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2022 Primary School Water Conservation Publicity Program

2022 Primary School Water Conservation Publicity Program

c*** 21-11-09 programme

[Activity Objectives]

1. Know the relationship between water and human beings.

2. Through understanding the current situation of water resources, the awareness of water conservation is generated.

3. Know how to save water.

[Activity preparation]

1. Turn off the faucet valve of the washroom in advance.

2. Some mud in the mud pool.

3. Picture of water shortage.

[Activity process]

1、 Let children experience the feeling of water shortage and lead to the theme

1. Take the children to the outdoor mud pool to play the game of throwing mud. After the game, let the children return to the classroom. The teacher reminds the children to wash their hands.

2. When children went to the washroom, they found that there was no water in the pipe and they could not wash their hands.

3. The teacher asked the children to see if there was mud on their hands. It was hard not to wash their hands, so that the children could experience the inconvenience and the situation without water.

4. The teacher turned on the valve, the tap ran water, and the child happily washed his hands.

2、 Guide children to understand the importance of water

1. Guide children to talk about the role of water based on their daily life experience.

2. Let children think about who needs water besides humans.

3. Show the picture of water shortage, understand the importance of water, and make children have a sense of water-saving.

3、 Know how to save water

Let children discuss ways to save water.

[Activity extension]

Make water saving signs and stick them on the wall of the washroom. Remind children to save water, so as to form a good habit of saving water.

Children's song with water conservation:

Small water pipe, head down,

Tears trickle down.

Why does it cry?

Head down without opening,

You should wipe his tears,

Tighten the faucet quickly.

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