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Teaching design of "Little Tadpole Seeks Mother" in primary school Chinese

Teaching design of "Little Tadpole Seeks Mother" in primary school Chinese

Wind*** 22-06-17 instructional design

Teaching objectives:

1. Knowledge and skills:

(1) Know eight new words, such as "grey" and "welcome", and can write "you" and "zai".

(2) Read the text correctly and fluently.

(3) Be able to perceive the growth changes of frogs by reading aloud.

2. Process and method:

(1) Actively learn Chinese characters and explore various ways of memorization.

(2) Look at the picture carefully, tell the meaning of the picture, and cultivate the ability of observation, thinking and expression.

3. Emotional attitude and values: enhance the interest in scientific fairy tales.

Key and difficult teaching points:

Learn new words and understand the growth and changes of tadpoles.

Preparation before class:

New word cards, animal pictures, multimedia courseware.

teaching process

1、 Solve puzzles

Children, do you like to guess riddles? The teacher gave you a riddle to guess: a round head is dark, a long tail swims in the water, and growing up is a good friend of crops. Do you know what tadpoles will become when they grow up? So, how did the tadpole turn into a frog? Today, we are going to learn lesson 34 "Little Tadpoles Find Mum". The teacher believes that children who listen carefully will know the answer.

2、 Learn the first natural paragraph

1. Show the first picture. Please see where the tadpole is doing? (Look at the picture by name) Who will introduce the picture in complete words? Pay attention to the characteristics of the tadpole.

(Students try to say: a group of small tadpoles, with big heads, dark gray bodies and long tails, swim happily in the pond.)

2. The first paragraph of the text is written like this. Read it together.

3、 First knowledge of map and meaning

Transition: We just learned the first natural paragraph by looking at the picture and reading the text. Now we can try to use this method to understand the general meaning of the text. See:

1. Put forward the requirement of looking at the picture: what is drawn on the picture? What are they doing?

Show the other three pictures one by one, and guide the students to observe what happens to the tadpole? Now play four pictures in a row and ask the students to talk about the process of tadpole growing up in the process of looking for his mother.

2. Question: Have you seen the last two pictures? What did the tadpole become? Have they found their mother? Who is their mother?

4、 Read the text for the first time and know new words.

1. Reading the text for the first time

Students can look at the pictures and tell the growth and change of tadpoles. Now let's see how the text describes these pictures? Please read the text carefully.

Reading requirements:

(1) Read the text with the help of illustrations.

(2) Read the correct pronunciation, recognize the shapes, and read the sentences.

(3) If you don't understand something, make a mark yourself.

2. Check and exchange self-study

(1) Name and read new words. (The students read carefully and attracted the tadpoles. Look, these eight tadpoles all have their own names. Who can call out their names? If he calls the tadpole's name correctly, will everyone read it with him?)

(2) Is there anything on the pronunciation to remind the students?

(3) (The courseware shows the new words without Pinyin.) Students read the new words without Pinyin in the form of driving a train.

Teacher: Pinyin baby hid, can you still read it? We read by train.

(4) Communicate literacy methods and learn new words at the same table.

Teacher: How to remember the new words in this lesson? Now, please discuss and exchange your literacy methods with your deskmates, and compare which pair of deskmates learn the most carefully.

(5) Students are very active in communicating literacy methods. Have you all memorized these new words? Is Mr. Lin confident in coming up with a puzzle to test you? "Ten beans come and ten more" (drum) refers to literacy methods.

(6) Read the words together.

Teacher: The word "baby" has also jumped out. Let's read it together.

5、 Read the text again and feel it as a whole.

Teacher: The students are really good at learning new words. Now the babies are running back to the text. Are you confident to read them well? The teacher believes you can read better!

1. Read the text freely and count again. How many natural paragraphs does the text have? (Paragraph 6) Students can leave their seats and read the text with your good friends.

2. How many natural paragraphs are there in the text? Please take the train to read the text.

3. Student evaluation. (Judge the students who read well and who have made progress.)

4. Listen to the tape and read aloud. Listen to the text and think: Who did the little tadpole meet when he was looking for his mother? What changes did it make in the process of finding mother?

6. Students report and teachers write on the board.

Met (carp, turtle, frog)

Body changes (small tadpoles - grow back legs - grow front legs - shorten tail - frogs)

7. Exercise in class.

Oral fill in the blank to tell the process of small tadpoles turning into frogs: there were a group of small tadpoles in the pond. They swam around, and after a few days, two xx grew up. After a few days, two xx grew up. Before long, xx disappeared and became an xx that could only catch pests.

6、 Instruction writing: Yes, Yes

1. Just now, the students did very well in learning new words and reading. The tadpoles admire you very much. Now, two more tadpoles want to test your writing performance. Look, what's the word? (Show the words "Yes" and "Here") Are you confident that you can write them well?

The horizontal character above the word "you" should be long, and the downward character "month" should be vertical.

The horizontal of the word "Zai" should be short, and the vertical of the word below should be a little more than the prime.

2. Students write "Yes, Yes". (Before writing new characters, students should review the requirements for correct writing posture: head straight and shoulders flat, back straight and feet secure, chest one punch away from the table, eyes one foot away from the book, and hands one inch away from the pen tip.)

3. Evaluation writing.

7、 Summary.

Teacher's summary: Tadpoles Looking for Mother is an interesting scientific fairy tale. In addition to telling us about the growth and changes of tadpoles, the description of the text is also very interesting and vivid. Next lesson, we will continue to read this interesting text in detail.

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