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N Interview questions (15 articles in a collection)

N Interview questions (15 articles in a collection)

Eat*** 23-05-24 Interview Skills

N Interview question (1)

(1) Relax and don't have too much psychological pressure.

In fact, during the interview, I found that many students will be nervous, have pressure, and even speak incoherently, so that they can not express their ideas and abilities well. In fact, there is no need to put too much pressure on products for interviews. Generally speaking, the students who interviewed you are the seniors in their sophomores and juniors. Please believe that they (even teachers) rely on their feelings and eyes most of the time. Not necessarily more experienced than you. Just relax and chat.

(2) Be polite and polite.

Since most of the recruitment is based on feelings, proper behavior will not leave a bad impression and be brushed off in a short time. Being polite does not mean that we should respect the recruitment process as well as the classmates and the seniors who interviewed you. It is also very basic.

(3) Be proactive and show positive energy.

This is what is very important in the so-called recruitment activities: attitude. If you really have a strong desire to join this organization, then express it. Less complaining and more active. Who wouldn't like to find someone who is willing to pay and full of positive energy when they are almost capable.

N Interview questions (2)

Question 1: Why do you want to leave your current position?

Other colleagues think that I am a celebrity in front of the boss, so they crowd me out everywhere.

The result of the salary adjustment made me very disappointed, which was totally out of proportion to my efforts.

The boss is unwilling to authorize, the work is limited everywhere, and it is difficult to do things with hands and feet tied.

The company's operating condition is poor, and everyone is worried.

Answer: More than half of HR supervisors choose C, followed by D. Choosing the answer of C can show that the candidate has strong ambition and ability, and hopes to be entrusted with more responsibilities. The reason for choosing D is that the reason for leaving is an objective external factor that cannot be changed by the individual. Therefore, the interviewer will not have too many doubts about the individual's ability or work performance.

Question 2: How much do you know about our company?

In the past year, your company has been the king of the stock market for 8 months.

For three consecutive years, your company has been selected by magazine __ as the first "enterprise most wanted by job seekers".

Not very clear. Could you please make some introduction.

Your company intends to change its strategy and strengthen OEM cooperation with foreign manufacturers. The part of its own brand is through overseas distributors.

Answer: Most of them are D. The reason is simple. They hope that job seekers have a real understanding of the job they are applying for, rather than just being attracted by the name.

Question 3: What are the most important considerations when you look for a job?

The company's vision and product competitiveness.

The company attaches importance to employee career planning and humanized management.

Whether the nature of my work can make me play to my strengths and continue to grow.

Reasonable treatment and management style of the supervisor.

Answer: Most of them are C, because the company is looking for people who have good performance and can make real contributions, rather than people who are purely attracted to fame and seek profits.

Question 4: Why should we admit you?

Because I believe that I am better than others.

Because I have a strong ambition to grow with your company.

You can clearly see my all-out work attitude from the objective data presented by my past work performance.

I have worked in this industry for 8 years, and rich contacts are my greatest asset.

Answer: The ideal answer to this question is C. How do you let the other party see your good? It is difficult to convince the other party by eloquence alone. Therefore, from the resume or previous answers, it is the best answer if objective figures and specific work results can be used to help explain.

Question 5: Please talk about your biggest personal characteristics.

I am very popular and have served as a member of the Welfare Committee for three consecutive years.

My persistence is very high. I will never stop until I achieve a satisfactory result.

I'm very punctual. I've never been late since I worked.

My personality is very easy-going, and I am recognized as a good man.

Answer: The ideal answer to this question is B. A. Although both C and D show the candidate's personal advantages, only B's answer, which can best combine with work and work performance, is the answer that the interviewer is more interested in.

Question 6: "Talk about your shortcomings"

Ideas: 1. It is not appropriate to say that you have no shortcomings.

2. Those obvious advantages should not be described as disadvantages.

3. It is not appropriate to say the shortcomings that seriously affect the job you are applying for.

4. It is not appropriate to say the shortcomings that make people uneasy and uncomfortable.

5. You can say some "insignificant" shortcomings of the job you are applying for, or even some superficial shortcomings that are strengths from the perspective of work.

Question 7: "Tell me about a failure"

Train of thought: 1. It is inappropriate to say that you have no experience of failure.

2. Those obvious successes should not be described as failures.

3. It is not appropriate to tell the failure experience that seriously affects the applied work.

4. The result of the experience in question should be failure.

5. It should be explained that before the failure, I had confidence and tried my best.

6. Explain that failure is only due to external and objective reasons.

7. After the failure, I quickly pick myself up and face the future work with more full enthusiasm.

Question 8: "Why did you choose our company?"

Ideas: 1. The interviewer tries to understand your motivation, desire and attitude towards the job.

2. It is suggested to answer this question from three perspectives: industry, enterprise and position.

3. Reference answer - "I am very optimistic about your industry. I think your company attaches great importance to talents, and this job is suitable for me. I believe I can do it well."

Q9: "If I hire you, how will you work?"

Train of thought: 1. If the applicant does not know enough about the position, it is better not to directly tell the specific method of work.

2. You can try to use circuitous tactics to answer, such as "first listen to the instructions and requirements of the leader, then understand and get familiar with the relevant situation, then develop a short-term work plan and report it to the leader for approval, and finally work according to the plan."

Question 10: "What will you do when you disagree with your superiors?"

Ideas: 1. Generally, you can answer "I will give necessary explanations and reminders to my superiors. In this case, I will obey their opinions."

2. If the person interviewing you is the general manager, and the position you are applying for is another manager who is not present at the time, you can answer this question as follows: "For non principled questions, I will obey the opinions of my superiors. For major issues involving the interests of the company, I hope I can reflect them to higher leaders." "How can fresh graduates be competent for their work because they are inexperienced?"

N Interview questions (3)

1. Please briefly introduce yourself?

Analysis: This question is to clarify two things: to understand some meaningful background information of the applicant; It is a test of the applicant's ability to organize these background information into appropriate statements.

Taboo: It is dangerous information to exaggerate, make many mistakes or repeat the past events in a garrulous way, but it has nothing to do with the current work. These should be avoided.

2. Do you know our customers?

Explanation: The interviewer wants to know whether you fully understand the company or the position before the interview and whether you understand the company's customer groups.

However, in this process, you can also judge the following questions: Does the other party care about your target customers? Why does the other party think they can communicate well with customers? Why does the other party think that they can influence the customer's purchase decision? Can the other party successfully establish contact with the customer?

3. Why choose sales?

Analysis: In my opinion, most people around the world are engaged in sales. The difference is that the goods sold are different. Goods are the value generated by products. So long as you sell things, you can generate revenue. In this case, I will try to make them generate more revenue, which is a new challenge for me.

4. What about your family?

Explanation: This question has a certain effect on the interviewers who want to understand the candidates' personality, ideas, mentality, etc.

You can simply list the family population; Good condition of each family member; It can also emphasize the support of family members for their own work; Also emphasize their sense of responsibility for the family.

5. How do you apply your previous experience to the sales work of our company?

Resolution: This question is based on the example you used to prove your ability.

These examples may have some direct or indirect relationship with sales activities. In addition to these obviously related scenarios, sales personnel should also highlight their ability to set and achieve goals.

6. Please tell me a specific example of a difficult problem you encountered and how you handled it properly?

Explanation: The interviewer wants to see your wit, communication skills and ability to respond quickly to unexpected challenges.

Candidates know how to make persuasive oral statements about past achievements. Be fluent in the process of narration. If you stutter out a story that the interviewer barely understands, it is obvious that the interviewer will not believe how strong your sales ability will be.

7. If you had a chance to do things again, what would you do differently?

Analysis; This question is about whether you have the ability to step back and think over when different methods may produce better results.

No matter the ambitious novice or the experienced veteran, if they can't learn a lesson from a bad sales meeting or a customer call that has not been answered in time, they are unlikely to become the kind of excellent salesperson that the interviewer imagined.

8. Have you ever disagreed with your manager or boss?

Analysis; This question is about how to get rid of work conflict, your coordination ability and whether you have high EQ.

It is not appropriate to say "no" to this question, because it is inevitable to have different opinions in work. First of all, you can explain that people do not always live in harmony with others, without any differences, and you know how to discuss, negotiate and get rid of work conflicts. The bad answer is to ask implicitly or directly what you did wrong, and finally put the divergent mistakes to the manager or boss.

9. Why did you choose our company?

Explanation: This question is to investigate your motivation, desire and attitude towards the job.

It is suggested to answer this question from the perspective of industry, enterprise and position.

10. What would you do if I thought there were serious problems with your response during the interview?

Resolution: This question mainly depends on how you react to the pressure existing in the communication with customers.

Most of the time, the interviewer doesn't directly say that you have serious problems or perform poorly, just some hints. When encountering this problem, don't panic. Keep a cool head and respond calmly and tactfully.

N Interview questions (4)

1. Please talk about your understanding of "honesty for business" and "no business without fraud".

Answer: Honesty is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. It is not only a world outlook, but also a social value and moral outlook. It has important significance and role for society and individuals. For enterprises, integrity, as a universally applicable moral principle and norm, is the moral lever to establish a benign interaction between industries and units, the foundation of enterprises and institutions, and an important part of intangible assets of enterprises.

For the "service-oriented" banks, I believe that "integrity for business" should be vigorously advocated. Because in the modern economic society, the competition between the banking industry is fierce, integrity is not only a moral code, but also an important resource that can bring economic benefits to the banking industry, to a certain extent, it is even more important than hardware resources and human resources. Only "treat people with sincerity" can maintain good relations with customers, establish a good image and brand, further develop business and bring more benefits.

The opposite "no business without fraud" means that businessmen are crafty. I think it is inappropriate to evaluate enterprises and business behaviors in the current market economy. As a social and economic organization that provides goods and services to the market for the purpose of making profits, the enterprise should be respected and protected by the market as long as it "operates legally and is honest for business". However, if we operate with the mentality of "no business without fraud", we will lose a large number of customers and payment sooner or later, and lose the basis for survival. Therefore, every enterprise can be invincible in the fierce market competition only if it achieves "integrity for business" and abandons the mentality of "no business without fraud".

2. Your impression of the Bank of China and your view of the banking industry

A: The opinions must be unique, and do not answer according to the online or certain routines if you have your own ideas. These opinions are based on a certain understanding of Bank of China, including its historical overview, corporate culture, past honors, news and current events.

3. Your hobbies

Answer: According to your interests, the interviewer will generally ask some questions randomly according to the answers of the candidates. At this time, the candidates need to know something about their interests and hobbies filled in when applying online, or print a resume of their online application in advance. Remember that the interview interests, strengths, etc. are completely inconsistent with the interview description. How to write and answer can be expanded to a certain extent. Of course, candidates also need to know what kind of people the bank needs.

4. Why Bank of China

A: This question is the same as other banks' questions about why they apply for their own bank. Candidates can refer to other banks' key points and skills.

5. Why apply for our bank?

A: (Before the interview, the examinee should know something about the history of the company or bank so that they can have some preparation. Take Bank of China as an example.) First, Bank of China was established in 1912 with the approval of Dr. Sun Yat sen. It has a history of more than 100 years. It regards patriotism and people as its soul. It is the most internationalized and diversified bank in China, We provide comprehensive financial services to customers in the Mainland of China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and 37 countries. Secondly, Bank of China can cultivate people, train people, improve people's ability and have a working environment with development space. For the above reasons, I applied for the Bank of China.

N Interview questions (5)

1) Can you briefly introduce yourself?

Any employer will ask this question (Some units may ask: what are your strengths, weaknesses, abilities, etc.). You should basically tell the employer about your educational background, work experience, internship experience, abilities, and other aspects of your resume in an oral manner, with particular emphasis on ability, educational background, and experience

2) Why do you come to our company to apply?

In order to show the reason for application and work intention, the answer should be related to the company's products and enterprises. It is better not to answer because of future development, stability and other answers, but to show that you have fully studied the enterprise.

3) Do you know the company well?

This is a question that the company wants to test its interest in the company and its willingness to work in the company. If the answer is "completely unknown", there is no need to go on. It is better to remember the company profile and the recruitment advertisement slightly. The best answer is "I applied because I am very interested in the company".

4) What's your impression of the company?

Since you haven't entered the company yet, the examiner won't be too hard on you, just tell you what you don't feel in other companies, or what your impression is on the day of the interview.

5) Motivation for choosing this job

This is to know your enthusiasm and understanding of this job, and to screen people who apply for the job on a whim. If they are inexperienced, they can emphasize that "even if the job is different, they hope to have the opportunity to use their previous experience".

6) What do you think is the most important thing about this job?

When describing the characteristics of work, you should also add your own views. If you are a person with work experience, you'd better explain your basic attitude.

7) Evaluate the current situation of the industry

There is no need to state original opinions. It is enough to pass on correct opinions. If you are changing careers, you should not only explain the market trend, but also add your own opinions.

8) What kind of work do you want to do if you enter the company?

This is the question most likely to be asked by companies that recruit many types of jobs. If the interviewee answers "Yes" in both field and office work, it will make people doubt their work attitude; If the company only recruits one job or is asked this question, it is to confirm whether you have hesitations. You just need to clearly describe what you want to do, such as "now you want to sprint in work, and in the future you want to work hard in aa". You can just state your goal.

N Interview questions (6)

Please briefly introduce yourself?

This question is the most common "prologue" in the interview process. Many people are used to "carrying resumes" when introducing themselves. Although this is not a wrong practice, if you attend a group interview, self introduction like plain boiled water will obviously submerge you in the vast number of interviewers. It is better to regroup the content of the personal introduction, or spend some time to add highlights in the narration, so as to leave an impression of "being different" to the interviewer.

Key points for answering questions: 1. The self introduction related to the content of your resume must be consistent with your resume. 2. Try to be colloquial in the way of expression. 3. To the point, don't talk about irrelevant and useless content. 4. Be clear in organization and hierarchy. 5. It is better to memorize the words in advance.

Why did you choose our company?

When some interviewees answer this question, they usually start the topic from a personal perspective, such as "hoping to have better development space", "hoping to get a chance to exercise", "hoping to get better treatment", and so on. But in fact, the interviewer wants to know whether your interview motivation is consistent with the purpose of the company's recruitment. In other words, the interviewer is more concerned about what you can bring to the company when you come to the company than what the company can bring to you.

Key points for answering questions: 1. The interviewer tries to understand your motivation, desire and attitude towards the job. 2. It is suggested to answer this question from three perspectives: industry, enterprise and position.

Please tell me a specific example of a difficult problem you encountered and how you handled it properly?

The case you describe should demonstrate your wit, communication skills and ability to respond quickly to unexpected challenges. Candidates know how to make persuasive oral statements about past achievements. Be fluent in the process of narration. If you stutter out a story that the interviewer barely understands, it is obvious that the interviewer will not believe how strong your sales ability will be.

Can you tell me, what skills do you think you have that can make your sales results remarkable?

There will be two similar good answers to this question: "I am the kind of person who can sell successfully anywhere, including in this company." Remember, be confident and give examples.

"According to some information I learned about your company, I think I can do well here, and I'm very confident about that. However, I don't know much about this job, so I can't venture to tell you the specific reasons why I achieved remarkable results here. To be honest, there are still many things I don't know, can I ask you a few questions about this job?" According to very common and reliable principles, employers are sometimes more willing to hire people who dare to ask questions tactfully and who do not mind correcting their mistakes.

What is your reason for leaving the previous company?

For experienced candidates, this is a "sensitive" topic. If the reason for leaving the job is not the original company, it will be easier for candidates to expose personal problems when answering such questions, which will cause the interviewer to be alert, and even make you lose the opportunity to enter the next interview process. What you need to remember is that the same interview question is not only one answer, but the same answer is not valid in any interview occasion. The key is that after you master the rules, you should grasp the specific situation of the interview, consciously understand the psychology and purpose of the interviewer when asking questions, and then answer them pertinently.

Key points for answering questions: 1. The most important thing is that you should convince the recruiter that the "reason for leaving" of the previous employer will not appear again in this recruiter. 2. Avoid giving too detailed and specific "reasons for resignation". 3. It should not be mixed with subjective negative feelings, such as "too hard", "complicated interpersonal relationship", "too chaotic management", "the company does not attach importance to talents", "the company rejects our employees", etc. 4. Cannot dodge, avoid, such as "want to change the environment", "personal reasons", etc. 5. They should not involve their own negative personality characteristics, such as dishonesty, laziness, lack of sense of responsibility, easy-going, etc

If I hire you, how will you work?

Don't "make a grand plan" without thinking. After all, you don't know much about your job responsibilities and work content. Otherwise, not only will the possibility of realization be questioned, but also will make the interviewer think that you are a reckless person who has no plan. It's better to start with your attitude, at least there will be no major problems.

Key points for answering questions: 1. If you don't know enough about the position you are applying for, you'd better not directly tell us your specific methods for work. 2. You can try to use circuitous tactics to answer, such as "first listen to the instructions and requirements of the leader, then understand and get familiar with the relevant situation, then develop a short-term work plan and report it to the leader for approval, and finally work according to the plan."

In addition to being able to answer the appeal sales interview questions, the salesperson must also have many skills and qualities. When answering similar sales interview questions, it is better to add some industry specific opinions and own skills.

N Interview questions (7)

1、 Simple greetings

1. □ How did you get here? The traffic is convenient!

2. □ How long will it take from (to be determined) to Hangzhou? Is the journey hard?

3. □ Have you ever been to Hangzhou before? What's your impression of this place and how does it differ from your city?

4. □ The weather is relatively (to be determined) these days (or here), so you can adapt!

5. □ Where are you from? (Briefly talk with the interviewer about the characteristics of his birthplace)

2、 Watch or listen:

1. Dress tidiness

2. Mental outlook

3. Walking, sitting and standing movements

4. Phrases, polite expressions, etc

3、 Oral expression ability (pay attention to the logic of language, rhetorical degree of language, mantra, language amplitude, etc.)

1. Please take 3-5 minutes to introduce yourself first!

2. Let's start with the basic information (scale, products, market) of the company you have recently served (depending on your resume)!

3. What are your main work contents in your current job? What are the main customers?

4. Please briefly introduce your learning experience.

5. Please give a brief introduction to your growth.

4、 Flexibility (also involving work attitude)

1. Why do you want to leave the company you currently serve? (The answer may be salary or growth space or interpersonal atmosphere or others, and continue to ask questions after the answer is completed)

-----Have you communicated with your supervisor or direct supervisor about the above problems? (If not, ask the reason; if yes, ask the process and result)

2. In addition to the work experience on your resume, what other fields will you focus on (or do you have any other potential interests or other professions you want to try and engage in in the past)?

-----(If yes, continue to ask) What advantages and disadvantages do you think this has to do with your current career?

-----(If not, continue to ask questions) Do you think your knowledge structure is somewhat narrow or your interest is poor? Tell me about the future improvement plan?

3. What do you value more in choosing a job? (It may be the answer to growth space, training opportunities, playing platform, salary, etc.)

(If salary does not rank first, ask) ------ Can you talk about your psychological expectation in salary? (After the answer is finished) Then what you just said can also be understood in this way: salary can be appropriately lower than your psychological expectations, right? (If the salary seems not to give way, ask) Some people say that earning the future is more important than earning money. How do you understand it?

(If salary ranks first, ask) -------- Someone said that earning the future is more important than earning money. How do you understand it?

4. In your opinion, what aspects of your previous work experience in this position similar to that provided by our company are insufficient?

(If yes, ask) ------ What improvement measures do you plan to take in your future work? (After answering, continue to ask) Do you think about whether there are any additional improvement measures if you come to our company?

(If no answer, ask) ------ You don't seem to pursue excellence continuously. Do you think you are qualified for the job we offer you?

5. Which do you think is more important to the enterprise, Luo Wen in the Letter to Garcia and General Garcia who recommended Luo Wen?

------(If you answer Rowan, ask) Don't you think that enterprises now face the situation of "a thousand miles away, but Bole doesn't"?

------(If you answer Garcia, ask the reason)

-------(If answer both, ask the reason)

5、 Interests (breadth of knowledge)

1. What are your hobbies after work? Are there any experts in your interests?

2. Which of the professional courses you are most interested in in the university? (To be answered, ask) Tell me your opinions about your interests.

3. How do you understand the relationship between natural science (such as mathematics) and social science (such as political economy), or what are the similarities and differences between them?

4. From your personal understanding, tell us about the prospect and survival path of our industry (electronic product manufacturing industry).

6. Talk orally about the knowledge you want to learn or make up.

7. If you were asked to choose again, would your professional field change?

6、 Emotional control (stress tolerance)

1. Our work and life are not smooth. Tell me about the setbacks or low tide in your work or life or study experience. How did you overcome them?

(If the answer is no such experience, ask) ------ Is your life too smooth, and growth is often accompanied by failure. What do you think your growth comes from?

2. Could you give me an example of your own experience to show that you have a certain tolerance for difficulties or setbacks?

3. If your boss is a very strict, tough leader who often puts great pressure on you, what advantages and disadvantages do you think this kind of leadership has for you?

4. Your leader has assigned you a task that you have never touched before. How do you plan to complete it? (If you have similar experience, tell me about your experience.)

5. Tell me if you have ever been unemployed or temporarily unemployed, and talk about your life attitude and mood at that time.

6. Have you ever experienced any emotional failure or failure, and what kind of impact did it have on your life then and now?

7. If you like a person, but you are rejected after you tell him (her) that you are impossible, because she has a boyfriend, but she doesn't hate you, what action will you take?

8. If there is a person who intends to expose your shortcomings or your privacy in public, how do you deal with it?

9. Talk about one or two of the most stressful things in your past career and how to overcome them.

10. Talk orally about one or two things that made you feel successful in your past career, and talk about the enlightenment it gave you.

7、 Self motivated and confident

1. Talk about the success stories and factors in your study experience.

2. Talk about your views on success.

3. What qualifications do you think you have for this job?

4. Tell me about your career positioning plan in the next 3-5 years.

5. How do you see the difference between school learning and work learning.

6. Talk about your recent charging experience and its benefits to you.

7. What do you think of the win or lose in the game.

8. Talk about a thing or a person you have seriously pursued, and talk about the process and results.

9. Some people say: satisfaction ÷ desire=happiness or success, that is, happiness is the satisfaction degree of personal preference. For example, an old man with full children and filial piety thinks he has the same sense of success as Li Ka shing. How do you understand it.

8、 Sense of responsibility and belonging

1. Please describe the characteristics of the company you worked for that you think best suits your own corporate culture.

2. If your supervisor blames your subordinates for failing to complete the tasks assigned to him on time, who do you think is responsible for it and why?

3. Describe your thoughts and process of completing the tasks assigned by your boss.

4. What are your thoughts and actions when your group is at a competitive disadvantage?

5. In cross organizational tasks, because too many members are involved, it is easy to form the phenomenon of "the absence of the responsible person". If you were in the situation, what would your attitude be?

6. Do you feel guilty every time you leave? Do you still have contact with one or two supervisors or colleagues of the company you worked for in the past? And talk about their current situation.

9、 Management ability

(1) Leadership and command

1. Please tell me which social organizations or public welfare activities you have participated in in your schooling experience, and what role you played in them?

2. In oral class, you have doubts about the teacher's explanation. What kind of ways do you take to eliminate such doubts?

3. When you are on a long journey train or plane, you don't know the people around you. Everyone is silent. How do you adapt to this strange environment?

4. In your oral work, you found that the management style of your boss was somewhat inappropriate and had your own ideas. How do you do it now?

5. How did you restrain your subordinates and mobilize their enthusiasm in your past work?

6. If you are the captain of the football team, and there are two players in the team who are not compatible, they are the main players, and there is an important game at this time, how do you coordinate and deal with it?

7. What do you think the boss can do for his subordinates to help them grow?

(2) Planning and control

1. Have you thought about the whole process during your interview? Tell me how you planned to deal with this interview, including all stages.

2. Give an example to illustrate a successful plan and implementation process that you have done.

3. If you have an important appointment tonight, how do you plan to deal with it? (Can you suggest the direction of the answer: Do you prefer to go there and make changes, or do you plan in advance?)

4. In your oral work, you found that your implementation results were significantly different from the previous plan. How would you take action?

5. Do you think your personality is suitable for an orderly working environment or a flexible working environment? Or in any other form.

6. Tell me about your time requirements for the tasks assigned by your subordinates?

7. Tell me how you require yourself in terms of time when completing the tasks assigned by your boss?

(3) , Decision making

1. When you are shopping in the supermarket, you come across an item that is very in line with your aesthetic awareness. Although this item has little practical value for you at present, what action will you take at this time?

2. If your current monthly income is 3000 yuan, and you look at a suit that is very consistent with your aesthetic awareness in the mall, the price is 2800 yuan, what would you like to do?

3. If your current situation is not so good, and a very good friend of yours borrows 10% of your property from you and the return period is long, what would you do?

4. How do you implement the purchase of an important item you need?

5. You have collected 80% of the information on an emergency decision-making project. What do you prefer to do next?

6. Tell me how you understand the relationship between "optimal" and "better" in the decision-making scheme, and how they affect your decision-making idea?

(4) Authorization and incentive

1. If you are a department leader, how do you think it would be better to deploy in the semimonthly meeting agenda? (Can prompt the direction of answer: go straight to the subject, or cheer up the subordinates first)

2. How often do you communicate with your subordinates in a month? How many subordinates do you have at present? (After the answer, ask), briefly talk about their respective advantages and disadvantages?

3. What are your main work tasks in a month in your previous leadership position? (The answer direction can be prompted: meetings, cross organizational coordination, daily affairs management, review data, planning plans, implementation plans, etc.) What is the proportion of your time they take up or how often do they take up?

4. When you find that your subordinates have low morale at present, what ways do you usually transfer them?

5. Tell me about the cases of out of control management in your previous leadership positions and the reason analysis afterwards.

6. Describe a situation where you had a low morale team atmosphere in your previous work experience. What was your role at that time, and how do you feel in retrospect?

7. Your subordinates have a dispute with you on a professional issue. How do you deal with such an event?

Note: 1. The first eight questions in this question bank are suitable for all candidates, and every nine questions are suitable for managers above the middle level; 2. At least one question shall be asked in each question item involved in this question bank, and "√" shall be marked in the "mouth" for the questions already asked; 3. Structured interview time is controlled at 30-45 minutes; 4. After structured interview, unstructured interview can be conducted if time is sufficient (flexible questions); 5. After the interview, be sure to leave 5-15 minutes for the interviewer to ask questions.

N Interview questions (8)

1. If the minister asks you to write a difficult material in one day, he has an urgent need, but you can't finish your class in one day, what will you do?

2. Talk about your experience and lessons from organizing or participating in activities

3. It will be busy to work in the student union. How do you feel about the two lifestyles of you and your classmates who are more relaxed around you?

4. What do you think is the most important thing to be a student leader?

5. What do you think can be added to college life in addition to academic work and student union work?

6. How do you feel about the students you interviewed with?

7. In the student union, sometimes because of work coordination, you will be asked to do coolie work. What do you think?

8. What did you do when you were on duty? League secretary or monitor? What are your thorny problems in doing student work?

9. What qualities do you think are very important in your work in the student union? What do you think your advantages are in this selection? If you successfully join the student union, how will you give full play to your advantages to better carry out your work?

10. If you are a student union cadre now, what will you do when you find something unacceptable inside the student union?

11. What do you think the focus of the work of the * * Department of the Student Union should be?

12. Do you think the work of the Student Union is hard? What do you think?

13. What attracted you to join the * * Department of the Student Union?

14. Do you plan to start a business in the future?

15. How do you think you should work in the Student Union?

16. Did you hold any positions in junior high school, and did these jobs affect you?

17. If you join the student union, how to deal with the relationship between study and work, cadres and students?

18. The most influential sentence.

N Interview questions (9)

1. What do you think are the main functions of this department?

2. What should we do when there is disagreement, or for example, if there are activities and then you have classes, do you need to skip classes?

3. What do you think of college life? How do you imagine to spend your college life?

The purpose of this question is to see whether the student has seriously thought about his future, whether he is a responsible and thoughtful person. People who are important to the League organization should be ideological and responsible, which can be analyzed from this question!

4. What's the most influential sentence for you? A person?

This question is a classic one. Of course, many answers are fixed, and they like to answer famous quotes. If they answer famous quotes, please explain why? Is to see if he really understands this sentence, whether he really has a deep understanding! If it is gorgeous on the surface, it can be seen at a glance. The person who has the deepest influence is to examine whether he has ideals, ambitions, and a sense of gratitude. Such questions should be asked in depth, not just answered, but why? So you can defend yourself!

5. Have you ever failed? What do you think of these problems?

The question is whether he has a profound analysis of himself and a unique and correct understanding of things

6. Tell me about your personality, strengths and weaknesses?

Check whether he has a true and objective understanding of himself, and whether he dares to analyze himself. We can roughly understand him through the previous questions. Through this question, we can see whether he dares to face himself by looking at the difference between his understanding of himself and yours! It's also about responsibility

7. What will you do after you enter the student union?

This question examines whether the newcomer is down-to-earth or floating, and whether he is accurate in positioning himself! The correct answer should be: first understand my department, understand my university, then integrate into it, work hard, strive for innovation, achieve others and improve yourself

8. Please briefly describe your experience. (Possible question: What are you best at? What qualities do you lack most?)

N Interview questions (10)

1. One day after work, you and your colleagues are going to leave the company with backpacks. At this time, you meet the CEO of the company face to face, and you politely greet the CEO. The ceo stopped you and asked you to come with him to his office. What will you do at this time?

2. When you arrive at the CEO's office with apprehension, the CEO gives you 10 yuan and asks you to buy 3 cans of Coke soda for him ($3 a can of soda), and asks you to take one for yourself. How would you respond at this time?

3. You excitedly went to buy three cans of soda and ran back to the CEO's office. As a result, when you passed a vice president's office on the way, you found the CEO here, chatting with the vice president. How will you deal with it?

4. Then you knock on the door and enter the office. Politely give the CEO two cans of soda. According to the agreement in advance, you should take one and return the 1 yuan recovered from the purchase of soda to the CEO. What would you do and say?

5. After you handed the money and soda to the CEO, you took your own can of soda to leave. When you turned around, you found that your back was facing the door and the second vice president was sitting in the big chair. What should you do at this time?

N Interview questions (11)

1. Please tell us about your most difficult sales experience. How did you persuade customers to buy your products?

2. What are the three main reasons people buy products?

3. How much do you know about our product lines and our customer groups?

4. What do you like most and dislike most about sales? Why?

5. How would you feel if you were rewarded?

6. How do you arrange your typical workday?

7. What four qualities should a good salesperson possess in order to succeed? Why do you think these qualities are very important?

8. What's the difference between telemarketing and face-to-face marketing? What special skills and techniques are needed to make telemarketing successful?

9. In your previous work, what methods did you use to develop and maintain existing customers?

10. When you give a sales course to new employees, what do you want to talk about in the class? Why?

11. Please describe the most typical sales methods and techniques you used in your previous work.

12. Tell me about an experience like this: the sales task assigned to you is very big, and the time to complete the task is very short. What methods do you use to ensure that you reach the sales target?

13. Have you ever exceeded your sales target, and how did you achieve such performance?

14. Generally speaking, how long does it take from contact with customers to the completion of final sales? How can this time period be shortened?

15. How can you turn a casual buyer of your products into a regular buyer?

16. When you take over a new marketing area or a new customer group, how can you make these people your regular customers?

17. What preparations should be made in advance when making a sales call?

18. How do you deal with written work unrelated to sales activities?

19. Please sell me this pencil.

20. What do you think is the most important feature of a sales call? Why?

N Interview questions (12)

"What do you do?

Redirects the output stream to a file or another stream.

9、 What's the difference between&and&&

&- You want to use it when the script is running in the background;

&&- It is used when the next command/script is executed after the current script is successfully completed.

10、 When should I use "if" before [condition]?

When multiple commands need to be run when conditions are met.

N Interview questions (13)

1. Why do you want to be a salesman?

When interviewing for sales, this is the most basic question. Generally, the interviewer will greet the candidate: Why did you choose to be a salesperson? Why do you still persist until now? Why is the sales profession particularly attractive to you? Can selling help you get something you want? Why did you start selling? What are the main driving forces?

In sales, self drive is very important and has a decisive impact on sales performance. What drives a sales team to make continuous efforts? What is their original intention of doing sales? What is the goal of sales? If you understand these clearly, you can provide them with the support and help they want, so as to help them achieve their goals. 2. Do you know our customers?

This is also a very basic interview question, which is suitable for the initial stage of the interview, but is ignored by many sales managers. During the interview, you must particularly want to know whether the other party has fully understood your company or this position before the interview, and whether they know your company's customers. In this process, you may find that they do not know your customers very well. It doesn't matter. It just gives you a chance to explain clearly.

At the same time, in this process, you can also judge the following questions: Does the other party care about your target customers? Why does the other party think they can communicate well with customers? Why does the other party think that they can influence the customer's purchase decision? Can the other party successfully establish contact with the customer?

3. How much do you know about our competitors?

Understanding the competition in the industry where the company is located is also one of the tasks that candidates need to do for interview.

HR, as an interviewer, must particularly want to know whether your interview candidates have made a survey of their competitors, to understand the uniqueness of their company, and how they outwitted their peers when competing.

4. What are the meanings of customer relationship for the purpose of promoting sales?

Maintain the customer relationship to achieve the recommendation of old customers, and maintain the relationship with potential customers to develop new users to achieve sales.

5. What do you like most and dislike most about sales? Why?

This question is to examine your value orientation for sales work. You can answer the pleasure of getting a signed bill, and dislike being rejected by customers. There are many aspects of sales work. This work is mainly about dealing with people, so you have to contact many people, including those you like and those you don't like.

6. Tell me about the most typical sales methods and techniques you used in your predecessor's work

This question is to test your actual working ability and tell a story. Don't talk about specific skills. Just tell the interviewer that you have successfully sold the product to the customer, which may satisfy the interviewer.

7. Have you ever exceeded your sales target, and how did you achieve such performance?

There is a certain uncertainty in the sales work, and sometimes the good or bad luck also affects the performance of a salesperson. You can talk about your hard work in achieving good results, but you'd better say more about your good methods, so that the interviewer will appreciate you more.

8. How would you rate the interview process?

For you, the interview process is a self selling process, and HR is your potential customer. Through this question, you can clearly see what the candidate thinks, how you try to reach this deal, and finally help you make a decision.

Are you good at reading people's minds? Can you make a good judgment on HR's attitude based on the interview? The judgment of the interview process will ultimately affect your perception, thus affecting their interview responses and their control of the interview process.

N Interview questions (14)

Interview questions and answers

Interview is to evaluate a person's ability to work in the form of interview. Birds of a feather flock together. Through interview, you can preliminarily judge whether a candidate can integrate into his team. Here are the interview questions and answers collected by the editor. Welcome to check!

Question 1: Why do you want to leave your current position?

A. Other colleagues think that I am a celebrity in front of the boss, so they crowd me out everywhere.

B. The result of the salary adjustment made me very disappointed, which was totally out of proportion to my efforts.

C. The boss is unwilling to authorize, the work is limited everywhere, and it is difficult to do things with hands and feet tied.

D. The company's operating condition is poor, and everyone is worried.

Answer: More than half of HR supervisors choose C, followed by D. Choosing the answer of C can show that the candidate has strong ambition and ability, and hopes to be entrusted with more responsibilities. The reason for choosing D is that the reason for leaving is an objective external factor that cannot be changed by the individual. Therefore, the interviewer will not have too many doubts about the individual's ability or work performance.

Question 2: How much do you know about our company?

A. In the past year, your company has been the king of the stock market for 8 months.

B. For three consecutive years, your company has been selected by XX magazine as the first "enterprise most wanted by job seekers".

C. Not very clear. Could you please make some introduction.

D. Your company intends to change its strategy and strengthen OEM cooperation with foreign manufacturers. The part of its own brand is through overseas distributors.

Answer: Most of them are D. The reason is simple. They hope that job seekers have a real understanding of the job they are applying for, rather than just being attracted by the name.

Question 3: What are the most important considerations when you look for a job?

A. The company's vision and product competitiveness.

B. The company attaches importance to employee career planning and humanized management.

C. Whether the nature of my work can make me play to my strengths and continue to grow.

D. Reasonable treatment and management style of the supervisor.

Answer: Most of them are C, because the company is looking for people who have good performance and can make real contributions, rather than people who are purely attracted to fame and seek profits.

Question 4: Why should we admit you?

A. Because I believe that I am better than others.

B. Because I have a strong ambition to grow with your company.

C. You can clearly see my all-out work attitude from the objective data presented by my past work performance.

D. I have worked in this industry for 8 years, and rich contacts are my greatest asset.

Answer: The ideal answer to this question is C. How do you let the other party see your good? It is difficult to convince the other party by eloquence alone. Therefore, from the resume or previous answers, it is the best answer if objective figures and specific work results can be used to help explain.

Question 5: Please talk about your biggest personal characteristics.

A. I am very popular and have served as a member of the Welfare Committee for three consecutive years.

B. My persistence is very high. I will never stop until I achieve a satisfactory result.

C. I'm very punctual. I've never been late since I worked.

D. My personality is very easy-going, and I am recognized as a good man.

Answer: The ideal answer to this question is B. A. Although both C and D show the candidate's personal advantages, only B's answer, which can best combine with work and work performance, is the answer that the interviewer is more interested in.

Question 6: "Please introduce yourself".

Idea: 1. This is a required question for the interview.

2. The content of the introduction should be consistent with the resume.

3. Try to be colloquial in the way of expression.

4. To the point, don't talk about irrelevant and useless content.

5. Be clear in organization and hierarchy. 6. It is better to memorize the words in advance.

Question 7: "Talk about your family"

Ideas: 1. The situation plays a certain role in understanding the personality, concept, mentality, etc. of candidates, which is the main reason why recruitment units ask this question.

2. Simply list the family population.

3. The warm and harmonious family atmosphere should be emphasized.

4. Parents should attach importance to their own education.

5. The good condition of each family member should be emphasized.

6. Family members' support for their work should be emphasized.

7. It is advisable to emphasize your sense of responsibility for your family.

Question 8: "What hobbies do you have?"

Ideas: 1. Hobbies can reflect the personality, concept and mentality of applicants to a certain extent, which is the main reason why recruitment units ask this question.

2. You'd better not say you don't have hobbies.

3. Don't say you have vulgar hobbies that make you feel bad.

4. It is better not to say that you are limited to reading, listening to music, or surfing the Internet, otherwise the interviewer may suspect that the candidate is withdrawn.

5. It's better to have some outdoor hobbies to "decorate" your image.

Q9: "Who do you admire most?"

Train of thought: 1. The most admired person can reflect the personality, concept and mentality of the candidate to a certain extent, which is the main reason why the interviewer asks this question.

2. It is inappropriate to say that you don't worship anyone.

3. It is inappropriate to say that you worship yourself.

4. It is not appropriate to say that you worship an illusory or unknown person.

5. It is not appropriate to say that one worships a person who has a negative image.

6. It is better for everyone you admire to have a good relationship with the job you are applying for.

7. It's better to say what qualities and thoughts of the people you admire affect and inspire you.

Question 10: "What is your motto?"

Train of thought: 1. The motto can reflect the personality, concept and mentality of the candidate to a certain extent, which is the main reason why the interviewer asks this question.

2. It is inappropriate to say those mottos that cause bad associations.

3. Don't say those too abstract mottos.

4. Don't say too long a motto.

5. A motto should best reflect one's own good qualities.

6. Reference answer - "only find ways for success, not excuses for failure"

Question 11: "Talk about your shortcomings"

Ideas: 1. It is not appropriate to say that you have no shortcomings.

2. Those obvious advantages should not be described as disadvantages.

3. It is not appropriate to say the shortcomings that seriously affect the job you are applying for.

4. It is not appropriate to say the shortcomings that make people uneasy and uncomfortable.

5. You can say some "insignificant" shortcomings of the job you are applying for, or even some superficial shortcomings that are strengths from the perspective of work.

Question 12: "Tell me about a failure"

Train of thought: 1. It is inappropriate to say that you have no experience of failure.

2. Those obvious successes should not be described as failures.

3. It is not appropriate to tell the failure experience that seriously affects the applied work.

4. The result of the experience in question should be failure.

5. It should be explained that before the failure, I had confidence and tried my best.

6. Explain that failure is only due to external and objective reasons.

7. After the failure, I quickly pick myself up and face the future work with more full enthusiasm.

Question 13: "Why did you choose our company?"

Ideas: 1. The interviewer tries to understand your motivation, desire and attitude towards the job.

2. It is suggested to answer this question from three perspectives: industry, enterprise and position.

3. Reference answer - "I am very optimistic about your industry. I think your company attaches great importance to talents, and this job is suitable for me. I believe I can do it well."

Question 14: "If I hire you, how will you work?"

Train of thought: 1. If the applicant does not know enough about the position, it is better not to directly tell the specific method of work.

2. You can try to use circuitous tactics to answer, such as "first listen to the instructions and requirements of the leader, then understand and get familiar with the relevant situation, then develop a short-term work plan and report it to the leader for approval, and finally work according to the plan."

Question 15: "What will you do when you disagree with your superiors?"

Ideas: 1. Generally, you can answer "I will give necessary explanations and reminders to my superiors. In this case, I will obey their opinions."

2. If the person interviewing you is the general manager, and the position you are applying for is another manager who is not present at the time, you can answer this question as follows: "For non principled questions, I will obey the opinions of my superiors. For major issues involving the interests of the company, I hope I can reflect them to higher leaders." "How can fresh graduates be competent for their work because they are inexperienced?"

Question 16: "Why should we hire you?"

Ideas: 1. Candidates should answer from the perspective of the recruitment unit.

2. Recruiting units generally employ candidates who basically meet the requirements, are interested in this group, and have enough confidence.

3. For example, "I meet the recruitment conditions of your company. With my current skills, high sense of responsibility, good adaptability and learning ability, I am fully qualified for this job. I very much hope to serve your company. If you give me this opportunity, I will become a pillar of your company!"

Question 17: "What can you do for us?"

Train of thought: 1. In basic principle, "go for what they like".

2. Before answering this question, the candidate should be able to "preempt" and understand the role that the recruitment unit expects this position to play.

3. Candidates can answer this question based on their own understanding and their own advantages in the professional field.

Question 18: "How can you be qualified for this job as a fresh graduate who lacks experience?"

Ideas: 1. If the recruitment unit asks this question to the candidates of fresh graduates, it shows that the recruitment unit does not really care about "experience", but depends on how the candidates answer.

2. The answer to this question should best reflect the sincerity, wit, determination and dedication of the candidate.

3. For example, "As a fresh graduate, I really lack work experience, so I have been taking advantage of various opportunities to work part-time in this industry during my study. I also found that the actual work is far more rich and complex than book knowledge. However, I have a strong sense of responsibility, adaptability and learning ability, and I am diligent, so I can successfully complete all work in part-time jobs, and the experience gained from it also benefits me greatly. Please rest assured that I will be qualified for this position because of my school knowledge and part-time work experience. "

Question 19: "What kind of supervisor do you want to work with?"

Ideas: 1. The applicant's sense of self requirements can be judged by the candidate's "hope" to the superior, which is not only a trap but also a chance.

2. It's better to avoid specific hopes for superiors and talk more about requirements for yourself.

3. For example, "as a newcomer to the society, I should ask myself to get familiar with and adapt to the environment as soon as possible, rather than put forward any requirements for the environment, as long as I can give play to my expertise."

Q20: "What is your reason for leaving the previous company?"


1. The most important thing is that the applicant should make the recruitment unit believe that the "reason for resignation" of the applicant in the previous company does not exist in this recruitment unit.

2. Avoid giving too detailed and specific "reasons for resignation".

3. It should not be mixed with subjective negative feelings, such as "too bitter", "complicated interpersonal relationship", "too chaotic management", "the company does not attach importance to talents", "the company rejects our employees", etc.

4. However, they should not dodge, such as "want to change the environment", "personal reasons", etc.

5. They should not involve their own negative personality characteristics, such as dishonesty, laziness, lack of responsibility and easy-going.

6. Try to make the reasons explained add color to the candidate's personal image.

7. For example, "I left my job because this company went bankrupt. I have worked in the company for more than three years, and I have deep feelings. Since last year, the situation of the company has turned sharply downward due to sudden changes in the market situation. I feel very sorry for this step, but I still have to face it and find a new stage where I can play my role." There is not only one answer to the same interview question, The same answer is not valid in any interview occasion. The key is that after the candidate has mastered the rules, he/she should grasp the specific situation of the interview, consciously figure out the psychological background of the interviewer's questions, and then turn to his/her liking.

N Interview questions (15)

Administrative Assistant Interview Questions and Interview Skills

In our study and work, we often see the shadow of test questions, which can be used to test the examiners' mastery of certain knowledge or skills. Still struggling to find the reference questions? The following are the interview questions and interview skills of the administrative assistant, which I hope can help you.

Written questions:

1、 Please write the official documents commonly used by the enterprise? (5 points)

2、 According to your understanding, what should be included in administrative work? How can we do this job well? (15 points)

3、 The company will hold a half year summary meeting on the 15th of next month, which will be undertaken by you. Please make a calendar (that is, what needs to be done, who will do it, and when). The company's organizational structure is as follows: Marketing Department, Product R&D Department, Administrative Personnel Department, and Finance Department. (15 points)

4、 Please draw up a notice about the National Day holiday. (5 points)

5、 What do you think is the difference between IT administration and other industries? (5 points)

6、 At the regular meeting, the company's president said, "Last month, the company spent a lot of money on electricity, and there was some waste. We should pay attention." How do you handle this situation? (10 points)

7、 The company plans to set up an internal magazine to arouse everyone's enthusiasm for work. How will you handle it? (10 points)

8、 What do you think should be done to control the daily cost of the company from the administrative aspect? (10 points)

9、 For general enterprises, how to classify files? (10 points)

10、 The superior of the company will visit the company tomorrow. What kind of preparations do you think you need to make. (15 points)

Common questions:

1. Introduce yourself.

2. Why did you choose this career?

3. How can you improve your work efficiency in terms of the job you applied for?

4. What are the basic qualities of administrative assistants? What are the daily expressions?

5. How to classify files? What is the standard?

6. What is the specific job of the administrative assistant?

7. How to handle the relationship with superiors and subordinates in work?

8. Talk about your understanding of 5S.

9. How to view overtime?

10. How to view time management?

11. How to organize company meetings?

12. Make a resignation application form.

13. What do you want? What are your plans for the future?

14. How do you want to do a good job in the future?

Difficult questions:

1. What are your shortcomings?

2. What negative impact did your shortcomings have on your previous work?

3. What are your plans for your life?

4. Why are you not a CET? Others can pass you Why not?

5. The self introduction in your resume. There are 3 mistakes in punctuation. What do you think will be the impact on future work?

6. What is your career plan?

7. Do you think that as an administrative assistant, the work content has gone beyond the scope of pure administration? How do you understand it?

8. Do you have a boyfriend?

9. Why did you choose Chengdu?

10. Finally, make a self-evaluation?

Administrative Assistant Interview Questions

General administrative experience

When describing the 'question' that is directly applicable to your job is the focus of your past experience in the interview. Considering the needs of the organization and related skills, these capabilities. Carefully study the job description or post it to determine which employers are looking for, and outline how your previous work experience has qualified you for this position.

Briefly describe your management experience.

Do you think your management advantages?

How does your previous experience make you a suitable candidate for this position?

Communication skills

Communication is the key to any work in an organization to provide support and assistance. Your answer should clearly show that you have the ability to effectively express yourself orally and in writing, actively listen to and understand communication, and occur.

Describe the different types of corporate communications you are responsible for.

How do you ensure that you have clearly and accurately understood a query or your request?

Planning and organization

Key scheduling and priority activities. How do you decide that this is the most important activity? Including the urgency of the task, the need to meet deadlines, existing resources and the development of practical goals.

How do you organize your daily schedule and prioritize your activities?

Tell me about your latest meeting arrangements. How do you coordinate and arrange?

Tell me about your situation and have to rearrange it to meet the changing needs quickly.

Give me an example of how you have to multitask to meet your deadlines.

Problem solving

The interview questions of the administrative assistant will focus on your ability assessment and propose feasible solutions. Explain how you collect all the necessary information in order to correctly analyze the problem, consider it, and then determine possible alternatives in the course of specific actions.

Describe a complex problem that you have recently had to deal with in your work. How do you sort it out?

How do you get the necessary information to understand the problem so that you can identify a possible solution?

information management

The interview questions for the administrative assistant will explore your ability to collect and manage information. For detailed types and quantities of data, you must ensure that the management and how to manage your information is up to date and accurate.

What different systems do you have for storing information and files?

Record what you are responsible for?

What kind of data are you responsible for processing?


Administrative assistants must work effectively as part of a team or group. Your answer should highlight your abilities, build relationships with other members of the group, and show how you can help the team succeed.

Please give me a specific contribution I have made to improve team performance.

Describe colleagues or team members you can help in the situation.

Customer service skills

Remember, when answering the interview questions about the administrative assistant of customer service, your colleagues, supervisors and managers except any customers you have to deal with your internal and external customers. Focus on understanding the needs of customers and how you can provide appropriate services to meet these needs.

Please give me one you have to solve for a very demanding customer. How did you deal with it?

You describe the situation in your own way to provide customer satisfaction.

Administrative Assistant Interview Skills

Skill 1: Oral expression ability

Whether the candidate can express his/her thoughts, opinions, opinions or suggestions smoothly in words during the administrative assistant interview.

The specific contents of the interview of administrative assistants include: the logic, accuracy, appeal, tone quality, tone color, volume, tone, etc.

Skill 2: Eyes

During the interview, the administrative assistant should pay attention to the eye coordination with the judges off the stage. The eyes should not stay on the lecture notes all the time. During the interview, the administrative assistant should make every judge off the stage think that you are looking at them. Smile and don't be too serious.

Tip 3: Explain your expertise and interests

One of the most favorable things for the employer is that you love your business. Before the interview, you should know what your favorite job is and what benefits it will bring to the employer.

Tip 4: Use the technique of reducing tension to reduce your anxiety

Practice how to relax yourself as the interview approaches, such as speaking slowly and taking deep breaths to calm yourself down. The more relaxed you are, the more comfortable and natural you will feel and show more confidence.

Tip 5: Answer questions with complete sentences and substantive content

Keep in mind that your examiners want to judge what substantive things you can bring to the company. Don't just answer questions with "yes" and "no". Give a complete answer to let people know what connection you have with the company's requirements, and let them know who you are.

Tip 6: Administrative Assistant Interview Self introduction Model

The administrative assistant is requested to adapt the content of the interview self introduction model of the administrative assistant to his own reality.

My name is, years old. Graduated from. I am lively, cheerful, generous, enthusiastic and helpful. I usually like reading, reading and surfing the Internet for information.

I once participated in the administrative assistant internship in the school. During the internship, I strictly followed the standard of a formal administrative assistant. I studied deeply and got along well with them. I learned all kinds of knowledge about Chinese teaching with them, mastered some skills of administrative assistants, had some understanding of the work of administrative assistants, and found a set of learning methods for my own administrative assistants.

At the same time, during the internship, I was deeply influenced by the selfless dedication, naive, thirst for knowledge and diligent learning attitude of the administrative assistants around me. I also deeply realized the fun and significance of being an administrative assistant, and strengthened my determination to be an administrative assistant. Being an administrative assistant has also become my wish.

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Self identification of college graduates

Self identification of graduates
Since one year ago, I have been able to actively participate in political learning, care about national affairs, respect teachers, unite classmates, and demand political progress; Clear learning purpose, correct attitude, study business, hard work, good results; The class committee works conscientiously and responsibly, cares about students, loves the collective, and has a certain dedication. The deficiency is
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Model essay on self appraisal during probation

Self identification
Time flies, and the one-year probation period is coming to an end. In this year, with the enthusiastic support and help of all leaders and teachers, I earnestly did a good job in education and teaching, and actively completed the tasks assigned by the school. Let me make a brief self appraisal of my work this year: 1. Ideological performance: morality determines
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Self recommendation letter of accountant

letter of self-recommendation
Dear Sir/Miss! Excuse me, I am a college student who has just graduated from Jiji Management Department of Sanming Vocational and Technical College. I am honored to have the opportunity to present my personal information to you. As a college student majoring in accounting, although I have little work experience, I will study modestly, work actively and devote myself
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Model Letter of Application for Technical Secondary School Students

Job hunting strategy
Dear Sir/Madam! Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to review my resume. I sincerely hope to work in your company. I am a junior secondary school student. Because of my low education background, I realized the importance of knowledge. In order to better and effectively learn the knowledge to use
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1-2 minute self introduction

introduce oneself to
Hello, all the examiners. It's my great honor to stand here today for an interview and have the opportunity to learn from you. I hope I can show myself to you through this interview, and I hope you will remember me. My name is xxx. I'm xxx years old this year. Han nationality, bachelor of law. I usually like reading books and surfing the Internet
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