Hunan Xintai Minggu Steel Structure Co., Ltd
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  • Zhenjiang engaged in grid price

    Source: Hunan Xintai Minggu Steel Structure Co., Ltd Time: 2024-06-26 09:05:52 [Report]

    Since the 20th century, the space structure has been greatly developed all over the world. The space grid structure is a kind of space grid structure. The so-called "space structure" is relative to the "plane structure", which has the characteristics of three-dimensional effect. The space structure can also be seen as the expansion and deepening of the plane structure. Since the appearance of space structure, it has been welcomed by people for its mechanical performance, novel and beautiful form and fast and convenient construction. In stadiums, convention and exhibition centers, cultural facilities, transportation hubs and even industrial plants that need large span and space, there are traces of spatial structures.

    After a century of continuous development, space structures are new members of space structures in terms of structural form, including membrane structures, tensegrity systems, open and close roofs, and foldable structures, in addition to space trusses and latticed shells. At the beginning of the 20th century, steel materials provided conditions for the development of space truss structures, and the subsequent aluminum alloy made the members of space truss lighter. In recent years, composite materials, especially a large number of new building materials have been developed, which has a strong impact on the development of space structures. In terms of material application, due to the continuous improvement of steel varieties and strength, space structures are also more and more using section steel, steel pipes, steel bars, cables and even cast steel products. To a large extent, the spatial structure has become a "spatial steel structure". With the emergence of modern computers, some new theories and analysis methods, such as the finite element method, non-linear analysis, dynamic analysis, etc., have been widely used in space structures, so that the calculation and design of space structures are more convenient and accurate, making space structures now ever-changing and diverse. It can be said that spatial structure has become one of the important and active fields of contemporary architectural structure.

    Spherical node is the core component of spherical space truss, and also the key link of its structural stability. Reasonable selection and arrangement of spherical joints can effectively improve the structural stability. When selecting spherical joint materials, materials with good compression resistance, torsion resistance and corrosion resistance shall be selected, such as excellent steel or cast iron. When arranging spherical nodes, the number and location of spherical nodes should be reasonably set according to the mechanical characteristics of the structure, so as to increase the connection density of nodes and improve the stiffness and stability of nodes.

    Label: engaged in grid, grid price, Zhenjiang grid, grid

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  • Hunan Xintai Minggu Steel Structure Co., Ltd
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  • 2021-07-29
  • Steel structure, metal packaging container
  • Hunan Changsha Zhongshan Road, Tongtai Street, Kaifu District, Changsha City

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Dong Junting


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Name: Hunan Xintai Minggu Steel Structure Co., Ltd
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Address: 1806, Office Building 3, Zone C, Kaifu Wanda Plaza, No. 589, Zhongshan Road, Tongtai Street, Kaifu District, Changsha City
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Steel structure, metal packaging container

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