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Speech by the representative of the kindergarten small class parents' meeting

Speech by the representative of the kindergarten small class parents' meeting

F*** 22-04-23 preschool education

Parents are children's first teachers, and families are children's first schools. Whether the kindergarten's care and teaching work has achieved good results is inseparable from parents' work. In the first semester of 20xx school year, after half a semester of self-care ability, routine and good health habits, how did all children in our class change? What goals and requirements do we put forward for the development of children at the beginning of the new semester? What work needs the active cooperation of parents and teachers? In response to the above problems, we have carried out parent meeting activities this semester.

During the activity, we introduced to parents and friends the development of each child in the last semester, as well as the class situation and learning objectives of this semester. In addition, the focus of this activity was to introduce the theme activities to parents and friends, through which parents and friends realized the importance of home cooperation.

We used examples to prove to parents that kindergartens and families should not only act in unison, but also share the same ideals when making demands on children. We should always start from the same principles, and try not to disagree on the purpose, process, and means of education.

Parents and friends also expressed their opinions one after another. Many parents said that they had neglected the cooperation with the kindergarten due to their busy work, and would work hard in the future. This semester, we also developed a monthly parent briefing for parents and friends, so that parents can have a more systematic and comprehensive understanding of children's monthly learning in the kindergarten. Parents expressed their deep gratitude.

Finally, we briefly discussed the cultivation of children's self-care ability with parents and friends. Both teachers and parents realized that the cultivation of children's living ability should be a long-term accumulation process, which needs continuous cultivation in the later stage of small class, middle class and even large class. Through this activity, we made parents understand our work more systematically, made parents realize the importance of home cooperation and found the difference between their children and children of the same age.

At the end of the activity, many parents expressed their gratitude for our work. I believe that our work will go on more smoothly with the thanks and support of parents and friends.

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