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What is the meaning of cat PCR?


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    2023-07-25 14:48:32
  •  Cat PCR is a fast, accurate and reliable inspection method, which can help veterinarians diagnose diseases, formulate diagnosis and treatment plans, and improve the diagnosis and treatment effect. At the same time, it can also help cat owners to timely understand the health of cats, and prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases. Therefore, cat owners need to pay attention to the health management and disease prevention of cats, and carry out regular physical examination and related examinations in the process of caring for cats. Qiaoyijie series products cover the detection of cat respiratory tract diseases, cat digestive tract diseases, dog digestive tract diseases, parasites and other pet nucleic acid tests. The full-automatic film microfluidic nucleic acid detection machine is the main test of Qiaoyijie series products

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     Cat PCR is a fast, accurate and reliable inspection method, which can help veterinarians diagnose diseases, formulate diagnosis and treatment plans, and improve the diagnosis and treatment effect. At the same time, it can also help cat owners to timely understand the health of cats, and prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases. Therefore, cat owners need to pay attention to the health management and disease prevention of cats, and carry out regular physical examination and related examinations in the process of caring for cats. Qiaoyijie series products cover the detection of cat respiratory tract diseases, cat digestive tract diseases, dog digestive tract diseases, parasites and other pet nucleic acid tests. The full-automatic membrane microfluidic nucleic acid detection all-in-one machine is the main detection platform of Qiaoyijie series products, with high accuracy and specificity, dexterity, portability and rapid detection. It can provide customers with a fast and accurate overall solution for animal disease diagnosis.
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