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2022 April Fool's Day copybook (100 selected sentences)

2022 April Fool's Day copybook (100 selected sentences)

That*** 22-08-14 Copy

1. Others wear shorts to show their legs, while I wear shorts to show my fat.

2. Shenzhou travel, I think so! If I don't pay, I'll see if you can do it!

3. I'm too busy recently. Don't call me if you have nothing to do, or even if you have something to do.

4. Is your big face meant to block out the sky or something?

5. Money regards me as dung, and I also regard money as dung! It's all muck. Who's afraid!

6. Resist saying that I love you, why does the person who always loves cry.

7. I'm going to have a haircut, but my neck is sprained.

8. You are so charming that countless blind people are bent down.

9. No matter how beautiful the scenery along the way is, I feel sick because I am carsick.

10. As the saying goes, if you don't listen to women, you will die in front of you.

11. Today is April Fool's Day, in fact, it is also a beautiful spring day.

12. I really like to stay up late. I think I was a street lamp in my last life.

13. Please pay attention to the food around you. You may die if you are not careful.

14. On April Fool's Day, 200 messages of "I love you" were sent, and 199 messages of "hehe" and a sentence of "Mom also loves you" were received.

15. I'd like to know that no one confessed on April Fool's Day. Does everyone want to confess to me?

16. Don't envy others for their long legs and thin waist. Your body is fat and your heart is wide.

17. Life is full of hardships. There are many people who are difficult for me. Who are you?

18. If you are cheated today, you are welcome; If you are not cheated, it means that everyone loves you; If you cheat, you will play; If you don't cheat others, you are kind.

19. When the good things in life come, I feel that I will lose them.

20. How can I transfer the money in my mind to the bank card, wait online, hurry!

21. I am not a flower. I have always loved money since I was young.

22. If you don't like others, it's because you don't have enough self-cultivation.

23. The rich and noble are enjoying themselves, while the poor and rich are struggling.

24. Don't care too much about your appearance, because your ability won't be written on your face.

25. When I cut my hair short, no one will say that my hair is long and my experience is short.

26. What a good web page, unfortunately, it was destroyed by advertisements.

27. If no one wants you even on April Fool's Day, I want you.

28. Life is like a cup of water. Loneliness~loneliness~loneliness, one cup will be gone.

29. I'm sorry to leave you alone. The photo of the object is a little beautiful.

30. The salary was paid a few days ago. When I saw a beggar on the way to work, he felt sorry and gave me a few dollars. After dinner, I went to the bank to deposit money. I met him again. He deposited 5000 and I deposited 1000.

31. If hundreds of millions of Chinese people give me twenty cents, I will be rich.

32. God forgot to give me wings, so I used fantasy to fly.

33. If deep feelings are betrayed, why not spend the rest of your life alone.

34. Your father is Marshal Tianpeng!

35. Today, eating fish is not stupid.

36. Fool you together, connect happiness.

37. If one day I become a rascal, you are the rascal.

38. In fact, it's the right person. April Fool's Day is celebrated every day.

39. On a whim that day, I used your photo as the computer background, hehe! The computer was poisoned.

40. There are too many untrustworthy lies. You have to know how to "set" the way!

41. Sometimes I feel that I have become ugly. When I take out my ID card, I find that I am worried too much.

42. Secret love is a successful pantomime, which becomes a tragedy.

43. Don't be a fool on April Fool's Day.

44. "I really like you, so go out with me" "Yes, I promise you" "Happy April Fool's Day" "Yes, happy April Fool's Day"

45. Fools are the most beautiful on April Fool's Day. Look how silly you are! Hey hey, happy April Fool's Day!

46. I'm so cute that you can't even realize it. I think you may be a pig.

47. April Fool's Day is coming soon, and we need to test our brains and tighten our nerves, so that high IQ can occupy high ground!

48. "I love you", "I love you too", "Happy April Fool's Day" and "Happy April Fool's Day".

49. Knowledge that can not be used in a lifetime determines a lifetime.

50. Today is April Fool's Day. In the spirit of the holiday, I'm sending you a message. Don't say I'm heartless. I miss you very much. I don't know I miss you, but I still love you. Alas, I wish it weren't April Fool's Day today

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