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Celebration plan for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League

Celebration plan for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League

No*** 22-08-30 Overall plan

1、 Guiding ideology

In order to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Youth League, to further enrich the amateur cultural life of the youth league members, to stimulate their enthusiasm for life, learning, dedication and innovation, to form a good atmosphere of dedication among the youth league members, to enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the league organization, to cultivate their good lifestyle, and to combine with the actual work of the Communist Youth League in a certain street, The May 4th Movement will be held in May 20XX. The activities are planned as follows:

2、 Theme

Ten thousand regimental emblems for young people, ten thousand young people remember the May 4th Movement

3、 Activity time

May 20XX

4、 Activity content

1_List Runs

In May (the specific time is determined), the eight communities in the street organized the Youth League members to study the history of our party and review the oath of joining the Youth League. In combination with the current mass line education and practice activities of the Party, the discussion of "Run, My Youth" was carried out. Each Youth League member attending the meeting should be equipped with a League emblem. At this time, each community should have the official WeChat platform QR code of the Youth League Committee, so that the Youth League members can use the "Scan" function to follow the WeChat public account.

2. Memories should be incorporated into the group memory to improve the sense of responsibility.

By sharing the story of joining the Youth League on the official WeChat platform of the Youth League District Committee, the youth league members can set an example in their work and life, strengthen their awareness of being good examples, and spur and stimulate their work motivation.

5、 Precautions

1. Focus on publicity and create atmosphere. Make full use of the blackboard, bulletin board and other propaganda positions to exchange experience, set up a model, create a strong atmosphere of comparison, learning, catching up, helping and surpassing, and create a good situation where a hundred flowers bloom and are lively.

2. Grasp the progress and grasp the rhythm. All communities carry out various activities in strict accordance with the activity plan and time requirements, so as to promote effectiveness with progress and work with activities.

3. Emphasize practical results and highlight characteristics. Combining the "May 4th" activity with the Party's mass line education practice activities currently being carried out, taking the "May 4th" activity as an effective carrier of line education, and combining with the reality of the street, at this time, highlight the key points in the activity to fully reflect the characteristics.

4. Collect data and create new highlights. In order to prevent the "May 4th" activity from becoming a mere formality, each community should make a good account of the whole process of the activity and truthfully reflect the whole process of the organization's activities.

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