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How to plan Korean station


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    2019-12-11 06:37:53
  •  Foreign trade websites meet the requirements of search engine optimization, use the inclusion rules of search engines, and use search engine optimization technology to rank. From the perspective of website construction, it is important to start ranking from three aspects, including website structure, website content and important website links.
    Yuan*** | 2019-12-11 06:37:53 zero zero comment
  • 2019-12-11 02:28:54
  •  Visit location and configuration of the server (The server is recommended to be placed in your target country, the United States for Europe and the United States, and Hong Kong for Southeast Asia. The server is the basis for you to open the website. You must choose the expensive one, which is fast. Don't save thousands of dollars. There is a theory abroad that if a website can't be opened in 5 seconds, its customer churn rate is more than 85%, and its traffic is money.)
    Russia*** | 2019-12-11 02:28:54 zero zero comment
  • 2019-12-10 23:13:55
  •  Foreign trade website has marketing function, which is conducive to customer transformation and inquiry sending. Enterprise marketing website and image website are totally different concepts. Image website is a business card of an enterprise, which reflects an image of the company; The marketing website is totally different. It aims at sales. Therefore, the real demand of foreign trade enterprises is a website with marketing function, which is conducive to customer transformation and inquiry sending
    Deep*** | 2019-12-10 23:13:55 zero zero comment

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