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To Dongyang Ma Shengxu Notes

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To Dongyang Ma Shengxu Notes


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  • 2022-03-03 16:38:24
     Notes to the words of "Farewell to Dongyang Masheng":
    1. Dongyang: Now Dongyang County, Zhejiang Province, was under Jinhua Mansion with Qianxi at that time. Ma Sheng: Tai student surnamed Ma, that is, Ma Junze in the text. Preface: style name, including book preface and gift preface. This chapter is gift preface.
    2. To: Yes.
    3. Yu: Me. Love learning: like reading.
    4. Fake: Borrow.
    5. No slack: no slack, no relaxation in reading. No, no. It refers to copying books.
    6. Walk: Run, which means "hurry up".
    7. Overdue: exceeding the agreed time limit.
    8. Both: already, here we are.
    Crown adding: In ancient times, when a man was 20 years old, he held a crown adding ceremony (tying his hair and wearing a hat) to indicate that he had reached adulthood.
    9. The Way of Sages: refers to the Confucian orthodoxy of Confucius and Mencius. Song Lian is a Neo Confucianism who advocates benevolence and righteousness, so she highly esteems it.
    10. Master: a teacher with profound knowledge. You: Make friends.
    11. Taste: Zeng.
    Trend: Go.
    12. Pioneer of the village: a local senior who is famous in moral knowledge. This refers to Liu Guan of Pujiang, Huang Jin of Yiwu and other ancient writers. Holding Sutra and asking: Take the Sutra to ask for advice.
    13. Slightly lower your expression: put your words mildly and your face mildly. Speech, words and face.
    14. Questioning: ask questions and reasons.
    15. Chi (chi chi) (du chi chi): reprimand, scold.
    16. Wait (s): Wait. Xin (x ī n new): the same as Xin.
    17. Zhu: Finally.
    "Farewell to Dongyang Ma Sheng" is a complimentary preface written by Song Lian, a litterateur in the Ming Dynasty.
    In this preface, the author recounts his early experience of modestly seeking advice and studying hard, vividly and concretely describes his difficulties in borrowing books and seeking teachers, and his hardships in running away from hunger and cold, and compares with the superior conditions of Tai students, which strongly shows whether academic achievements can be achieved mainly because of subjective efforts, not because of talent and conditions, To encourage young people to cherish the good reading environment and concentrate on their studies.
    The full text is well structured, detailed and slightly reasonable. It is vivid and moving to read by comparing and reasoning, interspersed with details in the narrative.

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