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About big class science teaching plan (collection of 11 articles)

About big class science teaching plan (collection of 11 articles)

r*** 22-12-27 Courseware teaching plan

Teaching plan for large class science (1)

【 Purpose 】

1. Observe the leaves to find out their differences and feel their diversity and characteristics.

2. Be able to make secondary classification according to the characteristics of leaves and recognize several special leaves.

3. Cultivate children's careful observation and love of autumn.

Activity Preparation

1. Children collect various leaves and learn about some special leaves

2. The teacher made PPT "Interesting Leaves"

3. Classification signs, leaf clothing, etc

[Key and difficult points of the activity]

Observe the leaves to find out their differences, feel their diversity and characteristics, and classify them again according to their characteristics

Activity Process

1、 Perceive leaves

1. Teacher: (playing music) Children, autumn is coming. The scenery in the countryside is beautiful! Maple leaves are fiery red, ginkgo leaves are golden yellow, and many leaves are floating in the air when the autumn wind blows. Look, some naughty small leaves are floating into our classroom (referring to the leaves laid on the ground). Do you like so many small leaves? Please pick up one of your favorite leaves and take it back to the small chair.

3. Teacher: Now children can look at the leaves in your hands, touch them, and smell them. What will you find? Teachers patrol and guide children to observe carefully.

Teacher: What are the small leaves you found? The children showed and introduced the leaves in their hands, and the teacher commented:


(1) Like our palm, it is palm shaped. Who else has palm shaped leaves? Go and touch it (pull the baby to touch it)

(2) It's really like love. Let's make a love together

(3) It's really like a beautiful little butterfly. You take the small leaves and fly like a little butterfly

(4) Like a powerful sword, you can take your sword to perform martial arts


(4) It's so hot and beautiful, like a child's red mouth

(5) Ginkgo leaves are golden yellow, like a small fan. Let's fan together


(6) Maomao is a bit like our teeth. Let's call it the dentate leaf. It's the dentate leaf. Lift it up and let's say hello. Hello!


(7) Your leaves are small, like a cute moustache; Your leaves are big and special


(8) You also know its name. It's amazing!

Teacher: There are still some children who haven't come up to introduce their favorite leaves. Now I give you time to introduce them to your friends and share the secrets of the leaves you found with them!

4. Teacher's summary: I found that the leaves you picked up are various, some are different in size, some are different in color, some are different in shape, some are like palms, some are like love; Also, the smoothness of the leaf edges is different. Some feel smooth, and some feel fluffy, like small teeth. It's really interesting.

2、 Game classification

1. It's great that we found so many little secrets in a leaf! Now Mr. He (making movements, circling in the same place) has changed into a big tree mother. You are all my baby leaves. Let's play a game of "baby leaves looking for home". Where is my baby leaves? Come to your mother quickly. The children should listen to the requirements of the game: first look at the marks held by the teacher next to them, and then look at the leaves in their hands. When the teacher says "One, two, three, start", you can go home. Do you know? OK, let's get to know the mark in their hands now. What is it? Raise your hand if you know. Look at the leaves in your hand. Prepare. One, two, three, start!

(1) Big leaf, small leaf... division check... we win, cheering together "yeah"!

(2) Attention, the mark needs to be changed Toothed leaves, smooth leaves... We win again! Yeah!

(3) Yellow leaves, green leaves... (Interview with red leaves) You are very smart. You can tell that neither of them is your home. Just stay with your mother. She cheers for you. The teacher checks the yellow and green leaves. You have successfully challenged! Let's cheer again!

Teacher's comment: Ye Baobao is really powerful. He has found his own position. Eh? Each of us has a leaf. What can we do with so many leaves together? You said. (Leaf stickers, leaf hats...)

3、 Ye Fashion Show

1. Transition: leaves can also dress us, which is a good idea. Let's turn these leaves into beautiful leaf clothes and hold a fashion show. How about it? The teacher has prepared various leaves for everyone. Let's dress up together! (Music How Beautiful Autumn is)

2. Are the models ready? I announce that the Leaf Fashion Show is now starting (music jordy towers)

Teacher: Today's press conference is really wonderful. Let me announce This is the end of Banye Fashion Conference!

Teaching plan for large class science (2)

Teaching plan for excellent scientific activities of large class: wonderful stones

1、 Activity Title

Science Teaching Plan for the Large Class of Kindergarten: Wonderful Stone

2、 Activity objectives

Through activities such as looking for stones, watching stones and playing with stones, children's interest in understanding stones can be stimulated, and the characteristics of various stones can be found in the exploration. Cultivate children's ability to observe and compare.

3、 Applicable objects

Children aged 5-6 years.

4、 Resources required for activities

Photos, pictures and video materials related to stones, various stones, stone products, stone handicrafts, stone ornaments, etc.

5、 Activity process

Take a look at the stones I collected.

(1) There are all kinds of stones everywhere, some of which are precious.

(2) There are various colors of stones.

(3) The patterns of stones are also different.

(4) There are many shapes of stones. These are pebbles, round and flat.

(5) Some stones have smooth surfaces and some are rough.

What are the uses of stones?

(1) Common rocks, pebbles, marble and granite can be used for paving roads, building bridges and houses.

(2) Jade, ruby, sapphire and diamond are more precious stones, which can be used to make decorations.

(3) Shoushan Stone, a famous stone rich in the local area, is especially valuable and can be made into handicrafts.

have a try.

(1) What will you find when you put stones, wood blocks, plastics, mud blocks, concrete, earth blocks, etc. into the water.

① Wood and plastic are floating on the water.

② Stone and mud sink to the bottom.

③ Stones of all sizes will sink into the water.

(2) Knock stones, wood blocks, plastics and iron blocks with a hammer, and observe what will happen when knocking.

① The hammer struck the stone and saw a spark.

② There is no spark when knocking wood, plastic or iron with a hammer.

(3) What will happen when you hit nails, boards, walnuts and clods with stones.

① The stone is hard and will not break or deform.

② Walnuts and clods were crushed after being hit by stones.

Making stone art.

What comes to mind from a specially shaped stone? Use auxiliary materials to make more things.

(1) Single stone painting.

(2) Multi stone combination painting.

(3) Clever use of adhesive paint.

(4) Various stone combinations are used to build garden scenes.

Show children's works.

Children introduce themselves to the production method and the title of the work.

6、 Expand ideas

1. In the activity of exploring the characteristics of stones, you can also put stones, vegetables and fish on fire at the same time, observe the phenomenon, and feel that stones cannot grow or die.

2. You can take children out to visit, compare the unspoiled natural landscape with the landscape damaged by the indiscriminate mining of stones, and then let children perceive and understand the role of stones on human beings by watching some disaster reports, videos, and documentaries.

Teaching plan for large class science (3)

Activity objectives:

1. Through observation, it is understood that vegetable leaves are composed of three parts (epidermis, vein and mesophyll).

2. Explore the different phenomena of the same vegetable leaves under different conditions and the different leaf juices produced by different leaves under the same conditions, and boldly express their own research results.

3. Be willing to participate in scientific activities and experience the fun of participating in scientific activities.

Activity preparation:

Small sticks, disposable paper cups, leaves of various fresh vegetables, and some withered vegetable leaves. A piece of large recording paper.

Activity process:

1、 Talk about the structure of vegetable leaves

1. Teacher Tian has prepared a lot of vegetable leaves for you. Please each choose a leaf, look, touch, and find what is on the leaf? (You can communicate with the children next to you)

2. The teacher asked: What do you find the leaves feel like?

3. What's on the blade? According to the child's answer, the teacher shows the big leaves and tells the child that the vegetable leaves are composed of three parts (epidermis, vein and mesophyll).

2、 Explore the secret inside the leaf

(1) The first operation of the same kind of vegetable leaves, found the leaf juice.

1. We just found that the leaf is composed of epidermis, vein and mesophyll through observation. Guess what else is in the leaf?

2. Answer.

3. Ask children to operate the experiment. Put fresh vegetable leaves in a disposable cup and smash them with a stick. What did they find?

4. Children tell their own operation results.

5. Division summary. There were many green vegetable juices hidden in the fresh vegetable leaves.

(2) The second operation found that the same kind of vegetable leaves produced different results under different conditions.

1. Please tell me what the withered vegetable leaves are different from those just now?

2. What did children find when they operated again?

3. Tell the children.

4. Division summary. There was no vegetable juice in the withered vegetable leaves, because it had lost water and dried up.

(3) For the third operation, find out what results different vegetable leaves will produce under the same conditions.

1. Show the leaves of various fresh vegetables, such as celery, spinach, green lettuce, purple lettuce, broad beans, peas, cabbage, purple cabbage, etc. Let children see, talk and smell what's different.

2. Explain the operation requirements, and each person shall choose two.

3. What do you find when you operate again? Guide children to communicate with their peers.

4. Children tell their own operation results.

5. Show the recording paper, and record the operation results of children on the paper.

6. The division shall make a summary. Different vegetable leaves produce different leaf juice under the same conditions. Because the taste and color of vegetables are different, their leaf juice is also different.

3、 The extension of the activity has further interest in exploring the leaves of vegetables

Our Happy Farm also grows many vegetables. Next time we will collect more vegetable leaves to explore and discover many secrets!

Teaching plan for large class science (4)

Shadow is a common phenomenon in our daily life. Children usually like to play with each other and try to step on others' shadow, or happily run with their own shadow. They have a strong interest in shadow, and shared the lesson of my shadow friend in Big Class Science for everyone. Welcome to learn!

Design intent:

Children like to play shadow games in their daily activities. By letting them play games such as "looking for shadow", "stepping on shadow" and "hiding", children's desire to explore scientific activities is enhanced, and children can understand the role of sunlight in the formation of shadows. Objects that block the sun have shadows.

Activity objectives:

1. Be able to actively explore the mystery of shadow, perceive the role of sunlight in shadow formation, and obtain specific experience about shadow formation.

2. Be able to play hand shadow games with peers to improve the imagination of observing Liji.

3. In the shadow game, enhance the desire to explore scientific activities.

Activity preparation:

Be interested in your body and willing to observe it; I played the game of "stepping on the shadow" in outdoor activities.

Activity process:

1、 Play "Find the Shadow" to stimulate children's interest in shadow.

1. Introduce from the riddle: There is a good friend who follows you all the time. His body is black and dark. He doesn't break up with you. If you leave, he will leave, and if you stop, he will stop. Who is this good friend?

2. The children discuss and answer, and lead the children to look for shadows in sunny places outdoors. Have you found it? Where is it

2、 Play "Step on the Shadow" to consolidate children's understanding of the shadow.

1. Let's play a game of stepping on the shadow. How?

Guide children to recall the play method of the game, play together with teachers and children, remind children to avoid collision when running and dodging, and protect themselves.

2. Talk about the feelings after the game. What secret did you discover when you just "stepped on the shadow"?

Guide children to find that the shadow wisdom changes with the movement of the body. When the body moves, the shadow will also move. When standing, the shadow will be longer, and when squatting, the shadow will become smaller.

3、 The game "hide the shadow" to understand the mystery of shadow formation.

1. If you have any good way to hide your shadow or turn it into nothing, go and have a try.

2. How did you hide the shadow?

Teachers and children jointly concluded that in places where there is no sunshine, under big shadows (such as trees, buildings, etc.), there is no shadow of oneself.

3. Where are there shadows? Why is there a shadow?

Teachers and children sum up: because objects block the sun, there are shadows.

4、 Cooperate to play hand shadow games.

1. The teacher demonstrates the hand shadow and asks children to guess what it is.

2. There are many hand shadow games in our children's books. You can have a look and play.

Teaching reflection:

Due to the weather, there is no sun this week, so our teaching activities can only be carried out indoors. If this activity had perceived the effect of sunlight on the formation of shadows, it was mainly through the games of "stepping on the shadow" and "hiding the shadow" to directly help children gain specific experience about shadow formation. Because there is no sunshine, teachers can only use children's existing experience to discuss. Children still have a certain understanding of shadow, and are eager to try the two games proposed by teachers. But how to hide the shadow, because there is no personal attempt, it seems a little tangled. Later, when introducing the hand shadow game, many children looked at the pictures and followed them, one was a rabbit, the other was an eagle. It was obvious that children had a strong curiosity about this natural phenomenon. It's a pity that we didn't play the games of "stepping on the shadow" and "hiding the shadow". We will try to take them to the playground when there is sunshine next time, so that they can feel the mystery of the shadow.

Teaching plan for large class science (5)

Teaching objectives

1. Educate children to save water and protect water resources.

2. Through children's understanding and mastery of the teaching content, children should be educated to save water in their daily life, and children should be educated to protect water resources by using teaching pictures.

Teaching preparation

Multimedia courseware Water is of Great Use

teaching process

1. Lead-in

Teacher: Before class, please review the language nursery rhymes we have learned

Teacher: We just recited the children's songs. The children recited them very well! However, the teacher also wants to test whether the children recognize the new characters we have learned

Teacher: What is this word?

Student: Live!

Teacher: Yes, this is a living word. In which children's song did we know?

Have you found the side in it that we have learned? (Three point water)

Teacher: Good children live in the sun like flowers. In addition to the sun, we cannot live without one important thing in our life, that is, water. In this lesson, we invite children and teachers to walk into the world of water together, and invite children to look at the big screen (click to see the lesson topic "Water is of great use")

2. The role of water

① Guide children to discuss the role of water

Teacher: Water is the most common, important, beautiful and mysterious substance in our world. Water is right beside us, always accompanying us and serving our life. Today, the teacher specially invited this little guest (little water drop) to our class. Look, it is greeting the children! It said: "Hello, children! I am a small water drop!" The children also say hello to it!

Teacher: Good! We have known this little guest just now. What about water drops? Today I want to tell the children that water plays a lot of roles in our lives. Let's see what water drops are doing? (Let the children see the four pictures, and the teacher will retell them again. Summary: Little water drops are diligent!)

Teacher: Actually, the little water drop is not only diligent, but also capable. Let's continue to look down————————

Lecturer: People have long found that water has buoyancy, which is a special function (buoyancy means that we put something into the water and it will not sink), so they invented a large ship that can walk in the water. Water can also be used for watering and cleaning

Teacher: In fact, in addition to the functions that children see now, water has many important uses. Do you know that? (Please raise your hand to answer)

Teacher: There are many uses of water, but it has one of the most important roles for us. We need to drink a certain amount of boiled water every day. Drinking more water is good for people's health. So children know where the water we usually drink comes from? (Ask individual children to answer)

② Display the large screen to tell the source of tap water.

(Click to show the picture of tap water)

Teacher: When it rains, all the rainwater flows into the rivers. But the water in the rivers is not clean and can't be drunk directly. The waterworks will pump the water from the rivers for processing and disinfection to make it clean. Then they will be transported to various places through the tap pipes to each of our children's homes. We will turn on the tap, The tap water just splashed out.

③ Discuss the close relationship between tap water and people

Teacher: What do children usually see their parents do with tap water? What if there was no running water? (Children discuss freely and tell the relationship between people and water)

④ Teacher summary: we usually drink water... if there is no water, we will be thirsty, and if there is no water, we cannot cook, wash, clean, etc.)

3. Protect water resources and save water

① Protect water resources and save water

Teacher; Water is very important to our life, but you know what! The rivers in many places are polluted now. The children know that if we drink dirty water, we will get sick. Now let's see how the clear river becomes dirty! (Click on the big screen for teacher explanation)

Teacher: Some factories discharge a large amount of dirty smoke into the air. The dirty smoke hangs over our sky and cannot disperse for a long time. When it rains, small raindrops fall on the ground through the dirty smoke and flow into rivers, making the water polluted and dirty. In addition, some people throw garbage and other disorderly things into the river, which also pollutes the water. Look, children, this is a polluted river. Compared with the first picture of the river, which picture do we like! Dirty water is smelly and dirty, which is very annoying!

② Understand the signs of water conservation and achieve water conservation in life.

Teacher: We have known all kinds of signs before. Today we know another sign of water conservation.

③ Look at the behavior in the figure. What should I do? Guide children to discuss

Teaching plan for large class science (6)

Large class scientific teaching plan and teaching reflection About the courseware of Ocean World

As a people's teacher who has just arrived at the post, classroom teaching is one of our tasks. We can record our feelings in the teaching process in teaching reflection. What forms should we pay attention to when writing teaching reflection? The following is a small compilation of the large class science teaching plan and teaching reflection courseware about Ocean World, hoping to help everyone.

Activity objectives:

1. Know that there are abundant animals and plants in the sea, and can tell the names and living habits of several common animals and plants.

2. Be able to classify the animals and plants in the marine world according to the standards determined by oneself.

Activity preparation:

1. Before the activity, children should make a survey about the marine world.

2. Teachers and children collect pictures about marine animals and plants together.

3. The clip of the animated film "Finding Nemo", the music tape and recorder of "Aquarium".

4. Teaching wall chart: Ocean World.

Activity process:

1. Through watching the animated film "Finding Nemo" to arouse children's interest.

The teacher plays cartoons.

2. Guide children to use questionnaires to further understand various marine animals and plants.

Teacher: Apart from these animals and plants, what else is there in the sea? What are they like? Where do you live? What skills do you have?

Teachers guide children to communicate in groups, remind children to introduce by turns, and listen to their peers quietly.

Guide the children to speak boldly in front of the group. The teacher shows the teaching wall chart and the corresponding pictures of animals and plants on the blackboard. "Teacher:" Who would like to tell you about the marine animals and plants you know? What kind of animals and plants do you like best? What's his ability to call you? "

3. Guide children to establish standards for classification.

Teacher: How many kinds of animals and plants have we collected.

Teacher: How can we make others see them more clearly when we visit them together? (Guide children to classify animals and plants.) There are so many animals, how can we distinguish them?

4. Teachers guide children to establish the awareness of protecting the marine environment.

Teacher: If this is the sea, what animals or plants do you want to be in the sea?

Teacher: What do you want the sea to look like? How should we protect the sea?

Teacher: Let's follow the music "Aquarium" to learn what animals and plants you want to do, OK?

Teachers play music to guide children to show their favorite marine animals and plants with body movements.

Reflection on activities:

Ocean World is a scientific activity of the senior class. First of all, the video of the multimedia "Finding Nemo" is used to stimulate children's interest in the ocean world and mobilize their enthusiasm. In the huge world of the sea, there is too much hidden knowledge. When children ask me what kind of fish is in the sea, I can't say for a moment, So I asked the children to guess first, and then we went online to check the information together. After class, I felt that my knowledge was too little, and I was not very proficient in the activities, so teachers first needed to enrich their knowledge. Therefore, I also watched the slide "Ocean World" for children, and let them listen while watching. They learned a lot about the ocean world. Finally, I asked children to look at the serious consequences of marine pollution, and to develop children's feelings of caring for the environment and the sea.

Teaching plan for large class science (7)

Big class scientific teaching plan and teaching reflection courseware about "little secrets of telephone numbers"

As an excellent teacher, we all hope to have first-class classroom teaching ability. We can record our feelings in the teaching process in teaching reflection. Have you ever known about teaching reflection? The following is a large class science lesson plan and teaching reflection collected by the small editor for everyone. Welcome to read and collect the courseware about "Small Secrets of Telephone Numbers".

Activity objectives:

1. Through the collection of telephone numbers, children can develop their preliminary and classified ability.

2. Guide children to make bold attempts to design phone numbers and experience the fun of success.

Activity preparation:

Collect home phone numbers, children's operating materials, and pictures of small animals.

Activity process:

1、 Observe home number

1. Do you all know your home phone numbers? Ask the children to write down these phone numbers?

(Children write on white paper, one number for each.; Source;; The teacher pastes what they wrote on the blackboard.)

2. Do you have any questions after reading the phone number?

(Child: Why are some 8 digits and some 11 digits?)

Summary: The 8-digit number is the home fixed phone number, while the 2-digit number is the PHS phone number, and the 11 digit number is the mobile phone number.

2、 Distinguish between fixed line and mobile phone numbers

1. Centralized differentiation: guide children to distinguish the number of telephone numbers they write

(For example, the mobile phone is 11 digits, and the PHS phone and fixed line phone are both 8 digits)

2. Children can distinguish the collected numbers by themselves.

(The children discuss with each other what kind of number they write)

3. Classification distinguishing number

(Children will arrange mobile, PHS and fixed telephone numbers in three rows.)

4. Look for the secrets in the phone numbers. Look at the three types of phone numbers above. Do you find any secrets in the phone numbers?

(Child: Some phone numbers have the same number in front of them, while others have different numbers.)

Summary: The first four digits of a telephone number in the same area are the same, such as 5608; The last four numbers are different.

3、 Small animals install telephones (turtles and fish in water; elephants and tigers on land; birds and butterflies flying in the sky)

1. Distinguish between land and water and various animals in the air.

2. Design phone numbers.

Requirements: The first four numbers of a telephone number that lives in the same place are unchanged, but they must be different from the following four numbers!

For example, the first four digits of animals in water must be 1234; The first four digits of the animals on land are 4321, while the animals in the sky start with 5678. The numbers behind can be different. You can choose the ones you like to write, but look forward to the eight digit fixed line phone

4、 Analysis of exhibition works

1. Which animal friends did you invite just now? Where did you live?

2. What are the phone numbers you designed for them?

3. The activity extended to design fixed phone numbers for small animals, and we will design mobile phone numbers for them later.

Reflection on activities:

The whole activity link is designed step by step. The conversation is natural and straight to the theme, which effectively focuses the attention of children and brings their emotions into the activity. Closely linked to the actual life of children, and not too difficult, suitable for children's development level. The children's learning initiative has been strengthened, giving them the freedom and opportunity to play their imagination, and improving their independent inquiry ability of using their brains, mouths and hands. Through various forms of educational activities, children can really move, so that each child can actively and actively remember, so that children can use these numbers when encountering emergency problems, and also enhance their self-protection awareness. Let children discuss with each other, and teachers and children form a cooperative learning mechanism in teacher-student interaction and student student interaction. Provide more extensive and free exploration space for children, truly reflect their subjectivity, and make them become the real masters of learning.

Teaching plan for large class science (8)

Large class scientific teaching plan and reflection on teaching

As an excellent teacher, we should have first-class teaching ability. Through teaching reflection, we can quickly accumulate our teaching experience. How to write a good teaching reflection? The following is the scientific teaching plan and teaching reflection of the large class organized by the small editor for everyone. The courseware of Tooth Chopper is for reference only, and I hope it can help everyone.

Activity objectives:

1. Understand the cutting, tearing and grinding of teeth through experience.

2. Get a preliminary understanding of teeth and their names and locations.

Activity preparation:

1. One big mouth, one small mouth per group, and several food models.

2. Toothpick and apple slices (2 pieces for each child).

3. VCD cartoon, two tooth models, pictures of three kinds of teeth (incisors, canines, molars).

Activity process:

Lead in: Today, the teacher invited some special friends to play with you. Let's see who came first? (Baby Teeth) (Show the animation) What are teeth used for? (Eating)

1、 Know teeth through experience and observation.

(Please taste the apple slices and guide the children to answer)

1. What teeth did you use to bite the apple off? What do we call it? (Front teeth) Where are the front teeth?

2. What teeth did we use to chew the apple? What do we call it? Where do molars grow?

(Ask children to imitate eating chicken legs)

3. How do we eat chicken legs? Which teeth tore off the chicken leg? What do we call it? (also called canine teeth) Where do canine teeth grow?

2、 In the game Guess Who I Am, deepen the preliminary understanding of teeth.

Children, guess who I am. I live in the middle of my mouth and have square front teeth; I am sharp and live on both sides of the front teeth (fangs); I am big and live at the back of my mouth (molars).

3、 Create a situation to stimulate children's interest in production.

(Showing his big mouth) "Hi, kids, how are you! I'm big mouth. Look, I have healthy teeth. My teeth are like a chopper. I have to eat a lot of food every day. ChaChaChaChaChaCha, look at how powerful my teeth are! I'm hungry, please give me something to eat!" Ask the baby to feed it.

The little mouth is hungry too. It wants to eat very much, but it has no teeth. Let's put teeth on it!

4、 Children are divided into groups to make teeth for their small mouths and ask them to feed them.

Active extension:

1. Good teeth, good appetite, good eating, good health. Teeth are very important to us. How to protect teeth?

2. Free performance of music animation "Toothbrushing Song"

Reflection on activities:

In children's scientific activities, we should strengthen the cultivation of children's thinking ability, enhance their independence and exploration, enable children to complete their learning tasks in a complete link, truly master scientific knowledge, enter science, and let the light of science illuminate the path of children's growth.

Teaching plan for large class science (9)

Large class scientific teaching plan and teaching reflection; courseware about "Game of Sand"

As a teacher who has just arrived at the post, one of our tasks is classroom teaching. New findings in teaching can be written in teaching reflection. So how should we write teaching reflection? The following is a large class science lesson plan and teaching reflection courseware collected by the small editor for you. It is only for reference. Welcome to read it.

Design background

The nature is rich and colorful. Our kindergarten is located in a township, and the school is at the junction of two rivers. Sand piles and beaches can be seen everywhere. Children can use simple tools to play with sand at any time, so this activity is designed. It is intended to achieve two purposes: to perceive the characteristics of sand and understand the use of sand through operational activities; Experience the fun of playing sand and become interested in participating in exploration activities. This activity is carried out outdoors.

Activity objectives

1. Perceive the characteristics of sand and recognize the use of sand through operation activities.

2. Experience the fun of playing sand and become interested in participating in exploration activities.

Key and difficult points of activities

Characteristics and uses of sand

Activity preparation

1. Sand table, music

2. Beach (a safe place for 50 children)

3. Tools for children to play with sand, such as: (small shovel, small spoon, several small buckets, screen, hourglass, various building blocks, multiple large basins), water and towel can be taken by the river

4. Several pictures of the use of sand

Activity process

Basic activities:

1. The teacher plays music, shows the sand table, and guides the children to answer questions after observation:

Teacher: What is this?

Young: sand

Teacher: What color is it? What shape?


Teacher: Where have you seen it?

Young: Sand pit on beach, in water, in car, on road and in playground

Teacher summary: The children know so much. Do you want to play sand? (Lead to the following question - play with sand)

2. Children play with sand freely, feel and understand the characteristics of sand.

(1) Teachers guide children to feel the sand, grasp the sand, and feel that the sand is not only loose, but also small.

(2) The teacher plays cheerful music and encourages children to play with sand boldly with their own tools to exchange what they have done with sand.

Young: Teacher, I built a tank with sand to fight the enemy.

I built a house for the little frog to live in in winter.

I repaired the road for the car to make it run fast

I drew many pictures on the sand


(3) Teacher's summary: The children are playing very well. Sand can be dug, and you can draw with your fingers.

(4) Let's play with dry sand and wet sand

Teacher: Please play with dry sand and wet sand respectively to see how they feel?

Young: The dry sand flows out from the fingers when it is caught in the hand; Wet sand will be more and more tight, and will not flow out;

Teacher: Please put your hands or bare feet in the sand table, and feel the feeling of dry sand and wet sand. What's the difference between the size of dry sand pile and wet sand pile.

Teachers put all kinds of building blocks into the basin with sand, and let children build building blocks in the sand basin.

Teach children to put the same amount of sand into the hourglass with different calibers, feel the speed of sand flow is different, and observe which hourglass is the first to drain the sand.

(5) Teachers inspire children to think with their brains

How to remove small stones from the sand?

What's the difference between sand and soil?; Source;; What's the difference between sand and stone?

Guide children to play with sieve and observe carefully.

(6) Teacher shows pictures: guide children to observe what is painted on each picture.

Children: workers are building houses, road maintenance workers are paving roads, etc

Activity end phase

Teacher's summary: today's children are very capable and can use the tools in your hands to create the objects you imagine. And today we also know that sand is composed of many fine particles, and sand can flow; And we can't build houses and pave roads without it.

Activity extension link

In one corner of the class, the preparation of "sand table" and the preparation of "sand pit" in the outdoor playground are all used to improve children's play. Our teachers should actively provide children with game materials, and encourage children to actively practice, use their brains, innovate boldly, innovate different sand playing methods, and further perceive the characteristics of sand.

Activity reflection

I designed a large kindergarten class for this activity. Because my garden is located in the countryside, I designed many children to mobilize their interests by themselves according to the characteristics of large kindergarten children and local culture, creating a relaxed and happy atmosphere. In the activity, I constantly change the method according to the actual situation, so that all children can participate.

In the whole teaching activity, children have always been understood, respected and accepted, and they all have their own free space: for example, in the process of playing sand, the teacher did not stipulate how to play, but let children use their own tools to play freely.

Before this class, I had learned that the children in this class had already learned a lesson called "The Wonderful Sand". I prepared this lesson on the basis of their existing experience level, and had a better grasp of the core of the education content - to promote the physical, mental and moral development of children with their age characteristics and level of development

In this activity, most of the children actively cooperate with the teacher, but a small number of children care about themselves and do not listen to what the teacher says.

This activity class was not very successful, first of all, did not mobilize the enthusiasm of all children; Secondly, in the process of children playing with sand, the teacher did not give good hints, which made some children play with sand blindly.

If I were to take this class again, I would first arouse the enthusiasm of the children (children, today the teacher will take you to a very interesting place, do you want to go? Let the children have the desire to play; then the teacher will talk about safety issues, what people should pay attention to, what); When we arrive at the activity site, let the children play freely first, and let the children quiet down at a certain time, listen to a piece of relaxed music, and enter the topic. In addition, when children play with sand, they should observe what the sand is like. Children should be allowed to discuss and express their personal opinions to show the effect of teacher-student interaction.

Teaching plan for large class science (10)

Large class scientific teaching plan and teaching reflection courseware about "change change club"

As a teacher who has been on duty for a short time, one of our jobs is classroom teaching. We can record our feelings in the teaching process in teaching reflection. How should we write teaching reflection? The following is the scientific teaching plan and teaching reflection of the large class organized by the small editor for you. The courseware "Change Club" is for reference only. Let's have a look.

Activity objectives

1. Know that everything can change.

2. Try to change things in various ways and experience the fun of change.

Activity preparation

All kinds of paper, paper clips, straw tubes, clips, ropes, scissors, etc.

Activity process

1、 Group activities.

——This is the Change Club. There are many small things that can be changed as long as we move them skillfully. Do you believe it?

——Teachers demonstrate the process of rolling newspapers into paper balls and bending paper clips into small hooks to stimulate children's interest in "change".

——Children choose objects independently and try to change them. If children are at a loss, teachers will demonstrate several examples of paper change. For example, tear a small piece of paper into a rotating parachute; Clamp a long piece of paper with a clip and turn it into a dart; Cut off a section of barley pipe and connect it into a necklace, etc.

2、 Free visit.

——Look at each other to see how other groups of children have changed something. "Did you think of his method?

——Teachers should invite children to appreciate creative ideas in time to expand their thinking.

3、 Exchange and share.

——Encourage children to introduce their good methods to everyone. Focus on the change process and show the change results.

——When visiting other groups, whose method do you find particularly good, and why?

——The teacher demonstrated the process of folding a piece of paper and cutting it into a long stretch of paper.

Activity reflection

The scientific activity "Change Club" is to strengthen children's exploration and practical ability, and guide children to participate in, associate and verify with multiple senses through the materials provided during the change. So that children may get the maximum development. The Outline puts forward that it should not only meet the needs of children, but also be conducive to their long-term development; Both close to children's life, choose things or topics of interest. It also helps to expand children's experience and vision, so at the beginning of this activity, I will focus on a word change, and also use this word change as the main line to carry out activities.

Science Teaching Plan for Large Class (11)

Large class scientific teaching plan and teaching reflection About the courseware "Copy"

As a newly arrived people's teacher, classroom teaching is one of our jobs. Through teaching reflection, we can effectively improve our classroom experience. How can we write about teaching reflection? The following is the large class science teaching plan and teaching reflection courseware about Copy, which I hope can help you.

Design intent:

This is an era of replication. From the large-scale product replication on the assembly line in the factory to the copying machine, fax machine, computer replication, and then to biological cloning... all show the demand trend of people to pursue simplicity and retain the original flavor. How can children discover the ubiquitous phenomenon of replication in their lives and feel the convenience of replication methods? Teachers associate Luojiang with an industrial development zone. The factories around the kindergarten contain many valuable learning resources, and the Research on Strategies of Using Community Resources to Carry out Scientific Education Activities is just the topic that our kindergarten devotes itself to. In the past, in the process of leading children to visit the factory, we also heard children sigh about the "power" of the machine and saw their curiosity about the process of making the finished product. Therefore, teachers obtained the support of parents, captured some key copies of the camera in the factory to make courseware, and combined with the fact that the kindergarten needs to make prizes for the "New Year's Day Games" in the near future, Let children understand and pay attention to the phenomenon of replication by experiencing simple replication methods, so as to stimulate children's desire to continue to explore and sprout a love of science. This activity is the first activity of "Interesting Replication". The purpose is to let children initially understand various replication phenomena and try the simplest replication method. Next, we will use family resources to guide children to further explore the phenomenon of duplication, fill in questionnaires, and put the contents of children's surveys and collections into regional activities to experience, operate and communicate. The activities are still going on

Activity objectives:

1. Get a preliminary understanding of various replication phenomena and feel the convenience that replication methods bring to people's lives.

2. Try a simple method of copying, and sprout the emotion of loving science.

Activity preparation:

1. Courseware Funny Copy, projector, computer

2. Operating materials (put in twice)

The first time: two baskets for each group, a number of yellow handmade paper, line markers and scissors

The second time: a number of disposable paper cups, inkpad, carbon paper, ball point pens and templates used

3. 2 work display boards (marked with 1, 2 marks and group marks at the beginning)

Activity process:

1、 Show examples of medals and propose task requirements.

(1) Teacher: Children, the kindergarten New Year Sports Meeting is coming! Today, Mr. Chen wants to invite you to make an important preparation for the sports meeting.

(2) Request:

1. Many round medals of the same size can be processed in the specified time.

2. Give five minutes, stop the operation as soon as the time comes, count and stick it on the display board 1, and get back to your seat.

(3) Children's free production. The teacher observes the production and reminds children to complete the task within the set time.

2、 Compare and analyze the works, and arouse attention to the phenomenon of duplication.

(1) Group question: How many did you do?

(2) Guide children to compare and tell about the making of medals.

Summary: These medals have different shapes and sizes.

(3) Inspiration:

1. If these medals are awarded to children, will they like them? Is there any way to make an identical medal?

2. Are there many identical things in life? Where have you met?

3、 Watch videos made with community resources to understand the phenomenon of duplication.

(1) How are so many similar things made? Teacher, here is a video that can reveal the secret.

(2) Request: If you want to know this secret, you should read and listen carefully.

(3) Children watch the video (the teacher will guide them on tour and gently remind them to watch it quietly).

(4) Question: Are workers quick to produce products just now? How did they make so many similar things?

Summary: The children all spoke very well. It turned out that the worker uncle used machines and molds to quickly make many identical things. This method is called copying.

4、 Try to use simple copying methods to make medals again, and experience the convenience of copying.

(1) Inspire children to think about replication methods.

Teacher: Can we also use the method of copying to quickly make many identical beautiful medals?

(2) Provide replication materials for children to explore and produce.

1. Introduce materials.

2. Make a request. "You should use your brain to think about whether you can use these materials to copy medals. The teacher also gives you five minutes to see if you can do it faster and better than the last time! After that, count and paste it on the display board 2."

(3) Children try to copy, and teachers patrol and guide.

(4) Guide children to compare the works and intuitively feel the convenience of copying.

Teacher: How many did you do this time? How do these medals look? The teacher wants to know how you made it?

Summary: It seems that the method of copying is fast and convenient!

5、 Understand the advantages of high-tech replication.

(1) Teacher: Seeing that the children are so powerful, the teacher also wants to show a unique skill.

(2) Demonstrate the use of computers to print medals. Let children experience the speed and convenience of computers on the spot.

6、 Transfer experience and guide children to continue to explore the phenomenon of replication.

Teacher: In fact, there are many wonderful ways of copying in our life for children to observe and discover. Look! I will prepare a form for you. Please go home and find out with your parents. If you find any copy methods and tools in life, you can draw them in this form. If it is convenient, you can also bring the copy tools here to let everyone have a try and play together, ok?

Reflection on activities:

Let children operate and feel the magic of replication in the operation experience. After that, we will learn about different replication methods and know the magic of using science and technology to replicate. In this way, children will expand from their understanding of the operation closest to themselves to the unknown in a more orderly manner.

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