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On Lu Xun's couplets

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On Lu Xun's couplets


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  • 2022-03-03 17:07:54
     The couplets about Lu Xun include:
    1. The first couplet: He fought against the emperor all his life. The second line: No tolerance until death.
    2. The first couplet: Never yielded in life. The second line: Fight even before death.
    3. The first couplet: Youlahua, who has made great achievements in his life. The second line: Kuang Dai's number of articles Ah Q.
    4. First couplet: hanging tomb sword when returning home. The second couplet: It's hard to find the best way to carry the talent.
    5. The first couplet: A generation of Gao Wen sets a new flag. The second line: The last words of Qianqiu's lonely painful trust.
    6. The first couplet: chivalrous and tender hearted, with eyebrows bent down. The second line: sea in the chest, wind and thunder in the pen.
    7. First line: In the national salvation front, an important town was lost. The second line: academic and ideological circles, see this perfect person.
    8. The first couplet: Shout like a madman, for the country and for yourself. The second line: Huagai cultivates hesitation and guides the people in the middle.
    9. The first couplet: pen ploughing in the wild, with sun, moon and heat in mind. The second couplet: ink sprinkles the river, spend spring and autumn at night and be generous.

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