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Fire safety drill plan

Fire safety drill plan

Wu*** 22-06-16 programme

In order to ensure that all teachers and students in the school can safely and quickly evacuate and evacuate in the event of an emergency that threatens the life safety of all teachers and students, this plan has been formulated and practical exercises have been carried out to enhance the safety awareness of teachers and students and improve the self-care and self-help skills of all teachers and students.

1、 Evacuation drill command system:

Commander in Chief: x

Field commander: x

On site dispatching: x (fourth floor and middle staircase) x (third floor and north staircase) x (second floor and south staircase) Grade 2 (x) Grade 1 (x)

Assistants: all teaching staff

Date: January 2, 20xx

2、 Activity content:

1. The school organizes emergency evacuation drills for earthquake prevention and fire safety

2. Comment on evacuation

3、 Organization and implementation arrangement:

1. The teacher on duty sends out an emergency evacuation alarm signal - air defense alarm, or shouts "Emergency evacuation! Emergency evacuation!"

2. All commanders shall quickly organize all teachers and students in the school to evacuate, and all assistants shall be responsible for commanding at the staircases and other passages of each teaching building.

3. Specific evacuation arrangements:

Evacuation commander: security guard

Evacuation commander at the staircase on the first floor of the teaching building: security guard

Evacuation commander at the south staircase on the first floor of the teaching building: x

Evacuation commander at the north staircase on the second floor of the teaching building: x

Evacuation commander at the middle staircase on the second floor of the teaching building: x

Evacuation commander at the south staircase on the second floor of the teaching building: x

Evacuation commander at the north staircase on the third floor of the teaching building: x

Evacuation commander at the staircase on the third floor of the teaching building: x

Evacuation commander at the south staircase on the third floor of the teaching building: x

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