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Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Class Teaching Plan

Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Class Teaching Plan

22-08-03 Teaching plan

Activity objectives:

1. Learn the action of weaving the net and try to see the formation map to change the formation.

2. Be able to perform boldly with your peers and feel the happiness of group dancing.

3. Exercise the strength of children's arms, and train the coordination and flexibility of movements.

4. Improve children's coordination ability and experience the fun of playing games.

Activity preparation:

1. Formation atlas (four columns, formation changing atlas, circle)

2. Music "I'm the best", music "I'm just a sheep" (prelude and greeting music, "weaving the web" music, complete music)

3. Children have learned to "say hello"

4. Children are grouped by label (yellow sheep, green sheep, red sheep, blue sheep)

Activity process:

1、 Meet and say hello to happy Taotao - sheep, let's go to Qingqing Grassland. (Under the leadership of the "village head", enter the field while doing the "hello" action).

2、 Learn the dance movements of "weaving the net"

1. "The village head has something bothering him and wants to ask you to help. Grey Wolf often makes trouble. Who can catch him?"

2. Children are free to talk about their own ideas.

Summary: "It's a good way to use a net to cover him. Who knows how to weave a net" (let children try to talk about how to do it)

3. Learn from the weaver: The "village head" can weave a web. Look carefully at how to weave it.

(1) After appreciating the teacher's action of "weaving the web", please tell the children how to weave the web.

(2) Children learn to weave nets.

Key points: distinguish left and right hands, in step, in place and strength.

3、 Learn to see the formation map and change the formation

1. (Show the rectangular queue diagram)

(1) Teacher: What kind of net do I want to weave now? Who knows? Let's introduce.

Summary: Four teams, aligned vertically and horizontally, with the leader marked with a heart shape.

(2) When weaving the web, we need to keep pace. After listening to a few lyrics, we need to change successfully?

Key points: listening and perception change queue needs to be completed within four lyrics.

2. Follow the music rhythm, walk in the "square" queue, and then perform "Weaving the Web".

Teacher: Let's weave a big and strong square Internet bar while dancing to the music.

Guidance: Align vertically and horizontally, raise your head and straighten your chest, keep your arms horizontal and vertical, and move in harmony and forcefully, so that the woven net will be strong.

3. Through "finding loopholes" (such as some children are not aligned, their movements are out of sync and weak, etc.), guide children to weave again, and weave more firmly.

4. Learn to transform a square array into a circle (show the circular array map)

(1) Teacher: We should continue to weave it and turn it into a round and large Internet cafe.

(2) Show the queue transformation diagrammer: Please tell me the transformation method by looking at the diagram first?

Key points: understand the meaning of the arrow, and find that "the middle two rows of children have turning movements" by comparing with the first picture

(3) Let's listen to the music and dance.

Guidance: Complete queue transformation in four lyrics

(4) Practice changing from a square queue to a circular queue.

Teacher: Let's weave it into a square first and then continue to work hard to weave it into a round Internet bar! We must weave it neatly and firmly.

(5) Two complete performances by children

4、 Grey Wolf Is Trapped

1. Teacher: It's really good to raise our net high (hand in hand to the top of the head) and put it (squat down the net together). It's successful! This time, I will catch Grey Wolf.

2. Complete performance

(1) Teacher: Ah! I find Grey Wolf is coming. Let's weave a big and strong net to catch it.

(2) The children perform the dance completely, and at the end of the dance, set up the "net" high.

3. Grey Wolf is caught.

Cover the "Big Big Wolf" who unknowingly got into the trap, and then slowly tighten the net to catch Big Big Wolf.

5、 Celebration - With the music of "I am the best", I left the "Qingqing Grassland" happily with Grey Wolf.

Reflection on activities:

In this activity, I was able to seize the current popular elements and give play to my imagination to carry out activities, and design innovative activities from the children's interests, which greatly increased the children's enthusiasm and participation in activities. The teaching form of activities is more open, and sitting around with children also shows that the relationship between teachers and students is extremely close and harmonious, and the atmosphere of activities is very friendly. New teaching methods are used in the activities to keep the teaching activities fresh and dynamic, so that children can experience the beauty of music while achieving the harmony and unity of science, art, health and pleasure.

From the effect of the scene, I am not sure about some things: if we can use multimedia courseware to demonstrate the voice of Slow Sheep and Grey Wolf, it will be better.

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