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Let's talk about, who is better than the aircraft carrier flagship Gancuisuo during the expedition of the Protoss consul Tassada in the US military's X-37B space fighter vs the StarCraft?

Let's talk about, who is better than the aircraft carrier flagship Gancuisuo during the expedition of the Protoss consul Tassada in the US military's X-37B space fighter vs the StarCraft?


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    2019-06-06 17:59:17
  •  Man is really a joke. Let me say three things:
    1。 The Star Crusher, the main weapon on the Gancuisuo, can destroy a planet in an instant. Mars Sala is a typical example.
    2。 The Gancuisuo once destroyed a fleet of Terran General Edmund Duke alone. (At least 20 Yamato warships)...
    3。 In the end, Tasada filled the Gancuisuo with the power of the Light Temple and the Dark Temple, and died together with the old master of the Zerg who had the power to destroy the universe.
    Which is stronger and which is weaker, brother, see for yourself.


    2019-06-06 17:59:17

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