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How to turn to CMB's winning move?

 How to transfer money to Zhaoyingli of China Merchants Bank

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    2018-03-18 12:34:14
  •  After logging into mobile banking, select my account - Chaochaoying - transfer in. Chaochaoying is a bank treasure wealth management product launched by China Merchants Bank on the latest mobile banking. ChaoChaoYing of China Merchants Bank is actually a kind of monetary fund, and the monetary fund connected to it is China Merchants Treasure Monetary Fund. After the customer opens ChaoChaoYing, the bank card under his personal name will be directly linked to China Merchants Treasure Monetary Fund, and the transfer in and transfer out will correspond to the purchase and redemption operations respectively. The operation experience and user interface of this product are quite similar to that of Yu'ebao. This means that the income of ChaoChaoYing is similar to that of China Merchants Treasure Monetary Fund.

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