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Junior High School Chemistry Metal Materials Lecture Script

Junior High School Chemistry Metal Materials Lecture Script

Tang Dynasty*** 21-11-02 Lecture script

1、 Textbook analysis:

1. The position and role of textbooks:

The Chemical Properties of Metals is the content of Unit 6 Topic 2 of Chemistry for Grade 9. The specific content mainly includes the three chemical properties of common metals and the definition of replacement reaction. This topic is to study the chemical properties of metals more deeply and systematically on the basis of the original knowledge, so as to make the knowledge of elements and compounds more complete. It focuses on the understanding of the sequence of metal activity and the ability to use the sequence of metal activity to explain some chemical problems related to daily life, so that students can improve their ability to solve practical problems while acquiring knowledge, and learn this topic well to lay a good foundation for learning acid, alkali and salt in the future.

2. Teaching objectives

The determination of teaching objectives must be scientific, concise, meet the requirements of teaching materials, conform to the reality of students, practically highlight the key points, and reflect comprehensiveness, comprehensiveness and development. To this end, the following teaching objectives are determined

(1) Knowledge and skills:

① Know the reaction of iron, aluminum, copper and other common metals with oxygen

② Preliminary understanding of metal mobility sequence and displacement reaction

③ Be able to use the sequence of metal activity to make simple judgments on relevant displacement reactions, and explain some chemical problems related to daily life by using the sequence of metal activity

(2) Process and method:

① Learn to use observation, experiment and other methods to obtain information, and be able to express relevant information in words, charts and chemical language

② Learn to use comparison, classification, induction, generalization and other methods to process the information obtained, and help students gradually form good learning methods and habits

(3) Emotional attitude and values

① Cultivate students' sense of cooperation and scientific spirit of being diligent in thinking, rigorous and realistic, brave in innovation and practice

② Cultivate students' dialectical materialism, stimulate and strengthen their curiosity and desire to explore chemical phenomena, and improve their interest in learning chemistry

3. Teaching priorities and difficulties

I made the key and difficult points of teaching according to the requirements of the new curriculum standard, the setting of teaching materials and the impact on future teaching. The textbook introduces the reaction between metal and oxygen, metal and acid, metal and salt. These three chemical properties can explain the activity of metal to a certain extent; It has paved the way for learning the knowledge of acid, alkali and salt in the future; And metal is widely used in life and production; Therefore, I determined that the focus of this topic is to understand the sequence of metal activity through experimental exploration. Because the sequence of metal activity is relatively abstract, students need to remember it and consider certain conditions when using it; Closely combined with students' understanding of metal, thinking ability, life experience, characteristics of this age group and other factors, I determined that the difficulty of this topic is to use metal activity sequence to explain the actual problems in life and production.

2、 Analysis of teaching methods

According to the requirements of the new curriculum standards and teaching objectives, and in combination with the characteristics of textbooks and students:

This lesson mainly adopts the experimental inquiry method as the main line, combined with the heuristic method, inductive analysis method and multimedia assisted teaching method.

The new curriculum requires that junior high school chemistry should focus on improving students' scientific literacy. The teaching material focuses on the exploration of the sequence of metal activities, adopts the exploration mode of experiment discussion, and designs these exploration processes. The main purpose is to cultivate students' ability to be good at practice, observation, and thinking, so that students can learn how to conclude from objective facts, and improve their ability to use the theoretical knowledge learned to solve problems; Then according to the students' existing knowledge and ability level and age characteristics, I take the experimental inquiry method as the main line. Through the inquiry process, students can understand the sequence of common metal activities and highlight the key points. In addition, some auxiliary teaching methods are used to help students explain some practical problems and break through difficulties by using metal activity sequence. Various teaching methods interpenetrate and infiltrate each other, making the classroom lively and interesting, optimizing classroom teaching, and making classroom teaching achieve the best effect.

3、 Guidance on learning methods

According to the requirements of learning objectives, students mainly use the following learning methods: experimental method, inductive summary method.

Experiment is the most effective way to reflect the characteristics of chemistry and learn chemical knowledge. Students do experiments by themselves. They observe, record and think at the same time. Under the guidance of teachers, they process the materials obtained in a scientific way and draw conclusions. In this way, students' experimental ability and observation ability will be strengthened, and they will gradually learn to analyze phenomena and draw conclusions. In combination with the inductive summary method, guide students to train their comprehensive inductive ability, and improve their ability to process and process the information obtained.

4、 Teaching procedure:

In order to make the students' exploration of the sequence of metal activities compact and effective, and deepen their perceptual understanding, the concept of displacement reaction is purposely discussed after the exploration of the chemical properties of metals, and at the end of the teaching process, it is consolidated through feedback exercises, in order to obtain better teaching results.

(1) Create a situation and guide the new by reviewing the past: create a situation with scientific examples to recall the reaction between metal and oxygen.

(2) Activity inquiry, exploring new knowledge:

1. Metal reacts with oxygen;

2. Reaction of metal and acid (improved);

3. The reaction of metal with salt solution.

Chemical equation

Displacement reaction

(3) Exchange, discussion and summary:

Student review, reflection and class summary.

(4) Practice feedback and consolidate new knowledge

Through three inquiry processes:

1. The difficulty and severity of the reaction between metal and oxygen

2. Severity of metal acid reaction

3. Replacement of metal and salt solution.

The experiment inquiry mode is used to let students discover knowledge from the inquiry. Through the comparison of the activity of several metals, the sequence and use of common metal activities are drawn out to break through the key points. After each inquiry, carefully design questions or enumerate examples, connect with the reality of life and production, strengthen the study of metal activity application, promote students' digestion of new knowledge, and transform knowledge into ability. Then closely combine with selected feedback exercises after class to achieve the goal of breaking through difficulties.

Teaching process:

(1) Create a situation and guide new ideas

Create a scene to answer the question of metal

(Design intention) Activate the classroom atmosphere, improve students' attention, stimulate their enthusiasm and initiative in learning, and make students realize that scientific knowledge is everywhere in life, which represents the focus of this topic.

(2) Activity exploration and new knowledge exploration

Reaction of metal with oxygen

Reviewing the reactions of iron, magnesium, etc. with oxygen, students write chemical equations, and then set up students to discuss (the teacher can guide the comparison appropriately) in combination with the difficulty and intensity of the reactions, so as to obtain the activity sequence of these two metals.

If the chemical activity of gold (Au) is compared with these two metals, where does gold (Au) rank? Why?

(Design intent) It enables students to use the difficulty and intensity of the reaction between metal and oxygen to compare metal activity, improve students' analytical ability, and timely check and feedback students' knowledge mastery and application.

(2) Reaction of metals with acids

Activity Exploring the Reaction between a Metal and Acid

(Intention of improvement) Use plastic sheets to separate the petri dish into four areas (connected with gaps). First add a small amount of dilute hydrochloric acid, and then add four metals Cu, Fe, Zn, and Mg to the four areas in turn. In the textbook, four test tubes are used for this comparative experiment. In contrast, using the improved device to do this comparative research will save more medicine, time and operation. It is worth emphasizing that the order of addition (Cu, Fe, Zn, Mg) is very important, so the experimental phenomenon has a progressive process, which is convenient for students to observe, compare, grasp the internal relationship, so that students can clearly compare the intensity of the reaction between the four metals and acid, and thus compare the activity of the four metals. Break through key points. It can also expand students' thinking and improve their innovative ability.

Through the teacher's guidance, students write the chemical equations

Setting Discussion Through the phenomenon analysis of this experiment, can we get the activity order of these metals? What conclusions can we draw?

(Design intention) Make students compare the activity of metals and highlight the key points through experimental exploration. Through the exchange and cooperation between students, students can experience the fun of inquiry activities, so that they can process the information they get simply, and cultivate their ability to compare, summarize, analyze, summarize, etc,

Students report after discussion, and teachers sort out and present the conclusions:

Metal activity: Mg>Zn>Fe>Cu

Only metals with strong metal mobility can react with acids to generate hydrogen

Let's suppose that if we make hydrogen in the laboratory, which metal do you think is the most suitable?

(Design intent) Stimulate students' thinking, give play to their subjective initiative, make students analyze and summarize based on the original knowledge of gas preparation in the laboratory, cultivate students' analytical ability, and strengthen students' application of metal activity sequence. Strengthen the understanding and application of knowledge, highlight the key points, break through the difficulties, and promote the transformation of students' knowledge to ability.

(3) Reaction of metal with salt solution

Activity and exploration: reaction between bimetals and metal compound solution

Students explore in groups, and write relevant chemical equations inspired by teachers

Setting discussion Through the experiment (1) of experiment inquiry II, we can know that Al is more active than Cu, so can we compare the activity of these three metals by combining (2) and (3) of experiment inquiry?

(Design intent): Give some clues as bait to stimulate students' desire to explore. While learning the chemical properties of metals, they also understand another method to compare the mobility of metals. Cultivate students' diligent thinking, rigorous and realistic scientific spirit and ability of analysis, induction and comprehensive summary. Highlight the key points, so that students can enjoy the joy of success at the same time.

Students report after discussion, and teachers sort out and present the conclusions:

Metal activity: Al>Cu>Ag

Metal with strong activity can react metal with weak activity from their compound solution.

Example of Zeng Qingde turning iron into copper

(Design intent) Combine historical facts, strengthen the application of metal mobility sequence, and break through difficulties. Improve students' interest in learning chemistry and stimulate their patriotism.

Based on the results of the above three exploration processes and the true conclusions of scientists through experiments, the sequence of common metal activities and their uses are given.

(4) Displacement reaction

The courseware shows the reaction equation between metal and acid, metal and salt

(Design intent) Review the reaction equation between metal and acid, metal and salt with courseware display, highlight the regularity, intuitive and vivid reproduction, so that students can observe and summarize the definition of replacement, discover knowledge by themselves, and experience the fun of learning.

(3) Exchange, discussion and summary

Summarize, reflect and talk about what you learned from this lesson? Any questions?

(Design intention) Make students the main body of the classroom, give play to their subjective initiative, achieve success in unity and cooperation, and enhance their confidence in learning chemistry well. Through reflection, we can sum up our own experience and shortcomings, enhance students' ability of self-education, promote students to transform knowledge into their own internal wisdom, inspire students to reflect, which is conducive to students' self feedback, self adjustment and self-improvement, so that students can effectively improve their learning efficiency.

Through the feedback and reflection of students and in connection with the actual teaching process, teachers can summarize and reflect on the experience, shortcomings and problems found in the teaching implementation process, and seek solutions to problems and remedial measures. This will help stimulate teachers' enthusiasm and creativity in teaching, enable teachers to constantly study and experience teaching theory, and thus constantly improve their professional quality and ability.

Courseware presentation blackboard book of this lesson: appendix

(4) Practice Feedback

1. Can the following substances react? Write chemical equations that can react

(1) Silver and dilute hydrochloric acid

(2) Zinc and copper sulfate solution

(3) Copper and zinc sulfate solution

(4) Aluminium and silver nitrate solution

2. The appearance of gold and brass (copper zinc alloy) is very similar. What methods can we use to identify gold and brass through this lesson?

(Design intention) Feedback exercises in time, highlight key and difficult points, cultivate students' ability to apply what they have learned to solve practical problems, integrate theory with practice, and make students realize the importance of learning chemistry knowledge.

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