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Why not cut interest rate loans in January

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Why not cut interest rate loans in January

 A few years ago, I borrowed more than 600000 yuan on a house purchase loan. I repaid more than 3800 yuan every month for 30 years. At that time, the interest rate was 10% off. After the interest rate cut last November, I calculated on the Internet that the new interest rate should be less than 150 yuan per month, but after the interest rate cut in January, I found that it was less than 50 yuan? What's going on? Thank you

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    2018-03-12 17:23:32
  •  Because some of your repayments in January are based on last year's interest rate and some are based on new interest rate, the first month's repayment will be less than the actual repayment. I hope it is helpful to you. I hope you can accept it.

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