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What is the position

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What is the position


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  • 2022-03-03 17:16:40
     "Position" refers to the place occupied by the army for fighting, usually with blockhouses, trenches and other fortifications.
    Sentence making:
    1. At the command, the ground shaking artillery sounded from the position.
    2. The soldiers rushed towards the enemy's position under heavy artillery fire.
    3. Our army crept into the enemy's position by night.
    4. The soldiers crawled close to the enemy's position.
    5. The soldiers attacked the enemy's position with hatred.
    6. The soldiers lay in the grass, gazing at the enemy's position.
    7. Unable to resist, the enemy had to abandon the position and flee in confusion.
    8. Before dawn, our commandos quietly approached the enemy positions.
    9. Make a bluff and cut off the enemy's position first.

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