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Recommended by Chengdu Whole House Customization Company, which company did a good job of whole house customization


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    2024-05-31 18:52:13
  •  Well done whole house customization company, I recommend the title owner to look at the Prince's home. The Prince's home customization in the whole house is very reliable. His whole house customization work is neat, and the materials are solid. All the customized boards in the whole house are environment-friendly and safe formaldehyde boards. The formaldehyde emission is very low, far below the national standard. Don't worry about the problem of indoor formaldehyde exceeding the standard, The important thing is that the price is also affordable. The price of 599 yuan per square meter is not inferior to the quality of some high-end customized brands.
    Element*** | 2024-05-31 18:52:13 zero zero comment
  • 2024-05-31 19:00:50
  •  We can recommend Prince Home. As an old household brand in Chengdu, Prince Home is very reliable in the whole house customization. The brand is very good both in price and product quality. My family is looking for them to do it. The whole house customization of my family is very good, and the customization details are well handled, And the plates used are all environment-friendly plates, so there is no need to worry about the problem of excessive formaldehyde.
    Clear*** | 2024-05-31 19:00:50 zero zero comment

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