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How to solve the limitation of plasma power supply?


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    2023-10-13 07:13:51
  •  Here are some solutions: Limitations: The arc light and noise pollution of the plasma power supply are large, which may have a certain impact on the health of the operators. In addition, more heat is generated from the plasma power supply, which has a certain impact on the ambient temperature. Solution: Add an exhaust device on the cover of the plasma power supply to discharge pollutants such as plasma arc and noise from the work area, reducing the impact on operators. At the same time, thermal insulation materials and layers can be added to reduce the impact on the ambient temperature. Limitations: The larger the power of the plasma power supply, the larger its volume and mass, and the more difficult it is to move and handle. solve...

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     Here are some solutions: Limitations: The arc light and noise pollution of the plasma power supply is large, which may have a certain impact on the health of the operator. In addition, more heat is generated from the plasma power supply, which has a certain impact on the ambient temperature. Solution: Add an exhaust device on the cover of the plasma power supply to discharge pollutants such as plasma arc and noise from the work area, reducing the impact on operators. At the same time, thermal insulation materials and layers can be added to reduce the impact on the ambient temperature. Limitations: The larger the power of the plasma power supply, the larger its volume and mass, and the more difficult it is to move and handle. Solution: Fix the plasma power supply in one position to reduce the need for its movement and handling. At the same time, the modular design can be adopted to split the power supply into several modules for easy handling and installation. Limitations: The arc length of the plasma power supply is not well controlled, which will affect the cutting effect. Solution: Advanced control system and sensor technology can more accurately control the length and shape of the plasma arc, thus improving the cutting effect.
    Charming*** | 2023-10-13 07:13:51 zero zero comment
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