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What is the meaning of the second grade

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What is the meaning of the second grade


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  • 2022-03-03 17:40:47
     "Half believing and half doubting" means half believing and half doubting, which means not sure about the truth.
    1. "Answering the Theory of Life Conservation without Good or Bad luck in the Difficult House": "Divination is the reason for the appearance, and the tiger can divine but the land can be chosen. What is half faith and half disbelief?"
    2. Zhuzi Yulei: "If they have heard of it, they are half convinced, half doubtful, half alive, half dead, and not lazy?"
    3. The Unique Yuan and Ming Drama, The Mysterious Record of the Cave, The Second Turn: "Master exhorts me to turn back, but I am half convinced.
    If it's a beautiful mountain, I'm afraid it's not true. "
    Sentence making:
    1. There are often reports of UFOs in the press, and I am half convinced of this matter.
    2. He is a bit dubious about it.
    3. We can't do something with a dubious attitude, or we will lose more than we gain.
    4. My mother told me that if I eat well, I can grow up.
    5. We are dubious about the stories about gods told by our father.
    6. Although everyone said so, he was still half convinced.

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