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Explanation of Tian's Substitution for Qi

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Explanation of Tian's Substitution for Qi


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  • 2022-03-03 17:05:59
     The Tian family replaced Qi and was also called Tian Chen usurped Qi. It refers to the event that the descendants of Tian, the surname of Chen Guogui, replaced the surname of Lv, the surname of Jiang, in the State of Qi, to become the Marquis of Qi in the early Warring States Period. The Shiji · Qi Taigong Aristocratic Family and the Shiji · Tian Jingzhong Wan Aristocratic Family tell the rise and fall history of the Qi State of Lv and the Qi State of Tian. During the Spring and Autumn Period, Yan Ying, a statesman of the State of Qi, predicted that "Qi's politicians would return to the Tian family. Although the Tian family has no great virtue, it uses public power for private purposes, and has virtue for the people, who love it."
    In 386 BC, King An of Zhou officially appointed Tian He as the Marquis of Qi. Since then, Tian Shi has gained the legal status of Marquis of Qi formally. In 379 BC, Duke Kang of Qi died, and the capital was granted to the Tian family. The Jiang family and the Lv family withdrew from the historical stage of ruling Qi. It is called Tian Chen Dai Qi in history.

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