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Kindergarten Christmas Activity Program

Kindergarten Christmas Activity Program

This*** 21-09-18 Practical writing

1、 Activity objectives:

In order to cultivate children's artistic quality, improve their singing level, support and encourage children to express themselves boldly, and enhance their self-confidence. Our kindergarten will hold the first children's singing contest on Tuesday, April 15. The program is as follows:

2、 Participants:

There are 2 children in each class of the large class, and 1 child in each class of the middle and small classes. (Each class will first hold a competition in the class based on the principle of children's voluntary registration, and the winner will be sent to participate in the kindergarten competition)

3、 Activity time:

In the morning of April 15, 20xx

4、 Venue:

Kindergarten Music Room

5、 Entry requirements:

1. The singing time is within three minutes.

2. Choose your own songs. The content of the songs should be healthy, lively and positive.

3. Try a variety of singing forms: solo (can be accompanied by dance).

4. During the competition, cD or VcD accompaniment tapes shall be used.

5. The contestants' appearance is generous, natural and decent.

6. In order to facilitate the arrangement of singing order, each class is requested to report the names and singing tracks of the children to the person in charge one week in advance.

6、 Award method:

1. Judge: head teacher of each class and head of the kindergarten

2. Awards:


the first prize

second award

third award

Big class

middle shift

a reception class

3. Scoring criteria:

Song content (10 points): healthy and positive

Stage image (10 points): neatly dressed and energetic

Singing skills (50 points): good pitch, accurate rhythm, complete singing, clear articulation, beautiful timbre

Stage performance (30 points): rich expression and infectious action.

7、 The kindergarten will select one child from the winners of the first prize to participate in the group's Sunshine Flower Hope Evening Show.

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