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Can thoracic 12 fracture paraplegia be cured?

 Can chest 12 fracture paraplegia be cured? Can chest 12 fracture and lower limb paraplegia be cured to stand up?

All answers Of two Answers)

    2016-12-28 19:47:04
  •  Disease analysis: In your case, I don't think the pain will be very serious as long as it is fixed Guidance: It may be the pain caused by swelling caused by fracture. If you need to use swelling reducing drugs and pain relieving drugs, it will be OK after 2 weeks. I hope you can take good care of it and do not move. Good luck
    R*** | 2016-12-28 19:47:04 thirty-three eleven comment
  • 2016-12-28 19:47:04
  •  Hello! It is recommended that you make an early diagnosis through the hospital. According to your brief description, there is no way to help guide you. You must make a diagnosis based on medical evidence and treat your symptoms in a timely manner.
    E*** | 2016-12-28 19:47:04 thirty eleven comment

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