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What is the ECG manifestation of capturing the dual rhythm?

 What is the ECG manifestation of escape capture dual rhythm?

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2018-09-19 14:52:30
Loss*** |2018-09-19 14:52:30 twenty-six twenty-one comment
 After the escape QRS wave group, a sinus excitation followed. After triggering a sinus P wave, the excitation propagated down to the ventricle and triggered a QRS wave group, so the ECG showed QRS-P-QRS sequence, called "escape capture". If it occurs continuously, it is called escape capture bigeminy. The ECG feature is that there is a sinus P wave in two QRS wave groups, the P-R interval is>0.12 seconds, the P-P interval is consistent with the sinus rhythm period, and the R-R interval may be changed due to sinus arrhythmia. Escapes mostly originate from the junction area, and may also originate from the ventricle. Common in height or 3:2 rooms

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 After the escape QRS wave group, a sinus excitation followed. After triggering a sinus P wave, the excitation propagated down to the ventricle and triggered a QRS wave group, so the ECG showed QRS-P-QRS sequence, called "escape capture". If it occurs continuously, it is called escape capture bigeminy. The ECG feature is that there is a sinus P wave in two QRS wave groups, the P-R interval is>0.12 seconds, the P-P interval is consistent with the sinus rhythm period, and the R-R interval may be changed due to sinus arrhythmia. Escapes mostly originate from the junction area, and may also originate from the ventricle. It is commonly seen in high or 3:2 atrioventricular block and atrial premature beat without descending. Occasional escape capture rhythm can coexist with repeated rhythm, or even occur successively to form escape capture repeated rhythm.

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