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What about hereditary body odor?


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    2024-03-04 10:05:39
  •  Patients with hereditary body odor can first take conservative treatment, such as washing the armpit frequently at ordinary times to keep the armpit clean and dry, which can reduce the secretion of sweat and thus alleviate certain odor. You can also go to the hospital to inject botulinum toxin, which can inhibit the secretion of sweat and remove odor. If you want to have a radical cure, you can completely remove the big sweat glands in the armpit through surgery. At this time, the armpit will not

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     Patients with hereditary body odor can first take conservative treatment, such as washing the armpit frequently at ordinary times to keep the armpit clean and dry, which can reduce the secretion of sweat and thus alleviate certain odor. You can also go to the hospital to inject botulinum toxin, which can inhibit the secretion of sweat and remove odor. If you want to have a radical cure, you can completely remove the sweat glands in the armpit through surgery. At this time, the armpit will not be free of secretions, and bacteria and microorganisms will not be able to decompose. At this time, there will not be a special smell of foul smell, so as to achieve the goal of radical cure. If you have any questions, please click the consultation link below, and the specialist will answer them online.
    Think*** | 2024-03-04 10:05:39 zero zero comment

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