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Kindergarten large class parent-child activity program

Kindergarten large class parent-child activity program

Chen*** 22-05-06 Practical writing

1. Game name: Singing in the Rain

Purpose of the game: know and feel nature

Game method: When it's raining, take your baby to the green area of the community or the yard downstairs, and let him see how the rain hits the umbrella and splashes on the ground. After the rain stops, let the baby step on the small pond to remove the rain from the flowers, plants and leaves, and then dig a small channel to drain the water into the sewer.

Preparation: transparent umbrellas, raincoats, high top rain shoes or thick soled sports shoes. If it is cold, wear gloves, scarves and masks.

Tip: Don't play this game when your child is ill, so as not to catch cold and aggravate his illness. The changes in nature are very interesting. It is very helpful for children to increase their experience of this aspect when they are young to accumulate knowledge, form their aesthetic taste and cultivate their courage. When you go to enjoy the rain with children in the rain, the negative ions in the air are very high, and people's mood will become relaxed.

2. Game name: Big Wheel

Game purpose: balance, courage and happy mood

Game play:

(1) In a large area without obstacles, the father and the baby stand face to face, and the father's hands hold the baby's hands.

(2) Dad said, "One, two, three!" He picked up the baby and said, "The big wheel is turning," while turning around around himself. After turning left, turn right again to prevent the baby from dizziness.

(3) If you are tired, you might as well carry the child to swing left and right slightly. I believe children will also find it very interesting.

This game requires more physical strength, and the venue is more demanding. Dad should master the strength to protect the baby. However, while playing games, my father is also exercising!

3. Game name: Catch the Shadow

Game purpose: agile running and jumping

Game method:

This game wins by stepping on others' shadow first. When the weather is fine, let the baby find his own shadow in a large open space, and then let him turn around and walk or run around to see what happens to the shadow. Let the baby chase the shadow - and then get rid of the shadow. When playing the game of "catching the shadow", the shadow catcher must find a way to step on the shadow of another person. In this way, the person who is trampled on the shadow becomes the person who catches the shadow again.

4. Game name: kick the ball

Game purpose: accurate sprint

Game method:

Stand three or five meters away from the baby, and let the father or mother kick the ball to the baby first. Let the baby kick the ball to the father and mother in the same way. The baby will make the ball run to the wrong target due to insufficient or excessive force. At this time, let the baby pick it up, so that the baby can run more. With the improvement of the baby's "skill", the distance between the baby and the baby can be gradually widened and the difficulty increases, such as deliberately kicking the ball sideways to exercise the child's quick reaction ability. You can also let your baby and children play football games.

Let the baby kick the ball from one place to the designated place, which can exercise the accuracy of the baby's "hit" target and sprint ability, so that the whole body can get movement.


The playing field should be as quiet as possible, with fewer vehicles and obstacles to avoid being knocked down by vehicles or obstacles.

The ground is flat, so you can play this sport on the ground, grass or the ground covered with rubber tiles to prevent falling.

Choose the ball according to the baby's age. As the baby grows up, the "size" of the ball will also increase.

5. Game name: Air Baby

Purpose of the game: know the air

Game method:

In the larger open space in the park, use some thin plastic bags to catch the air with the baby. That is, open the bag against the wind and tighten it quickly to fill the bag with air. Then guide the baby to pat the "Air Baby" with his hands, and tell him the upper and lower directions at the same time.

6. Game name: Mother Kangaroo and Little Kangaroo

Game purpose:

Train your baby's agility and control ability, and cultivate the coordination between parents and babies.

Game method:

The baby acts as a little kangaroo standing in front, and the mother acts as a mother kangaroo standing behind, with her hands on the baby's shoulder. Mother and son jumped forward in unison. When the big bear played by father appeared, the mother kangaroo and the little kangaroo stopped quickly. The big bear turns around them and makes all kinds of strange appearances. If the mother kangaroo and the little kangaroo can not smile, they will win.

7. Game name: Leaf Rain

Purpose of the game: happy mood

How to play: Mother picks up some leaves and holds them in her hand. She lifts them high and scatters them, saying, "It's raining." Let the baby catch the leaves. The mother runs in front and the baby chases behind.

8. Game name: traffic lights

Purpose of the game: know color and quick reaction

Game method: one piece of red paper and one piece of green paper, representing the red light and green light.

The baby stands 30 meters away from her mother. The mother holds the "green light" in one hand and the "red light" in the other. When the mother holds the "green light" high, the baby will immediately run forward. When the mother holds the "red light" high, the baby will immediately stop. This can be repeated several times. When the child runs 30 meters, he can return to the starting point and start again.

Little advice: When starting the game, don't go too fast. It's better to accelerate gradually. The speed of changing the red and green lights should also be gradually accelerated accordingly.

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