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"Meditation in the Silent Night" excellent teaching plan model

"Meditation in the Silent Night" excellent teaching plan model

Small*** 22-04-03 Teaching plan

[Teaching objectives]

Knowledge objectives

1. Know 10 new words and can write 4 words. Know one side "file".

2. Read and recite this ancient poem.

Capability objectives

1. Cultivate students' literacy ability.

2. Cultivate students' ability to read ancient poems.

Emotional goal

1. Let the students be influenced by the ancient poetry culture and have a love for the traditional Chinese culture.

2. Make students feel the beautiful artistic conception described in the ancient poems and the thick homesickness outlined.

3. Cultivate students' interest in literacy.

[Key and difficult teaching points]

Be able to recognize 10 new words and write 4 words well. Read ancient poems with emotion.

[Teaching Media]

Multi-Media Classroom; courseware

[Design Concept]

This lesson is the teaching of an ancient poem. Students of ancient poems like to recite it very much. Many children begin to recite ancient poems at the age of two or three. According to the understanding of students before the lesson, all children can recite the poem Silent Night Thoughts. So I put the focus of this lesson on letting students read the new words in ancient poetry and their feelings about ancient poetry, and let students accept the influence of ancient poetry culture, like ancient poetry, understand poets, and love our traditional culture. Let children recite ancient poems from simple rhymes in childhood to consciously love ancient poems.

[Teaching process]

1、 Introduction: Reciting ancient poems

(Show "Ancient Poems" on the background screen) Have students read the words on the screen. Recite favorite ancient poems.

[Design intention: music, background and text. First of all, create an antique charm before the class, recite favorite ancient poems, lead students into the realm of ancient poetry, and thus cover the whole class with an atmosphere of ancient poetry.

2、 Introducing Poets

Mr. Dieji: My classmates, our ancestors left us many excellent ancient poems. The authors of these ancient poems are called ("poets"). Let's get to know the poet.

1. Screen demonstration: A portrait of Li Bai appears, and let students introduce their understanding of Li Bai.

2. Courseware demonstration, introducing Li Bai

Li Bai was a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty in China. In ancient times, many poets had their own titles. Li Bai was known as a "Green Lotus Scholar". He wrote many ancient poems in his life, nearly a thousand of them. His poems are rich in imagination and bold and unconstrained in style. Just because his poems are so many and wonderful, they are almost like a poetic fairy, so people also call him "poetic fairy". Poets are talking about poets ("Li Bai").

[Design intention: enrich students' vision, so that students can not only recite ancient poetry, but also know the author of ancient poetry, understand poets, like poets, and like our ancient poetry culture more recently.

3、 From Picture Artistic Conception to Ancient Poetry

1. Courseware demonstration: (On an autumn night, Li Bai looks at the moon) Look, when is this? What is Li Bai doing?

2. Look at the picture and say something

3. Reveal the poem title

Teacher: It's autumn. It's a quiet night. Li Baizheng is away from home. Seeing such a round moon reminds him of his hometown. So he wrote a poem that has been handed down for thousands of years - "Meditation at Night"

4. Read the topic together

5. Do you know this poem? Let the students recite

[Design intention: let students perceive the emotional tone of the poem from the rich artistic conception of the picture and the understanding of the existing ancient poetry.

4、 Read new words

1. Pronunciation

(1) Reading ancient poems by name

(2) Draw the new words of the lesson in the book circle and read them while circling

⑶ Check each other in the same position, read and listen to each other. (Show the courseware)

In the still night, the bed light looks down at the hometown

⑷ Read by name, and let the students talk about which syllable they can read as a whole, and what are the three syllable words. Understand "hometown", where is hometown? Where is our hometown?

(5) Train reading

Design intention: Let the students read the pronunciation of the quasi new characters, and review and consolidate the Chinese Pinyin at any time, such as three spelling, and recognizing syllables as a whole. Through mutual inspection, let the two partners work together to learn and correct each other.

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