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Lecture script of Fox and Crow

Lecture script of Fox and Crow

Sadness*** 22-03-23 Lecture script

I said the content of the lesson was Fox and Crow, lesson 11, unit 3, volume 3 of primary school Chinese.

1、 Textbook analysis:

Fox and Crow is a fable with simple content and simple language. The story is about a fox who cheated a crow of a piece of meat in his mouth with flattery. The text uses vivid language to describe the process of fox cheating meat, vividly telling us that we are easy to be deceived by flattery. The text has eight natural paragraphs. The first three paragraphs say that the fox and the crow are neighbors. The crow finds a piece of meat for the children. The fox sees the piece of meat that the crow wants to eat. The fourth to the eighth paragraphs tell how the fox tricked the meat with rhetoric, which is the main content of the text.

The teaching focus of this lesson is to learn new words and phrases, read the text aloud, and understand that it is easy to be deceived if you like to listen to flattery. I think that students can read the text before class, knowing that the text says that a fox cheated the crow of meat with flattery. After reading the text twice, students can understand that the reason why crows are deceived is that they love to listen to good words. It can be seen that the key and difficult points of teaching can easily be broken through by students. Since students can understand the text by themselves, I will take the spirit of "development and innovation education" as the guide, boldly let students read, understand and act by themselves, and explore how to expand the middle class in the teaching of small classes. In order to ensure the quality of teaching, I set the following learning objectives with reference to the opinions of the textbooks:

1. Learn the eight new words and the new words formed by the new words in this lesson.

2. Understand the content of the text, so that students can understand the truth that they are easy to be cheated if they like to listen to flattery.

3. Be able to read the text correctly, fluently and emotionally.

2、 Key and difficult points of teaching:

1. Understand and read aloud what the fox said to the crow three times.

2. Understand the meaning of the text. Understand that it is easy to be cheated if you like to listen to flattery.

3. Learn to master the sound, form and meaning of 8 new words.

3、 Teaching ideas:

First of all, we can get the general idea of the text through students' various forms of reading the text and teachers' model reading, and on the basis of students' initial reading of the text, we can find sentences with new characters from the text, recognize new characters, remember characters, and draw word cards. Then start from the whole, ask questions to promote reading and understand the main content of the text. Then, the part goes deep into it. By asking questions and focusing on reading, it guides students to understand the specific content of the text and clarify the context of the text. Finally, return to the whole, and make students understand the truth contained in the text through repeated reading. The whole teaching process should give full play to the initiative of students. The "guidance" of teachers should focus on the key words and sentences, and promote reading by asking, reading and speaking, and reading with speaking as a aid. In this way, students can understand the content of the text, and carry out language training and thinking training, so as to be imperceptibly influenced by education.

4、 Preparation of teaching aids:

1. Multimedia courseware.

5、 Design of teaching and learning methods:

1. Create an open teaching environment and stimulate students' creative potential.

The New Chinese Curriculum Standard points out that efforts should be made to build an open and innovative Chinese curriculum. I take this as the basic concept of curriculum development, organically integrate the small classroom, middle classroom and large classroom, and design a "goal - hint"

——"Practice". Let students learn independently, cooperate and communicate in interesting classes, and conduct inquiry learning in interesting classes. This is the independent, cooperative and inquiry learning mode actively advocated by the New Chinese Curriculum Standards.

2. Pay attention to the main line of reading based training to cultivate and develop students' sense of language.

The Chinese Curriculum Standard points out that "reading is a personalized behavior of students, and teachers' analysis should not replace students' reading practice." Reading teaching should be a practical activity of students' independent reading and exploration under the guidance of teachers. Therefore, the emphasis on reading is another key point of this instructional design. Adhere to "reading" as the main line, and adopt various forms of reading in teaching, so that students can feel, experience and think in reading as a whole, and learn to read aloud and silently with mouth, brain and emotion in group communication, teacher-student interaction and cooperative learning, so as to guide students to cultivate and develop their sense of language in the process of independent reading, and at the same time be influenced by emotion.

6、 Teaching process:

The teaching of this lesson requires two classes. The first class is mainly to guide students to learn new words independently and read and understand the content of the text by themselves; The second class hour is mainly to guide students to creatively prepare and play their own textbook plays. According to the cognitive laws of the second grade students, I designed the following teaching process:

(1) Stories are introduced to stimulate interest.

"Today, the teacher will tell you a story." Then, with multimedia courseware, the teacher tells the story (the content of the text) in an emotional tone.

After listening to the story, ask: What did you understand? Do you have any questions? Guide students to ask questions about the content they are interested in. (Design intention: The story and the intuitive and vivid courseware demonstration create a relaxed and pleasant classroom teaching atmosphere, which conforms to the cognitive laws of junior children, creates a fresh space for students to fully carry out their learning activities, and naturally brings students into the learning situation. The class begins with fun. At the same time, information feedback is obtained from students' free questioning, which is convenient for timely adjustment of the established teaching process and reflects the purpose of teaching for learning.)

(2) Read the text by yourself and feel the whole.

1. Students read the text by themselves. Read the places you don't know and understand several times, and take your own feelings with you to the places you like, so that you can read the correct pronunciation without adding or losing words. (Design intention: the independent reading method takes care of the learning requirements of students with different reading development levels.)

2. Understand the effect of first reading. Understand the effect of self reading through reading new character cards, naming reading, teacher and student evaluation, group reading and other forms. (Teaching tips: in this link, it is mainly to enable students to read the new words accurately, read the text smoothly, and focus on the joint evaluation of teachers and students, so as to cultivate and develop students' sense of language.)

(3) Study key points and explore insights.

(Teaching tips: in this link, we should grasp the key points, difficulties and keys of teaching, take the three words spoken by the fox as clues, grasp the expressions, words and actions of the fox and the crow, and gradually feel the inner activities of the characters through various forms of reading, so as to understand the truth that listening to promises is easy to be deceived.)

1. Read paragraph 4 to paragraph 8 and underline what the fox said.

2. Name a student as a "fox" and read three sentences to everyone.

(The design intention is: "Can the fox get the meat in the crow's mouth by saying this?" It seems to be a simple question, but it can achieve the effect of pulling the trigger and moving the whole body. Driven by this question, students will naturally carefully ponder the different psychology of the fox when he says three sentences, thus turning learning activities into students' conscious behaviors.)

3. Study the first sentence.

Multimedia typed: "Hello, dear crow!"

(1) Reading - students should be guided to understand by connecting with the context, and then read on the basis of understanding. Help understand through the following two questions:

a. How should I read the words of the fox? Find the tips in the book.

b. The fox thought for a while. What did he think? Why do you say it with a smile?

(Teaching hint 1: students should be guided to grasp the movements and expressions of foxes in the context to explore their psychology; Teaching hint 2: students should be guided to read the language, the respectful and hypocritical tone of foxes when greeting, and the taste of foxes' "mouth watering".)

⑵ Think -- what's the crow's reaction? Why not make a sound? What might it think?

4. Study the second sentence.

The multimedia said, "Dear crow, how is your child?"

(1) Reading - let the students read in a low voice first to see how the reading effect is better.

(Teaching tips: guide students to read and compare repeatedly, and realize that they should read a kind and caring tone. The pronunciation should be slightly higher than the first time.)

⑵ Think -- what's the crow's reaction? How can you see that the crow is a little moved?

(Teaching tips: students should be reminded of the action of catching crows to "look at the fox" for reasonable imagination.)

5. Study the third sentence.

The multimedia said, "Dear crow, your feathers are really beautiful. The sparrow is much worse than you. Your voice is so good that everyone likes to hear you sing. Please sing a few words!"

(1) Reading - read in groups first, and then let the students play the roles of fox and crow.

⑵ Think -- how does the crow react at this time? (Teaching tips: guide the understanding of "extremely proud".) What will the crow think after the fox picks up the meat and returns to the hole?

⑶ Teacher demonstration courseware: compare the feathers of sparrow and crow, and listen to the crow's cry. (Teaching tips: guide people to understand the intentions of foxes.)

⑷ Group exchanges and comments.

(5) Reporting.

(Design intention: to think and understand in reading is one of the important goals of this lesson. When studying the key content, students can feel as a whole in reading, feel themselves in reading, form a sense of language in reading, cultivate sentiment in reading, and accumulate language in reading through pointing, self reading, group reading, role reading, acting reading and other forms. At the same time, create an open teaching environment, provide enough time and space for students to see, think, speak and act, transform the teaching process into an interactive process of students' active participation, mutual cooperation and common development, and realize the transfer of teaching focus from knowledge teaching to students' development, and from teachers' "teaching" to students' "learning".)

(4) Performance migration and development of potential.

1. Students recommend themselves and find their own partners to perform. You can imagine freely according to the main content of the text, and add some actions and expressions.

2. Comments. Guide the students to talk about the good and how to change the bad.

(Teaching tips: the design of this link is mainly to provide an innovative opportunity to show their understanding, imagination, acting ability and collaboration ability, and develop students' potential.)

(5) Summarize and expand.

1. Guide summary. Students can read the full text silently, and also read more paragraphs that they are interested in. While reading, they think: What gains or ideas do you have after learning this fable? After reading, discuss in groups.

2. Group reports and exchanges. (Teaching tips: when talking about the harvest, you can either understand the truth or talk about your views on crows and foxes. The teacher should ask more why and encourage more about the unique opinions that appear in the students' answers.)

3. Expand reading.

Let the students exchange the information about foxes and crows collected before class, and the teacher also provides the information he has collected.

(6) Homework - continue the story.

The story starts with "the fox picked up the meat and went into the hole"; Or continue the story with the theme of "crows see foxes again"; You can also make up your own stories about foxes and crows and tell them to others.

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