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Teaching plan of Lonely Journey

Teaching plan of Lonely Journey

Li*** 21-12-12 Teaching plan

1. Grasp the content of the novel, understand the theme of the novel, and understand the meaning of "growth".

2. Appreciate the poetic language of the novel and appreciate the role of exquisite environmental description.

1、 Import new lesson

The old man said: Loneliness is having a lot of children, but no one stays with you when you get old. The teacher said: When I stand on the platform and the carefully prepared class fails to arouse the students' enthusiasm for learning, I will feel that I have become a lonely performer. Boys and girls, have you ever felt lonely? Let's talk together. (Students speak freely) It can be said that everyone has different loneliness. Today, let's learn Lonely Journey, feel the loneliness of the protagonist Du Xiaokang and see how he faces loneliness.

2、 New Teaching Courses

Objective guidance I: background information

This article is excerpted from "Grass House". The novel takes a primary school built in the grass house as the background, and describes the process of reading, living and growing up of several young boys and girls, such as Sangsang, Du Xiaokang, bald crane, Zhiyue, and Xima. The excerpt of this article is about Du Xiaokang's experience of fighting against adversity. Du Xiaokang used to live in the richest family in Yaumadi. His rich life and excellent achievements have always made him feel superior. However, he was forced to drop out of school because of an unexpected accident and his family's decline. He shouldered the burden of life prematurely and left home with his father to release ducks.

Goal guidance 2: sorting out the plot of the novel

1. Read the text for the first time and find out the three elements of the novel.

Clear: character: young Du Xiaokang.

Environment: a lonely reed marsh far from home.

Plot: After being poor and out of school, he goes to release ducks with his father in a lonely and difficult environment, and gradually becomes mature and strong after suffering hardships.

2. Re read the text and sort out the specific plot.

Clear: beginning: family decline, follow my father to release ducks.

Development: Boat driving ducks, arriving at Ludang for the first time.

The climax: the reed marshes are tested by rain.

Outcome: grow up with ducks.

Goal guidance 3: Evaluate details and appreciate "loneliness"

The title of the novel is Lonely Journey. Where does Du Xiaokang's "loneliness" appear in the text? Please mark the sentences reflecting "loneliness" with horizontal lines, circle the key words, make comments, and then share.


1. Answer in turn according to the sequence of the plot.

2. When sharing, first read out the sentences you find emotionally. Note that "Du Xiaokang" and "he" referring to Du Xiaokang in the sentences are all read as "I", and "Du Yonghe" is read as "father" or "father".

Sample reading:

(1) The small wooden boat chased the ducks. I didn't know how long it had been running. When I looked back and saw that the Yau Ma Tei was gone, I said to my father, "I will not go to feed the ducks, I will go ashore and go home..." I stood on the boat and looked back. There was nothing but misty tree smoke.

Clear: environmental description and language description. The immediate environment created a confused and unfamiliar atmosphere. "I" was getting farther and farther away from the familiar Yau Ma Di, full of resistance and loneliness, and even asked my father to let "I" go home.

(2) Father was calm and never looked back. He ignored my crying request, just kept holding the boat and pushed the ducks forward.

Clear: demeanor description and action description. My father was very heavy in heart. Although he could not bear it, he still resolutely moved forward. In the face of his father's indifference, "I" felt very lonely.

(3) When I saw the green tide of reeds surging to the horizon at a glance, I was afraid - this was the first time I really felt afraid since I went out. The reeds surrounded the boat like a mountain. I have a feeling that I can never escape.

Clear: environmental description. Facing the boundless reed marshes in front of us, "I" felt afraid of reality and loneliness.

Teaching Tips

In the process of appreciating "loneliness", pay attention to pointing out the environment and character description to students, pay attention to the role of analyzing details, and combine reading aloud with evaluation methods. Highlight Du Xiaokang's helplessness, blankness, fear, fear and timidity at this time.

[Guidance on learning methods]

The role of environmental description in novels

① Explain the time, place and place of the story. ② Render the story atmosphere and enhance the authenticity of the story. ③ Set off the character image. ④ Promote the story. ⑤ Suggest social environment. ⑥ Deepen the theme.

Goal guidance 4: face loneliness, gain growth

1. When I know that loneliness is inevitable, how does "I" face loneliness? Please talk about it in combination with the specific paragraph. (The process of sharing and interpreting is shown in Goal Guidance III)

(1) Later, my father and I both knew this in our hearts: it was impossible for us to avoid loneliness. It's better that way. After a long time, facing a cloud in the sky, the vast reeds and the wisp of smoke, we will not suddenly panic again.

Clear: "I" and my father have learned to adapt to the real environment and face loneliness.

(2) I smelled a downy smell on the duck. I turned my head sideways and almost buried my face in the fluffy feathers of a duck. I cried, but it was not sad. I can't explain why I want to cry.

Clarification: After experiencing the hardships of life, I feel bitter, but not sad, indicating that I have accepted the reality and become strong at this time.

(3) I picked up some tender reed roots and chewed them in my mouth. Looking at the sky in a foreign country, I couldn't help thinking of my mother and many children in Yau Ma Tei. But I didn't cry. I feel that I have suddenly grown up and become strong.

It is clear that "I" has passed the test of wind and rain, honed myself in difficulties, finally dared to face the reality, and bravely overcame the wind and rain in nature and life, making my will stronger.

2. According to the understanding of the content of the article, talk about what kind of child Du Xiaokang is.

Clarification: He is a child who is not afraid of difficulties and can grow up in difficulties. The more he practices, the stronger he becomes.

He is a child who loves nature and life.

He is a strong child who never flinches when encountering difficulties, never complains when encountering grievances, never loses his composure when encountering setbacks, and actively faces all challenges.

3. Ducks are Du Xiaokang's closest friends. The author describes these ducks in a large space. What is the relationship between this and the growth of Du Xiaokang?

Clear: After Du Xiaokang dropped out of school, releasing ducks was an important part of his life, and he could not avoid it; In solitude, ducks are his companions, and he can only get spiritual comfort from ducks; He protected the ducks in the wind and rain, and felt the hardship and joy of growth; Finally, the ducks laid eggs, which was not only the result of releasing ducks, but also the result of Du Xiaokang's life.

3、 Blackboard design


1. Change the perspective of the characters and use recitation to make students feel more at the same time.

2. Integrating the analysis of character psychology and environmental description will help students grasp the connotation of the article as a whole.


Due to time constraints, in the process of teaching, the cultivation of students' emotions, attitudes and values is not in place.

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