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Niulang and Zhinv

Niulang and Zhinv

Flowers*** 22-02-21 instructional design

Teaching objectives:

1. Read the text aloud with emotion. Retell the text.

2. Understanding this folk story places people's longing for a better life, praises the good feelings of cowherd and weaver girl, and castigates the dictators who destroy the good life.

Class hour arrangement: 1 class hour

Teaching process:

1、 Retell Cowherd and Weaver Girl (I) and introduce new lessons:

Yesterday, we learned lesson 26 "Cowboy and Weaver Girl" (I), and knew that this lesson was written with the clues of Cowboy's childhood, adulthood and marriage. You may want to know what changes have taken place since their marriage? Let's learn lesson 27 Cowherd and Weaver Girl (II)

2、 Read the text together and think about changes:

1. Teacher: With this question in mind, teachers and students should read the text together. It is required to read the correct pronunciation, tone and emotion.

2. Teacher: After reading this text, who do you think is the main clue to write it?

Student: Zhinu.

(On the blackboard: Zhinu)

3. Teacher: So what happened first after they got married?

① Student: First of all, they live happily after marriage.

(On the blackboard: happy life after marriage)

Teacher: What does "Ting" mean?

Student: Yes.

② Teacher: What natural passages do you see?

Student: (From) Natural paragraphs 1 and 2.

(Students are required to speak completely.)

③ Teacher: Read paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 together.

④ Teacher: How do you think we should learn this part? (or: What questions can I ask?)

Student: How to be "happy" (or from which sentences can we see "happy"?)

Student discussion: (You can think independently or discuss with each other.)

Student summary: From the five "likes", we can see that the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl have a happy life after marriage. These five "likes" are specifically:

a、 Like the life in the world;

b、 She also likes working with her father;

c、 She likes playing with her brother and sister;

d、 The water of the stream in front of the gate flows lively, and she likes it;

e、 She likes listening to the gentle breeze blowing through the woods.

⑤ Teacher: Read these five "likes" in the competition. Who can read "happy" in the competition.

It can be read in groups, men and women, or by name.

⑥ Teacher: Good reading! This happy life is human life and free life. What about the life in heaven?

Student: "Although the sky is magnificent, it can be free, but she doesn't like it."

⑦ T: So

Student: So the Weaver Girl sometimes worries?

⑧ Teacher: What other questions can I ask?

Student: Why are you worried?

Health: (Sadly) Fear of losing freedom in human life.

4. Teacher: Then what happened?

① Student: The Weaver Maid was captured by the Queen Mother, and they were ruthlessly separated.

(On the blackboard: Grabbed by the Queen Mother and separated mercilessly)

② Teacher: Which natural paragraphs can we see from?

Student: Natural paragraphs 3-6.

③ Teacher: Read in the way you like, or compare with your deskmate to see who can read the Queen Mother's ruthlessness.

④ Teacher: Most of the students really read this ruthlessness. It's amazing! So how do you think we should learn this part? (Or: What questions can I ask?)

⑤ Student: Why was the Weaver Girl captured?


To sum up, the reasons why Zhinu was captured include:

a、 The Queen Mother is the gatekeeper.

b、 For her dignity.

c、 To swear to capture the Weaver Maid.

d、 Give Zhinu a severe punishment.

⑥ Teacher: How do you understand the meaning of "top" of "Queen Mother", "door style" and "top power"?

Sheng 1: Queen Mother: Goddess in ancient mythology.

Student 2: Family rules.

Student 3: Top: Most.

⑦ Teacher: What other questions can I ask?

Student: How to catch it?


Student summary:

a、 (Queen Mother) She went to Niulang's house in person.

b、 She grabbed the Weaver Maid and walked out.

c、 The Queen Mother pushed hard, and the child fell down.

d、 She took the Weaver Maid and took off (to the sky).

⑧ Teacher: What other questions can I ask?

(If the students can't bring it up, the teacher can prompt: What will Niulang do or how to do in the face of this situation?)

Student discussion:

S1: To sum up, he quickly put on his cowhide... and flew to the sky.

S2: This is the content of paragraph 5 and paragraph 6.

Teacher: Read paragraph 5 and paragraph 6 silently.

⑨ Teacher: What other questions can I ask?

Student 1: How can a cowherd fly?

Sheng 2: Because the cow said, "After I die, you can peel off my skin and keep it. When you meet a special emergency, you can put on my skin, which will help you."

Teacher: From this point, we can see that this is a myth.

Sheng 3: Although Niulang and Zhinu have reached the sky, they are separated by the Tianhe River.

5. Teacher: What changes have taken place in the end?

① Student: The Weaver Maid fought, and the magpie bridged them to meet on July 7.

(On the blackboard: Meeting with Magpie Bridge)

② Teacher: Which natural paragraphs can we see from?

Student: Natural paragraphs 7-8.

③ Teacher: Read this part freely.

④ Teacher: Combine the text, watch the illustrations and expand your imagination.

3、 Summarize ideas and retell the text:

1. Summarize ideas.

① S1: The idea of the text is: Weaver Girl's married life was captured by the Queen Mother and fought.

② Student 2: According to the teacher's blackboard writing ideas, find out the relevant sentences from the text and retell the text. The number of words should not exceed 100.

③ Everyone is free to retell the text.

④ The class retell the text together.

2. Combine lessons 26 and 27 to retell the complete story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.

① S1: Combine lessons 26 and 27 to retell the complete story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.

② Student 2: Everyone can retell lessons 26 and 27 freely.

③ The whole class retell the complete story together.

4、 Talking about experience: (based on the questions in the reading tips)

Teacher: Talking about experience, we can talk about what kind of ideal the people have placed on them? What can we praise? What did you whip?

① Discuss in groups.

② Recommend several representatives to speak.

③ Choose one or two students to communicate with the whole class.

5、 Homework after class:

If you are interested, you can find some folk stories to read.

Attached board:

The married life is very happy

The Weaver Girl was captured by the Queen Mother and separated mercilessly

Meeting with the resistance magpie bridge

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