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Teaching Design of "Gudong"

Teaching Design of "Gudong"

M*** 21-12-18 instructional design

Teaching objectives:

Knowledge objectives

Learn a new word (hot), and know "four bottoms".

Capability objectives

1. Read the text and recite the fourth paragraph.

2. Be able to read the specified words and say a sentence with "lively".

3. Can retell this interesting story.

Emotional goal

Understand the content of the text, know that you should also use your own brain to listen to what others say, and think about whether what others say is right or wrong.

Teaching focus:

Understand the content of the text, know that you should also use your own brain to listen to what others say, and think about whether what others say is right or wrong.

Teaching difficulties:

1. Can retell this interesting story.

2. Understand the content of the text, know that you should also use your own brain to listen to what others say, and think about whether what others say is right or wrong.

Preparation of teaching aids:

Courseware and pictures

Teaching hours:

1 class hour

Teaching process:

1、 Create a situation and attract interest with passion: (2 ')

1. (Show the picture) Boys and girls, do you know where this is? In this beautiful forest kingdom, there are many lovely animals. There are many interesting stories happening here every day. Today we will walk into this forest kingdom to see what interesting stories have happened.

2. Write on the blackboard and read it together.

2、 Read the text for the first time and clear the obstacles: (12 ')

1. Read the text by looking at the syllables. Read the correct pronunciation without losing or adding words.

2. Can you name the following words?

Papaya: Who knows what papaya is? Say by name.

According to the picture, papaya is the fruit of a plant. It grows in areas with high temperature. Papaya can be eaten or used as medicine.

Shuihua: Have you ever seen Shuihua? Where did you see it? (The stone is thrown into the water; the hand slaps the water...)

Gudong: When the stone is thrown into the water, we can not only see the water spray, but also hear the sound. Show the words.

Escape: This word means an action. Who is willing to do it for everyone?

When you run, you need feet, so the word "run" is beside the word "foot".

Follow: There is also a word like "follow". It also uses feet to follow others, so it is also beside the word "foot".

Busy: The prompt "noisy" should be read softly here.

Why is the text so lively? Show the sentence and read: Now it's very lively, and the animals all follow.

Yes, so many animals are running with them. It's not noisy.

What other lively scenes have you seen? Can you say something lively?

Qi Du: Scared, Coincident, Familiar, Everyone (Reminding of Erhua sound), Laughing

3. Take these words back to the text and read the text again. Be correct and fluent.

4. The students marked natural paragraphs in the preview. Let's talk about how many natural paragraphs there are.

5. Read the text by name.

3、 Read the text carefully, think and comprehend: (15 ')

(1) Read the full text to understand the content.

1. Read the text freely and say what kinds of small animals are mentioned in the text.

(1) Ask one student to answer by name, and stick a picture of a small animal on the blackboard according to the student's answer.

(2) Guide students: Are there only these three small animals? Do you know from that word that there are many small animals? (blackboard: animals)

2. What happened to the animals? Did they react the same after this incident? Read the text quickly and think.

(2) The first natural paragraph.

1. Name what happened to the animals. Which natural paragraph do you know from?

2. Read the first paragraph quickly and tell me what else you know from this paragraph?

3. Read the first paragraph freely and read everything you know.

(3) The second and third natural sections.

1. It turned out that a papaya fell into the water and made a sound of "goo dong", but the little animals did not know what was going on. Did the little animals react the same after encountering this event? (Different) Read the second and third paragraphs quickly and see how they are done? (According to the students' answers on the blackboard: escape, stop)

2. Why did the animals run away? (Because they are afraid)

3. Yes, the first rabbit who heard the sound of "Gudong" was frightened. (Show the sentence) Read the sentence quickly. Where do you see that the rabbit was frightened?

(Hint: "Run as soon as possible" means that the rabbit is afraid, so it runs very fast.) Read aloud.

4. The other small animals were also afraid when they heard the rabbit's cry, and they all ran with the rabbit.

Join the second paragraph and read it by yourself. Pay attention to the panic of rabbits and small animals. Read freely and name by name.

5. When the little animals knew that "Gudong" was coming, they all ran away. Only the elephant did not run away. He stopped everyone. Let's see what the elephant said. Read the fourth paragraph by yourself.

6. Show the third paragraph and find out who said these words. They are marked with different colors. Read the text by name and role.

7. Read the third paragraph freely and read the dialogue of the animals clearly.

(4) The fourth natural paragraph.

1. After listening to the elephant's words, they came to the lake together to have a look. What was the result? Let's read the fourth paragraph quickly.

2. Why did everyone come to the lake "quietly"? (They don't know what "Gudong" is. They are afraid of disturbing "Gudong", so they "quietly".)

3. When they came to the lake quietly, they finally found out that it was papaya that fell into the lake. If you were a small animal at the lake at this time, you would laugh after seeing what is Gudong. What would you think? (Guide the students to know that although all animals laugh, each animal thinks differently, and the content of laughter is also different).

4. What an interesting ending! No wonder everyone laughed. Let's read the fourth paragraph again.

5. Try to recite the fourth paragraph. Those who can't recite it can read it together.

4、 Retell the text and develop the language: (5 ')

1. Read the full text and think: How do you feel after reading it? (Students may say that rabbits and small animals frighten themselves; or they may say that rabbits should not talk nonsense without knowing what is going on...) Summary board: No, right.

2. Do you like this fairy tale? Can you try to say it in your own words? Practice yourself. Name retelling.

5、 Learning new words: (5 ')

Transition: The "Gudong" can make the forest kingdom very lively because it is not clear what is going on.

1. Show the word "lively" and read the word. "lively" and "hot" is a new word in this lesson. Read the syllable correctly.

2. Know the new side: four points bottom. Can read and write (hint: the first point is the left point, slightly larger, the middle two right points are smaller, and the last right point is larger).

3. How do you remember this word?

4. Words: lively, hot, hot, enthusiastic, warm, hot, enthusiastic

5. Instruction writing: overall observation, big up and small down.

Students paint red, while painting, think about what else to pay attention to. (The horizontal bending hook is the same as the horizontal bending hook in the word "fly". It should be written obliquely.)

Teachers write and students practice.

6、 Class summary and assignment: (1 ')

In this class, we came to the Forest Kingdom and met many new friends. In the future, we should learn from the elephant. We should also use our own brains to listen to what others say and think about whether what others say is right or wrong. When we go back, we tell this story to our parents.

Blackboard design:

6. Gudong is coming

Little rabbit and little monkey -- escape


Elephant - Stop

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