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Copy of the circle of friends suitable for the New Year's Eve dinner

Copy of the circle of friends suitable for the New Year's Eve dinner

Tiptoe*** 22-09-07 Copy

1. What will your parents do to make you feel happy?

2. Spring Festival is a day of reunion. The whole family gets together to talk, chat, watch the Spring Festival Gala, eat dinner, watch the Spring Festival Gala. At this time, the time is quiet and life is safe!

3. The family was still eating the New Year's Eve dinner when suddenly the sky was full of fireworks, but the sound was too loud.

4. The happiest thing in a year is that the whole family sit together and eat New Year's Eve dinner.

5. When I was young, I looked forward to the Spring Festival because I could wear new clothes, eat New Year's Eve dinner for my family, and collect lucky money. Now I just want to have a holiday.

6. At that time, it should be four generations in the same hall. It's very delicious for a family to have New Year's Eve dinner together.

7. The whole family eats the New Year's Eve dinner together to watch the Spring Festival Gala. Although they don't watch the New Year's Eve dinner now, they still need it.

8. I had a long dream that we were all in a dream, but it was a dream that our family was destined not to eat together on New Year's Eve. I really didn't want to wake up.

9. There is only the New Year's Eve dinner all the year round, and the whole family can get together and eat the New Year's Eve dinner together.

10. I wish to be brave, safe and smooth. I hope we can watch the Spring Festival Gala when it snows and enjoy the reunion dinner.

11. On the New Year's Eve, our family got together to eat the New Year's Eve dinner and happily celebrate the Year of the Pig. I wish you all the best in the new year and everything you want to achieve.

12. "Enjoy the new year and the old year together, and welcome and see you off for a night." The family ate the New Year's Eve dinner together, stayed up together, and enjoyed the happiness of family and the beauty of life.

13. The taste of New Year's Eve is the taste of a happy family eating together on New Year's Eve.

14. The happiest thing is to have dinner together on New Year's Eve and celebrate the New Year with Meimei!

15. Today, the day after tomorrow will be December, so I can go home soon. I will go home to eat the dishes cooked by my mother. The family will get together and eat the New Year's Eve dinner together, ha ha!

16. It used to be the New Year's Eve when we made dumplings and ate the New Year's Eve dinner! Set off fireworks and receive red envelopes.

17. Every year, the Spring Festival Gala is a time that people look forward to very much. There is no more comfortable than getting together and watching the Spring Festival Gala while eating dinner around the table.

18. The most special New Year's ceremony: the whole family sat together and ate the New Year's Eve dinner. I hope you can be healthy, happy, happy, and everything you want will come true.

19. I'm hungry after dinner every day. I'm still not suitable for living in the south.

20. Suddenly, I miss my childhood. The family ate New Year's Eve dinner together around the stove. The stove was very small, so everyone was closer.

21. Yesterday, I dreamed that the whole family would get together to have a meal like the New Year's Eve dinner, talking and laughing. I must have missed home too much.

22. The happiest thing in the world is to have dinner together on New Year's Eve and celebrate the New Year together!

23. After setting off firecrackers and having the New Year's Eve dinner, the whole family will get together to watch the Spring Festival Gala.

24. It's good to get together and sit down to have tea, chat and have dinner on New Year's Eve.

25. Busy, it will be New Year's Eve soon. Because there are few people, the New Year's Eve has always been simple. The family sit together to eat the New Year's Eve dinner and stay up.

26. What we must do every New Year's Eve is to make dumplings and have dinner together.

27. The only benefit of going to work on New Year's Eve is that colleagues say "Happy New Year" to each other. This is also the most festive time except for the 30 nights when the whole family sits together to watch the Spring Festival Gala and eat the New Year's Eve dinner.

28. I have already begun to look forward to the New Year's Eve dinner when I go home!

29. This pot is very practical. This year, I will bring my parents to celebrate the New Year, and the whole family will have a reunion dinner together.

30. Celebrate the New Year with good luck and happiness. New Year's Eve firecrackers resounded through the sky, and my blessing was as beautiful as clouds. SMS New Year call, just wish you all good. I wish you a happy and happy New Year.

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