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Template of group building activity planning scheme

Template of group building activity planning scheme

Dare*** 22-01-31 planning scheme

With the development of society and the deepening of the new curriculum reform in senior high schools, student associations in senior high schools are showing a booming trend. The scale of activities of community organizations is constantly expanding, students' participation is constantly increasing, and the influence and effect of community activities are constantly improving, which greatly enrich the campus cultural life. On the contrary, many problems have also been exposed in the development. For example, some associations have loose organizational structure, large turnover of members, lack of organizational discipline and are more arbitrary; Some societies lack backbone, and members only gather by interest, without planned activities; Some societies have problems such as disorderly internal management and lax management of activity funds. In the face of all kinds of practical difficulties encountered in the development of student associations, we must actively explore the innovative model of the League building of high school student associations, find and cultivate new positions for the work of the Communist Youth League, and vigorously expand and enrich the organization and activities of the League.

As a new force, student associations are growing rapidly. How to strengthen the construction of student associations and how to standardize the management of student associations have become a major topic of the League building work. How to expand the coverage of the Communist Youth League organization through the Communist Youth League organization and give full play to the core and guiding role of the Communist Youth League organization in the construction of student associations is a direction for ideological and political work to enter student associations. In combination with the actual situation of our school's student associations, the Youth League Committee will make some exploration and practice on strengthening the work model of student associations in this year and next.

1、 It has established an all-round and network student association and league organization system.

1. Set up a general branch of student associations in the Youth League Committee of the school, which is fully responsible for the construction of the youth league organization of the whole school.

2. Establish League branches in student associations to be responsible for the construction of their own League organizations.

3. Corresponding league organizations shall be set up in each association according to the number of league members. More than 50 people shall set up a league branch and several league groups.

4. Set up the school student association federation and student association department. The Student Associations Federation and the Student Associations Department of the Student Union work under the guidance of the general branch of the student associations of the Youth League Committee.

2、 It has established a reasonable and flexible management system for the league branches of the associations and introduced a competitive mechanism.

1. Management of League members: First, the League branch of the class is responsible for the collection of League members' dues, while the League branch of the community is not responsible for the collection of League members' dues. Secondly, in principle, the files of League members are archived in the League branch of the class, and only electronic versions are stored in the League branch of the community. Thirdly, in terms of rewards and punishments for League members, League members can participate in the evaluation and commendation of both the Communist Youth League system and the community system through the class League branch and the League branch.

2. Management of the League Branch of the Association: according to the assessment of the activities of the League Branch of the Association and the completion of the activity plan, a comprehensive evaluation of the League Branch of the Association is carried out every year, and the assessment of the association is carried out to select the excellent League Branch of the Association to promote the construction.

3. The assessment of the League Branch of the mass organizations shall be carried out with the quantitative indicators of "Four Ones" to regularly check the effectiveness of the construction of the League Branch of the mass organizations. The quantitative indicators of "Four Ones" are:

① Each club shall organize at least one member to participate in a large-scale theme education activity every semester.

② Each club shall organize at least one member to participate in the spiritual civilization building activity every semester.

③ Each club shall organize at least one member to participate in theme group day activities or live an organizational life every month.

④ Each club shall organize at least one member of the League to submit an ideological report every month.

3、 It has established an internal division of labor system with clear authority and reasonable rights and responsibilities.

Distinguish the work responsibilities between the league organization and the council of associations, and grasp the content and direction of the development of associations.

1. The Communist Youth League: responsible for the ideological construction, personnel management, league affairs management, activity approval and financial supervision of the community; It is mainly responsible for promoting the comprehensive quality evaluation of the second classroom.

2. Association Council: responsible for the organization operation, administration and outreach of associations.

4、 A fair, competitive and standardized incentive and guarantee system has been established.

1. The Youth League Branch of student associations will be incorporated into the management system of the Youth League Committee of the school, fully participate in the formal evaluation and commendation of the school, and participate in the award selection of the excellent Youth League Branch, excellent Youth League cadres, "excellent League members, students' comprehensive quality evaluation and other awards, so as to ensure the organizational stability of the associations and play the role of the front.

2. Bringing student associations into the management system of the grass-roots organizations of the Communist Youth League makes them always under the guidance of the Communist Youth League and become an important carrier for the Communist Youth League to play its functions.

3. The student associations will be included in the comprehensive quality evaluation system of the school students to ensure that the work of the associations is more substantial.

With the deepening of the new curriculum reform, the construction of student associations is the trend of the times, which is popular with students. This makes us fully realize that vigorously promoting the construction of student associations in high schools is the most vital growth point to strengthen the construction of league organizations in the new era, the most effective focus to promote quality education in the second classroom, and the final foothold of the construction of campus cultural front. We will strengthen exploration in the field of strengthening the league building work of associations, constantly inject vitality into the development of the school's Communist Youth League, and constantly make new contributions to promoting quality education and the growth of students.

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