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What is the name of Chatgpt's open source project


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    2023-11-02 15:38:24
  •  Chatgpt's open source project is called GPT-2 (Generic Pre trained Transformer-2). GPT-2 is a natural language processing model developed by OpenAI based on the Transformer model architecture, which performs well in text generation and dialogue tasks. OpenAI released the open source code of GPT-2 in 2019, enabling researchers and developers to use this powerful model in their own projects. The open source project of GPT-2 can be found on GitHub, including

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     Chatgpt's open source project is called GPT-2 (Generic Pre trained Transformer-2). GPT-2 is a natural language processing model developed by OpenAI based on the Transformer model architecture, which performs well in text generation and dialogue tasks. OpenAI released the open source code of GPT-2 in 2019, enabling researchers and developers to use this powerful model in their own projects. The open source project of GPT-2 can be found on GitHub, which contains the source code, training data, pre training model and other related resources of GPT-2. Through this open source project, users can use GPT-2 for text generation, dialogue generation and other natural language processing tasks, and customize and improve according to their own needs.
    On*** | 2023-11-02 15:38:24 zero zero comment
  • 2023-11-02 15:31:55
  •  Chatgpt's open source project is called GPT-3 (also known as Generic Pre trained Transformer 3). GPT-3 is a natural language processing model developed by OpenAI based on Transformer architecture. It uses large-scale text data for pre training and can generate coherent and logical text replies. GPT-3 performs well in many NLP tasks, including answering questions, translating text, generating code, etc. The open source project of GPT-3 allows people to use its pre training model, and pass

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     Chatgpt's open source project is called GPT-3 (also known as Generic Pre trained Transformer 3). GPT-3 is a natural language processing model developed by OpenAI based on Transformer architecture. It uses large-scale text data for pre training and can generate coherent and logical text replies. GPT-3 performs well in many NLP tasks, including answering questions, translating text, generating code, etc. The open source project of GPT-3 allows people to use its pre training model, and call and use it through the API interface. This open source project enables researchers and developers to explore and promote innovation in the field of natural language processing.
    5*** | 2023-11-02 15:31:55 zero zero comment
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