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How to solve armpit odor?


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    2024-03-04 10:08:36
  •  1. Daily cleaning: pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene at ordinary times, take a bath frequently, change clothes frequently, and keep your skin fresh and dry. 2. Medication: You can take medicine orally under the guidance of a doctor to reduce the sweat secretion of the sweat glands. External drugs such as neomycin ointment and Lotol liniment can also be used to effectively alleviate the formation of odor. 3. Physical therapy: The sweat glands can be destroyed by laser, high-frequency electroacupuncture or ultrasound, so as to reduce the secretion of sweat. 4. Surgical treatment: If the symptoms are serious, surgical treatment can be considered. Such people can also undergo sweat gland resection according to the doctor's advice, completely destroy or

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     1. Daily cleaning: pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene at ordinary times, take a bath frequently, change clothes frequently, and keep your skin fresh and dry. 2. Medication: You can take medicine orally under the guidance of a doctor to reduce the sweat secretion of the sweat glands. External drugs such as neomycin ointment and Lotol liniment can also be used to effectively alleviate the formation of odor. 3. Physical therapy: The sweat glands can be destroyed by laser, high-frequency electroacupuncture or ultrasound, so as to reduce the secretion of sweat. 4. Surgical treatment: if the symptoms are serious, surgical treatment can be considered. Such people can also undergo sweat gland resection according to the doctor's advice to completely destroy or remove the sweat gland tissue and reduce secretion, which is a relatively thorough treatment method. It should be noted that the treatment method of axillary osmidrosis varies from person to person. It is recommended to choose a suitable method under the guidance of a doctor. If you have any questions, please click the consultation link below, and the specialist will answer them online.
    Benefits*** | 2024-03-04 10:08:36 zero zero comment

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