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Emergency Plan for Dangerous Chemicals Accidents

Emergency Plan for Dangerous Chemicals Accidents

Liu*** 22-07-07 Emergency plan

1 Introduction

Dangerous chemicals accident disaster refers to the disaster caused by the burning, explosion and leakage of flammable, explosive, corrosive, toxic, radioactive and other dangerous substances under certain conditions, resulting in human burns, poisoning, festering, death, environmental pollution and other accidents.

Many scholars have studied the risk and harmfulness of hazardous chemicals accidents and disasters [1-7], but few have systematically studied the emergency rescue plans and drills for hazardous chemicals accidents and disasters. The emergency rescue of hazardous chemicals accidents and disasters has high requirements, great difficulties and complex organization. The rescue process involves many aspects such as detection, alert, transmission, dilution, decontamination, fire fighting, rescue, personnel evacuation, safety protection, communication, equipment support, etc. Therefore, in order to effectively respond to the emergency rescue of hazardous chemicals accidents and disasters, the emergency rescue headquarters should comprehensively grasp the occurrence, characteristics, laws, and handling procedures of hazardous chemicals accidents and disasters in advance, investigate and analyze the actual situation, and strive to elaborate the emergency rescue plan, and conduct simulation exercises on this basis, In order to effectively carry out the emergency rescue work of hazardous chemicals accidents and disasters, and maximize the safety of people's lives and property.

2 Principles, tasks, requirements, basis, methods and steps for the formulation of emergency rescue plan for hazardous chemicals accidents and disasters

2.1 Basic principles and requirements for emergency rescue of hazardous chemicals accidents and disasters

Basic principles of emergency rescue

The core principle of emergency rescue work is prevention first and the combination of prevention and emergency. First, we must put the prevention and reduction of disasters and accidents in the first place, so as to prevent disasters before they happen; Second, we must make all kinds of emergency preparations, firmly establish a sense of hardship, improve the plan system, promote the construction of emergency platforms, and improve emergency management capabilities; The third is to do a good job in emergency response and aftermath. After a disaster accident occurs, take immediate measures to control the development of the situation, reduce casualties and property losses, prevent secondary and derivative accidents, and actively do a good job in basic living security for the affected people and environmental assessment of the accident site.

Basic requirements for emergency rescue

The emergency rescue of hazardous chemicals accidents and disasters is a kind of specific emergency rescue of accidents and disasters, and it is also a work with wide coverage and strong professionalism. It is difficult for a certain industry or department in society to complete it unilaterally. It is necessary to organize all forces, adhere to the principle of unified command, hierarchical responsibility, regional focus, and the combination of unit self rescue and social rescue The departments shall cooperate closely and work together to form a unified rescue force system and effectively organize and implement emergency rescue.

Basic tasks of emergency rescue plan formulation

Through extensive research and scientific evaluation, establish the specific scope of the plan; Select the largest hazard source object, base on personnel and equipment, focus on complex multiple disaster settings and the most unfavorable rescue conditions, follow the characteristics and laws of emergency rescue operations, analyze and study to develop targeted disposal countermeasures and measures; The plan is verified through drills, tests and other forms to ensure that it has strong pertinence and operability, and truly becomes the basis for rescue action that the emergency force wants to use, is easy to use and practical.

Rescuing the victims is the primary task of implementing the rescue plan. Timely, orderly and effective on-site first aid and safe transfer of the wounded are the key to reduce the casualty rate and the loss of accidents and disasters.

Timely guide and organize the masses to take various measures for self-protection, and quickly evacuate from the dangerous area upwind. During the evacuation, actively organize the masses to carry out self rescue and mutual rescue work.

For the harmful and toxic substances escaping from the accident, timely organize personnel to wash and eliminate the harmful consequences.

After the accident, investigate the cause and nature of the accident in a timely manner, estimate the hazard degree and scope of the accident disaster, find out the casualties, and do a good job in the investigation of the accident disaster.

2.2 Emergency rescue plan for accidents and disasters involving hazardous chemicals

According to different responsibility subjects, the emergency rescue plan can be divided into five levels: national overall emergency rescue plan, national special emergency rescue plan, national department emergency rescue plan, local emergency rescue plan, and enterprise and public institution emergency rescue plan. The formulation of the emergency rescue plan should adhere to the principle of "aiming at actual combat, standardized and practical, complete system, and scientific management", clarify the objects, reasonably classify, unify standards, and improve the approval and application system, so as to provide a scientific basis for orderly and efficient implementation of emergency rescue actions.

The emergency rescue plan is the core content of the emergency rescue preparation work and an important guarantee for timely, orderly and effective emergency rescue work. It is mainly reflected in that the emergency rescue plan determines the scope and system of emergency rescue, so that emergency rescue preparation and emergency rescue management have evidence and rules to follow; Improve response capability and reduce accident consequences. The plan defines the responsibilities and response procedures of all parties involved in emergency rescue, which can guide the rapid, efficient and orderly implementation of emergency rescue; To facilitate coordination and liaison with relevant emergency rescue departments; It is conducive to improving the risk prevention awareness of the whole society.

2.3 Requirements, basis, methods and steps for preparing emergency rescue plan for hazardous chemicals

Requirements for preparing the plan

The preparation of emergency rescue plan for hazardous chemicals must adhere to a scientific and prudent attitude. On the basis of comprehensive investigation, the combination of leaders and experts should be carried out, and scientific analysis and demonstration should be carried out. According to the actual situation, the corresponding plan content should be formulated in grades according to the nature, type, scope of influence, serious consequences, etc. of the accident. In order to make the plan more targeted and operational, it is generally necessary to formulate special plans of different types, such as fire disaster, explosion, leakage, etc., formulate plans by levels and classifications, and at the same time, do a good job in linking the plans.

Different types of preplans of a system (unit) should form a unified whole, and the rescue forces should be scientifically arranged as a whole; The plan must be based on the actual conditions of the system (unit), based on domestic and local conditions, and reasonably equipped with emergency equipment and equipment, so as to provide convenient conditions for the maintenance of equipment and equipment in the future; The plan must be authoritative, clarify the responsibilities of emergency organizations and personnel at all levels, strengthen mutual cooperation, and improve the overall effectiveness of emergency rescue; The plan must be approved by the superior before it can be implemented. At the same time, it must be guaranteed by corresponding laws and regulations; Regularly organize drills and reexaminations, so as to better combine the actual situation for timely inspection and correction; The emergency team shall carry out professional skills training, and establish detailed personnel basic data and training files. The emergency personnel must pass the examination to confirm that they are competent for the emergency tasks they undertake before they can take up their posts; Each professional rescue team shall establish an emergency personnel team and implement corresponding equipment and equipment at ordinary times, so as to conduct regular inspection and maintenance, and ensure that the equipment and equipment are in good condition and useful.

Methods and steps for preparing the plan

Investigation, research and data collection are the first important step in the preparation of the plan, and are the basis and premise for the preparation of the plan. The content collected is consistent with the content of the basis for the preparation of the plan above.

Comprehensive analysis and scientific evaluation. Its contents include chemical hazard analysis, risk assessment, rescue force analysis, etc.

The division of labor shall be responsible for and organize the preparation. Under the unified leadership, a special department must be designated to take the lead in organizing the work, and the relevant units must be involved in it and jointly drafted.

Field survey and repeated modification. It is necessary to organize experts and leaders from relevant departments and units to carry out on-site investigation. For example, the surrounding terrain, environment, command post location, unit action route, deployment location, population evacuation road and evacuation area of the key target area are surveyed and determined on the spot. After the preparation of the plan, leaders and experts of relevant departments and units shall be organized to review it, so as to make the plan clearer, more scientific and reasonable.

2.4 Basis for formulating emergency rescue plan

The emergency rescue plan is an emergency measure formulated according to the prediction results of the type, nature, scope of influence and severity of consequences of possible accidents, and the actual situation of the system and the enterprise. It has a certain degree of realism and practicality. To formulate a practical plan, it must be based on accurate information, which generally includes the following contents: ① authoritative emergency command organization system; ② Legislative documents and regulations on emergency rescue; ③ Investigate and prepare relevant charts, including city map, city traffic map, city water system and pipeline distribution map, distribution map of key protection targets, building situation map, population situation map, general distribution map of rescue ability, distribution map of detection and laboratory forces, meteorological data for three consecutive years, and survey form of rescue ability of hazardous chemicals accidents and disasters; ④ Investigate the possibility of the reserve and supply guarantee of emergency equipment, equipment and materials required under the state of emergency accident; ⑤ Select 2-3 evacuation resettlement sites and conduct field survey on rest stations on the evacuation route.

3 What are the main contents of the emergency rescue plan for accidents and disasters involving hazardous chemicals?

3.1 Main contents of basic rescue plan

Situation judgment. It includes the judgment of hazard sources, geographical profile and meteorological overview.

Accident level. It includes the content of accident level and the classification of accident level, such as the classification of plant level accidents, district level accidents, municipal level accidents, special accidents, their respective target levels, toxic leakage, injury scope, loss degree, responsibility classification and disposal methods.

Clarify the rescue organization and peacetime management of each key objective and the scope of responsibility in case of an accident.

Determine the composition and tasks of the rescue team. Specify the scope of command and rescue force, key protection objectives, peacetime tasks, and the location of command post.

Various guarantees. Including communication guarantee, transportation guarantee, engineering guarantee, public security guarantee, material guarantee, etc.

For the requirements of formulating and implementing the plan, the basic plan and the rescue plan for key target areas should be formulated according to the potential threats and existing rescue forces, and the implementation of various works should be carried out according to the specific requirements of the plan.

As for the requirements for emergency training of the command organ and the rescue team at ordinary times, training should be carried out according to the tasks of the command personnel and the rescue team. On the one hand, they should be familiar with the situation of the target area; on the other hand, they should carry out simulation training to improve the command ability and rescue level of the command organ and the rescue team.

3.2 Rescue plan for important target areas

The rescue plan for important target areas is a substantive concrete action plan, which is the basis for each unit to implement rescue. This kind of plan mainly includes the following five aspects: ① accident prediction, establish a database based on investigation data, and predict the hazard results: full dose distribution; Depth of hazard under three dose standards (serious hazard, moderate hazard and mild hazard); Harmful area and number of people injured under three dose standards. ② Rescue determination mainly refers to the guiding ideology, means and purpose of the rescue commander. ③ Task division, specifying the name, mobile route, deployment area, rescue target and task of each rescue team ④ Personnel evacuation, including evacuation time, scope, area, mobile route, evacuation method and guarantee, etc. ⑤ Organize and command, including the composition, task, authority, location of the command organization, and the opening time of the command post.

4 Emergency rescue plan drill for accidents and disasters of hazardous chemicals

4.1 Classification of drills

The exercises are divided into desktop exercises, functional exercises and comprehensive exercises.

Desktop exercise refers to the exercise activities that representatives of the emergency organization or personnel at key positions should take when discussing emergencies in accordance with the emergency plan and its standard operating procedures. The main feature is to carry out oral drills on the drill scenarios, which are usually held indoors. The main role is to obtain some constructive discussion results while the drill personnel check and solve the problems in the emergency plan, which can exercise the drill personnel's ability to solve problems, enhance the cooperation between emergency organizations, and clarify the division of responsibilities. Desktop exercises are simple and low cost, and are mainly used to prepare for functional exercises and comprehensive exercises.

Function drill refers to the drill activities held for an emergency response function or some emergency response activities. Function drills are generally held in the command center, and on-site drills can be carried out at the same time, and limited emergency equipment can be used. The main purpose is to check the planning and response capability of emergency response personnel and emergency management system for the emergency response function. The functional exercise is larger than the desktop exercise, and more emergency response personnel and organizations need to be mobilized. If necessary, high-level emergency response organizations can be required to participate in the exercise process, which increases the difficulty of coordination.

Comprehensive drill refers to the drill activities to test and evaluate the emergency operation capability of the emergency organization for all or most of the emergency response functions in the emergency plan. The comprehensive drill is generally required to last for several hours and be conducted in an interactive manner. The drill process is required to be as real as possible, call more emergency response personnel and resources, and carry out practical drills of personnel, equipment and other resources to demonstrate the ability of coordinated emergency response.

The biggest difference among the three types of exercises lies in the complexity and scale of the exercises. The number of required evaluators is related to the actual scale of the exercises, local resources and other conditions. Emergency drills can follow the principle of bottom-up, separation before integration, and step-by-step implementation. Comprehensive drills should be based on several desktop drills and functional drills.

4.2 Basic contents of drill

The basic content of the drill is determined according to the task requirements and scale of the drill, and the following aspects should be considered generally.

The time sequence of each exercise subject is logical; The degree of mutual support, cooperation and coordination of all drill units; Operation of the factory production system; In plant emergency scenarios; Emergency rescue in the plant; First aid and medical treatment; In plant decontamination; Toxic air detection and assay; Count the number of people and control personnel in the accident area; Protection guidance, including personal protection of professionals and protection of residents against toxic gas; Communication and alarm signal contact; Layout of various signs and changes of layout points due to changes in hazardous areas; Traffic control and traffic crossing management; Public security work; Information report and release; Evacuation of residents and irrelevant personnel and drill contents related to evacuation; The decontamination sewage treatment in the protection area and the investigation on the pollution of the upper and lower water sources; Post accident remedial work, including disinfection of air and appliances in the houses of residents in the protection area; The local meteorological conditions, terrain and surface features at that time and their impact on the hazard degree of hazardous chemicals accidents and disasters; Report the situation to the superior and to the neighboring units; Key points of comments of professional teams; Table required for drill data summary. The above contents are only general conditions, and should be added or deleted according to the drill tasks.

4.3 Comments and summary

The comments and summaries after the drill are an integral part of the drill, and the time arrangement is often longer than the drill time. The contents of comments and summaries shall be filed and reported to the superior. For each professional rescue team, a written report shall be written and submitted to the superior department through comments, including:

Main problems found through drills; Evaluation of drill preparation; Suggestions and improvement opinions on relevant procedures and contents of the plan; Suggestions on improvement of training, equipment and equipment; Suggestions on the best sequence and time of drills; Comments on the setting of drill conditions; Comments on the exercise command organ, etc.

The emergency rescue drill headquarters shall compile a comprehensive report according to the reports of each professional rescue team.

4.4 Amendment to the plan

The emergency rescue plan for hazardous chemicals accidents and disasters can be implemented only after it has passed the practical test and proved to be feasible. Therefore, after the drill evaluation and summary, further verification shall be carried out according to the comments of the evaluation and summary. The contents of the plan that really need to be corrected shall be corrected in the shortest time and reported to the superior for approval.

5 Conclusion

Through the above analysis and discussion on the emergency rescue plan and drills for hazardous chemicals accidents and disasters, some useful discussions are provided for relevant units to effectively respond to possible hazardous chemicals accidents and disasters. However, new problems can be found and plans for hazardous chemicals accidents and disasters can be constantly improved only after on-site combat drills and planned combat simulation training.

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