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Summary of Kindergarten Parents' Open Day Activities

Summary of Kindergarten Parents' Open Day Activities

Jiang*** 21-10-27 preschool education

In order to let parents better understand children's learning and living conditions in the kindergarten group, promote home communication, and let children understand the origin and significance of the Double Ninth Festival when the Double Ninth Festival is coming, feel the traditional Chinese virtues, and cultivate the good quality of respecting the elderly, * * Kindergarten specially held the Parents' Open Day and "Double Ninth Festival, Respect for the Elderly" activity.

During the activity, parents came to their children's classes to observe the teaching activities carefully prepared by teachers. The teachers showed the children's regular performance in the kindergarten in front of their parents by means of visual and intuitive games, and the parents watched the rich and wonderful characteristic teaching activities of the kindergarten closely. The friend interaction between teachers and children and the student interaction between children left a deep impression on parents. When parents saw the excellent performance of children, they smiled with satisfaction.

Later, the parents watched with great interest and participated in the "Double Ninth Festival, Respect for the Elderly" activity with their children after watching the show of exercises between classes. Teachers in each class have designed a rich program of activities according to the characteristics of children. Teachers in the large class organize children to sing songs of respect for the elderly, play games of grandparents and grandchildren, and children make love gifts for the elderly by themselves; Middle class children beat their backs and rubbed their legs for their grandparents, and gave them oranges they peeled with their own hands, which attracted laughter from their grandparents; The children in the small class presented chrysanthemum tea to their grandparents and made Chongyang Cake together with their mother. The old people were filled with emotion when they watched the babies who were still crying in the garden a month ago become so cute. They were gratified and praised the teachers for their patience and meticulous work. At the end of the half day activity, the teachers in each class distributed the Feedback Form of Parents' Observation Activity to parents, asking them to put forward good suggestions or opinions to help teachers further improve their teaching and care work.

Through this activity, parents not only observed the overall development of children in the park, further enhanced the communication between homes, but also combined with the Double Ninth Festival to let children experience the strong kinship with the elderly, expressed their gratitude to their grandparents with their own actions, and understood that respecting the elderly is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation.

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