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How much is a set of badminton rackets?

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How much is a set of badminton rackets?

 How much is a set of badminton rackets?

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    2013-07-27 21:26:47
  •  The best one is more than 1000. I bought one from the middle to the upper. The original shot cost more than 500. With the addition of glue and thread wrapping (you can choose the right number of pounds according to your own strength), it cost more than 600. I should be a little better. When I bought it, I looked at the price. Most of the top grades are around 400 or 500 yuan, which is more than 600 yuan. If you are an amateur, you can't use 1000 yuan, which is for professional athletes. 5. Six hundred is very good. Don't forget that Eunice's good rackets are generally nude rackets. You also need to buy a glue and twine. One racket will cost six or seven hundred~~(Eunice is probably the national unified price) I hope it's helpful to you. Please set useful, thank you!
  • 2013-07-27 21:00:35
  •  The best one is more than 1000. I bought one from the middle to the upper. The original shot cost more than 500. With the addition of glue and thread wrapping (you can choose the right number of pounds according to your own strength), it cost more than 600. I should be a little better. When I bought it, I looked at the price. Most of the top grades are around 400 or 500 yuan, which is more than 600 yuan. If you are an amateur, you can't use 1000 yuan, which is for professional athletes. 5. Six hundred is very good. Don't forget that Eunice's good rackets are generally nude rackets. You also need to buy a glue and twine. One racket will cost six or seven hundred~~(Eunice is probably the national unified price)
  • 2013-07-27 20:59:09
  •  Dozens to hundreds, depending on the professional level (if it is helpful to you, please click Thank You or Useful)
  • 2013-07-27 20:51:38
  •  50-200
  • 2013-07-27 20:49:32
  •  The price varies according to the brand. It's usually enough to buy one hundred
  • 2013-07-27 20:46:52
  •  There are expensive ones and cheap ones. The cheaper ones are only 50 or 60, and the expensive ones are thousands more
  • 2013-07-27 20:43:58
  •  Hello, according to the quality of the racket, from about 20 yuan to about 2000 yuan!

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