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Badminton broken racket

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Badminton broken racket


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Favorable reply
  • 2008-10-27 16:27:00
     Broken shots mainly include: 1 The number of pounds is too high, more than 2 pounds above the recommended number of pounds Use problems, such as doubles crossover or hitting the ground 3 Quality problems, such as defective racket body carbon yarn or 100+"original racket blank belt T-head" YY4 Storage problems, such as being placed in a high temperature environment. What kind do you belong to? But when you pull the line twice a month, the number of pounds is too high?

Other answers

    2008-10-27 16:19:00
  •  What kind of photos you use is a problem, fake YY, low price victory~these are rubbish... If you are strong enough to kill the ball, I suggest you buy a good racket. YY's MP NS AT is good, and TSF is a winner
  • 2008-10-27 13:07:00
  •  If you want to buy a racket from another place, you'd better go to a professional sports mall. The quality is relatively guaranteed. Secondly, you should pay attention not to exceed the specified pound of the racket.
  • 2008-10-26 22:19:00
  •  What brand of beat is it? It may be that the guy pulling the wire is not good, and it is too easy to break the wire. One is the problem of the wire, and the other is the problem of the wire pulling technology. It is recommended that you change to BG65 line, change the place to pull the line, instead of going to the shop, find a professional master to pull the line. If this is still the case, it is recommended that you change to another brand of racket. I have used a racket for more than a year, and I have pulled the thread for 7 or 8 times. The thread protector should be changed frequently, otherwise the racket will eat thread. It is also easy to break the thread and beat.

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