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Teaching plan of "eye protection" class meeting on Eye Care Day in 2022

Teaching plan of "eye protection" class meeting on Eye Care Day in 2022

q*** 22-04-08 Class meeting teaching plan

Class meeting purpose:

1. Let students know that June 6 every year is the National Eye Care Day.

2. Guide students to understand the basic structure of the eye, learn the common sense of eye protection, and master the correct points and postures of eye exercises.

3. Make students feel the importance of eyes and know how to protect eyes from me and now.

Activity preparation:

Collect relevant videos, media, allegro and photos.

Activity process:

1、 Guessing puzzles leads to topics

Teacher: 1. A black grape between the upper and lower hairs? what is it? (Eyes)

2. The eye is a very important organ in our body. Who knows the function of eyes?

3. How important it is to have a pair of bright eyes to see things clearly. Today, let's learn about our eyes and protect our little eyes. Read the topic together: Protect our little eyes

2、 Understand the structure of eyes

Teacher: To protect our small eyes, let's first learn about the structure of eyes.

1. Cornea: The outermost layer of transparent body of the eye, used to collect images- 1 -

2. Iris: Generally speaking, it is around the pupil. The Chinese are brown, while the Europeans are blue.

3. Lens: transparent and elastic, able to contract and relax, so that objects far and near can be accurately imaged on the retina

4. Pupil: Between the cornea and lens, there is a small hole in the center, which can enlarge and shrink, thus adjusting the intensity of light entering the eye.

5. Retina: the innermost layer of the eye, which can present images, information, but inverted images.

6. Optic nerve: it can transmit the image size, shape, color, movement and stillness obtained by both eyes to the brain.

Teacher: The structure of the eyes is delicate, magical and fragile, so they are protected by the outer eyelids. So who knows the function of eyelashes?

(Health: Keep out the sand and dust.)

Teacher: Yes, eyelashes are also used to protect my eyes. You see, the Creator has given us all beautiful things, so we should... read the topic together)

3、 Watch video

1. Teacher: But there is a child named Nu Li. What happened to his eyes? Please watch the video and play the video Protect Your Eyes

2. After watching the video, who can tell me what happened to his eyes?

Student: I can't see it.

Why can't you see?

Incorrect writing posture, eyes too close to the book; Watching TV too close; Reading while lying down.

3. Listen to what the experts say. Keep looking.

What did you hear?

Teacher's summary:

1. Keep a foot away from books when reading and writing.

2. You can't watch TV too close. You must keep a distance of three meters.

3. You can't watch TV in a completely dark room.

4. Don't read in bed.

Teacher: We know that the protection of eyesight starts from the small things around us. Let's listen to the allegorical talk brought by Shi Yufei and other students. Please protect your eyes.

Lecturer: Thank you for their wonderful allegro, and let us once again know how to protect our little eyes.

4、 Give examples to exchange your usual practice of loving your eyes.

Teacher: Please tell us how you take care of your eyes and give examples.

Student exchange

Teacher: The students did a good job, so we should keep doing it. But the students in the picture are not doing very well. Who are they? What do you want to say to these students in the class?

5、 Show the photos of unsanitary eye use in class.

Student: I want to echo the students who said... to xx.

6、 Discuss how to protect your vision

Teacher: The students all know that bad eye hygiene needs to be corrected. It is not an overnight thing to protect eyes. We need to adhere to and pay attention to it. Let's discuss how to protect our eyesight in a group of four on a daily basis?

(Students discuss and exchange)

Teacher: The students said it very well. The teacher summarized it as follows:

Students read together:

1. Insist on doing well in eye exercises.

2. The time for reading and writing, doing homework, watching TV and playing computer should not be too long, and the eyes should be fully rested.

3. Do not read or write in strong light or other unsuitable light.

4. Do not play with sharp toys to avoid hurting your own or others' eyes.

5. Do not rub your eyes with dirty hands or towels to prevent bacteria from entering your eyes and hurting your eyes.

6. If you have problems with your eyes, you should treat them in time.

7、 Learn to do eye exercises

1. Teacher: In daily life, the teacher found that the acupoints for students to do eye exercises had not been found correctly. Today, let's review the correct posture and acupoints. See the decomposition demonstration of eye care exercises.

Play video:

Requirements: Look carefully, listen carefully, and follow suit.

8、 Dietary regulation

Through study and practice, we know the correct way to do it. We hope that we can do the second eye exercises every day. There are many ways to protect our eyes. We can also adjust our diet.

Category I: vitamin A and carotene

Lack of vitamin A will reduce the adaptability of the human body from light to dark, and will also lead to dry eyes and poor rotation.

Supplementary sources: liver, egg yolk and whole milk. The carotene in plant food can be converted into vitamin A in the body. The darker the color of various vegetables, the higher the carotene content.

Category II: Vitamin B family

Supplementary sources: egg yolk, milk, animal viscera, lean meat, beans, various coarse grains, whole wheat food, etc.

Category III: minerals such as calcium and zinc

Long term calcium deficiency in diet will lead to inflexible eye movement, poor eye muscle withering ability and recovery ability, and deepen myopia; Zinc deficiency can cause blurred vision under low light.

Supplementary source: milk, tofu and other calcium supplements; Shellfish and mollusk seafood, lean meat in animal movement parts, fish, black sesame, watermelon seeds, walnuts, etc. are rich in zinc.

The fourth category: antioxidant substances such as vitamin C, vitamin E and carotenoids can delay the aging of eye function,

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