the latest class meeting themed "Protect the Environment and Love My Home", which is organized by the editor. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.


Through this activity, students can fully understand environmental protection knowledge, enhance environmental protection awareness, and clarify that environmental protection is the common responsibility of mankind.


Understand environmental protection knowledge and make it clear that everyone is responsible for protecting the environment.


Understand the significance of environmental protection.

Activity preparation:

1. Collect and sort out environmental materials.

2. The red scarf team investigated the surrounding environmental pollution.

3. Each student designs a picture about environmental protection.

4. Prepare sketches, allegro, dance and songs.

5. Materials for environmental protection measures.

6. Projectors, recorders, accessories.

Activity process:

Introduction of the head teacher:

This office meeting. Students, do you know when Environmental Protection Day is? The teacher told you that June 5 every year is the "Environmental Protection Day", so environmental protection is a hot topic today, and various media are promoting the importance of environmental protection. Because it concerns our survival, it is everyone's responsibility to protect the environment. In this section, we will hold a class meeting on the theme of "Protect the Environment and Love My Home", hoping that students can learn more about environmental protection.

Now the teacher invites Zhang Huanyu and He Ning to preside over the class meeting, and wishes the class meeting a success.

Students, the environment is closely related to human survival. How can human beings live a happy life when the environment is destroyed? In order to make our earth a better place, let's take active actions to protect the environment and benefit mankind.

The three-year class "Protect the Environment, Love My Home" activity is now starting.

Host B:

Harbin is a famous city in the North, which is our pride. Now let's invite the members of our publicity team to introduce our beautiful and lovely hometown. Everyone applauded.

Host A:

As the little master of your hometown, you will be proud of the rapid development of Harbin. However, have you ever thought that behind the prosperity and development, we have also paid a heavy environmental price.

Host B;

Due to the rapid development of industry, the sharp increase of urban population, and people's weak awareness of environmental protection, the environmental situation of our city is deteriorating day by day.

Host A:

Protect the environment from now on, protect the environment from yourself, and protect the environment from an early age. Please watch the sketch "Hi! Look at my" official "

Host B:

Now let's talk about the measures to protect the environment. Everyone applauded.

Host B:

We are all Young Pioneers and experts in protecting the environment. What should we do? Please listen to Allegro "Protect the Environment".

Host A:

From now on, we should start from small things. Pay attention to protecting the environment. Because this is our common responsibility! In order to live a better life tomorrow, what are the students' ideas and plans for environmental protection? Please show us your homework yesterday -- the painting of environmental protection content and tell us your thoughts.

Host B:

Students, your ideas and opinions are an eye opener!

Host A;

Students! A high level of landscaping is an important symbol of national prosperity, national prosperity and social civilization. Our teenagers account for about one third of the population of the country. To be a friend of the green world, we must take practical actions. Let's see the sketch "Love Flowers"

Host A:

What came to mind after reading the sketch?

Host Party A and Party B:

We should work together to build our beautiful motherland. Please enjoy the dance Little Dragonfly

Host A and B:

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. As young pioneers in the new era, in order to make our earth more beautiful, let's take action hand in hand to protect the environment and protect the earth. Listen to Clap Your Hands

Host A:

Now let's invite Gu Nannan, a young reporter from our class, to do an interview.

Host A: Let the head teacher summarize;

Head teacher;

The class meeting of the students was better than the cheers. Fully understand environmental protection knowledge and enhance environmental protection knowledge.

Students, you are a member of Harbin. It is incumbent upon us to love our hometown and beautify it. Students should take action quickly and actively participate in the protection and construction of their hometown environment. Start from small things and make contributions to our hometown.

I hope the members of your environmental protection team will continue to carry out good activities to make our living environment more beautiful.

Host B:

Class and environment have an inseparable relationship. Let's take active action!

Host A:

Finally, let's end the class meeting with singing. Please listen to the song "Everyone Get Started" (all stand up)

Host A and B:

The three-year class meeting with the theme of "Protect the Environment, Love My Home" ended.

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