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Lecture presentation template

Lecture presentation template

Wang*** 22-03-19 Lecture script

1、 Teaching materials:

This text is the 20th lesson of the ninth volume of the national standard edition published by the Soviet Education Press. It tells the touching story of Tan Qian, a historian in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, who wrote Guoke twice in the Ming history before and after being in trouble. It shows Tan Qian's strong will and perseverance in adversity.

The article is divided into three parts. The first part, the first natural paragraph, briefly introduces Tan Qian's ambition and his efforts to write Guoke. The second part is 2-3 natural paragraphs, specifically about Tan Qian's struggle to finally write Guobian after suffering from the misfortune that the manuscript was stolen. This is the key part of the article, which fully reflects the belief that Tan Qian's belief is indestructible, and lays a strong foreshadowing for the following revelation of the truth about beliefs. The fourth paragraph of the last part points out the theme and reveals the power of belief.

The article is intended to convey to the students through a real example: belief can make us always hope, and the unbreakable belief can help us succeed.

2、 Explain the teaching objectives:

1. Feel Tan Qian's indomitable will and firm belief in adversity, and know that in the journey of life, as long as there is faith, there will be hope.

2. Understand the meaning of key words and sentences in the text and the writing method of column data according to the context.

3. Be able to read the relevant paragraphs of the text with emotion in understanding.

3、 Talking about the key and difficult points of teaching:

1. Understand the meaning of key words and sentences in the text and the writing method of column data according to the context.

2. Experience Tan Qian's belief that he will not break down when misfortune comes, and know that as long as there is faith, life will be full of hope.

4、 Teaching method, learning method and teaching philosophy:

1. Comprehension in reading, promote reading with comprehension, grasp key words and sentences, and know how to read aloud and comprehend.

2. Create a teaching situation, provide a good atmosphere for students to understand the text, and add wings to students' imagination.

5、 Talk about the teaching process:

(1) Import

I started with three groups of words and consciously classified them, and put forward clear requirements in the process of reading aloud. On the basis of accurate pronunciation and understanding of words, let them choose some words to talk about the main content of the text, so that students can have an overall understanding and grasp of the content of the text, and pave the way for the following key paragraphs.

(2) Experience hardship around "bad luck"

I will introduce this part with questions: What's the bad luck of Tan Qian? Why is this bad luck for him? Introducing the study of the first section, there is a key sentence in this section: after more than 20 years of struggle and six revisions, Tan Qian finally completed a more than 4 million word chronicle of the Ming Dynasty Guoke in his fifties. Let students read by themselves and realize what these numbers represent here. Students can say one number or several numbers together. Over 20 years, more than 10000 days and nights recorded the hard work of talking about relocation; The six revisions are for the sake of the truthfulness and credibility of the history of the Ming Dynasty; More than 50 years old means old and strong; More than 4 million words indicate the huge workload of talking and moving in terms of quantity, which is really a great work. Finally, through reading aloud, we can deepen our understanding of Tan Qian and his indomitable will and perseverance. In this section, "for a little historical data, I walked more than a hundred miles with dry food", guiding students to compare "a little historical data" and "more than a hundred miles", so that students can feel the responsibility of talking about history and feel the characters through reading aloud.

(3) How hard he was hit

His poor family did not shake Tan Qian's belief that he would write an accurate and credible history of the Ming Dynasty. When he achieved his great success, his heart did not know how happy he was. It was difficult to express. But when he was immersed in the joy, he suffered such bad luck. Let the students read the text by themselves to find it, and then ask: How much damage has such bad luck caused to talk about relocation? What is he thinking?

Here is a speaking exercise, which allows students to speak in an orderly and hierarchical manner according to the above content, thus reflecting the sense of language hierarchy. I made a corresponding prompt on the blackboard: more than 20 years into a huge system overnight

Then, ask, is Tan Qian depressed in the days of washing his face with tears? How did you know that? In the process of reading, students will naturally grasp the words "soon", "back", "writing from scratch" and other words to realize that talking about relocation has not been defeated by bad luck.

(4) The Difficulties of Rewriting Guobian

"Tan Qian was not defeated by the bad luck. How did he overcome the bad luck and write Guobian again?" From such a question to the study of section 3. In the third section, students should grasp some key words and sentences to understand, such as "looking everywhere", "collecting extensively", "personally", "traveling all day long" and other words. However, students will experience the difficulty of talking about moving. I caught one of the words "In the face of lonely lights, regardless of his age and infirmity, he worked hard to write, and he knew that the time left for him in life was running out." Let students read by themselves, and students will feel the spirit of talking about relocation with the words "old and infirm" and "writing fast". Then I set up a group of imaginary blanks to deepen students' understanding of "belief", so that students can have a more intuitive understanding of the hardships that Tan Qian has paid, and then asked: Tan Qian is working hard and fighting for his unswerving belief. What will he fight against? Under the guidance of the teacher, the students have read, understood and imagined the characters and scenes, gradually enriching the image of people.

At this time, let the students understand the word "immortality", and let the students fully realize that it is because Tan Qian has a firm will that he came from the misfortune and became famous in history.

(5) Learn the last section and summarize the full text.

Finally, I finish the learning of this lesson in the sound of reading aloud (the last section) and in my understanding of life.

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