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Outstanding Science Teaching Plan of Large Class

Outstanding Science Teaching Plan of Large Class

Laugh*** 22-08-21 Teaching plan

Activity Objectives

1. Willing to create "tools" to solve simple mobile problems.

2. Learn about mobile applications in life.

3. Explore and discover the diversity and characteristics of life.

4. Cultivate children's social quality of sharing and cooperation with others and their feelings of caring for others.

Activity Preparation

Toy cars, double-sided adhesive tape, clips, backing plates, pulley cars, torsion bars, plastic buttons, game sticks, cardboard, plastic ring buckles, magnets, plastic bars, plastic rings, newspapers, videos "Moving in Life".

Activity Process

1、 The first game: mobile cars.

1. Key question: What is mobility?

Summary: When an object changes from its original position to another position, it moves.

2. The game is introduced: use the materials on the desktop to help the car move from the original position to the other side.

3. Operation communication: What good method did you use to move the car?

4. Summary: The same method uses different materials to help the car move.

The same material, came up with a different way to make the car move.

Several materials can be combined to become a tool for moving cars.

2、 The second game: mobile cars.

1. The game is introduced: use a newspaper to help the car move from its original position to the other side.

2. Operational communication: What is your work? Like what?

3. Summary: Small games, but you have great inventions. It will be more useful in life.

3、 Active extension:

Enjoy the video Mobile in Life.

Teaching reflection:

According to the goal of early childhood science education, teachers should select the theme and content in a planned way, and think about the materials to be provided, so as to achieve the purpose of education. In our concept, children have not been treated as a real small scientist of exploration. Scientific education does not attach importance to developing children's exploration skills and understanding ability, and does not encourage children to carry out direct scientific activities. Therefore, children are difficult to obtain unique and challenging direct experience. Learn to give children the right to make mistakes, seek their true intentions and understanding level, avoid misunderstanding or hurting children, respect and accept each child's views and interests, give each child an incentive evaluation, and tap the unique value of each child's inquiry activities, so that each child can find something in each inquiry activity and have a successful experience.

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